100 Up Question


Sep 7, 2010
Near Valley Forge, PA
I've been practicing the 100 Up excercise, both minor and major. It feels good and I can feel muscle developing and strengthening around my hip flexors. So far so good.

Do any of you good, experienced folk out there have any sense of how this excercise should be optimally integrated into my regular regimen? I think I can do them daily, but how many reps at a time and how many times a day?

I'm hoping the excercise will help speed me up some of those killa trail hills that I had to walk up in the course of last year's races.
I do them as a warm up to a

I do them as a warm up to a sprint or hill workout. Just go crank out 100 real quick after you jog slow for a little while. Just remember if you only do 100 you will only get good at doing a 100 of them.

However if you want to get stronger at hills you can always run them more often, and do interval work on them. Hill sprints are awesome. Running stairs, hi rep weighted squats and Pushing a sled work well too.
Yes, Abide, I certainly do. 

Yes, Abide, I certainly do. I have a mental image of the front runners in the trail races I ran last summer and fall (I never actually saw them running, you understand) just cruising up the hills that stopped me cold. I don't expect to be able to miraculously keep up with the fast ones, but just improving would mean a lot to me.

How's about a 1000 up?
I guess what I am meaning to

I guess what I am meaning to say is it doesn't matter that much how fast or high you can lift your leg, the strength in the drive or push off (generically speaking) is more important for hill running which comes more from your posterior chain. So basically you aren't doing the correct workout.

Maybe Agel can explain it better than me, I am awful at these things called words.
Joseph,Which description log


Which description log the hundred up are you following? The one show here I would not advise doing it this way: http://www.naturalrunningstore.com/100Up

I would recommend lifting your foot under you rather than raising the knee as show here: http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=kHAc802EHy0

Do it until you can get it correct and then it is happening as you run. The video shows the foot going all the way up to touch the butt, however when running the foot may only move up about a foot at slower speeds. Only Sprint speeds would bring the foot up near under the butt.
Could you repost the link to

Could you repost the link to the style you prefer? I can't access the link you included.

Barefootandagel said:
Joseph, Which description log the hundred up are you following? The one show here I would not advise doing it this way: http://www.naturalrunningstore.com/100Up I would recommend lifting your foot under you rather than raising the knee as show here: http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=kHAc802EHy0 Do it until you can get it correct and then it is happening as you run. The video shows the foot going all the way up to touch the butt, however when running the foot may only move up about a foot at slower speeds. Only Sprint speeds would bring the foot up near under the butt.
Try again, as the link shows

Try again, as the link shows only a list of non-related stuff.

I'd really like to have the right info here and will watch with great interest.
That's not really what I

That's not really what I meant.

Here's something I would do, not that I am suggesting you do this but just to give you an idea.

Warm up

50m High knees (100ups)

50m But kickers

50m karaoke each side

50m backwards running


Then for a quick workout

50 lunges alternating legs

10 one legged squats each leg (or step ups)

20 mountain climbers 4-count

20 jumping squats

x as many rounds as you want.
Good!  Thanks for the input

Good! Thanks for the input and consideration. I started adjusting this stuff into my workout today.

...Ummm...what are karaoke? Mountain climbers?
Karaoke - at best it would be

Karaoke - at best it would be ammusing as passerbys watched me trip and fall over myself, at worst I'd probably pull a muscle in my leg LOL

Mountain Climbers - I remember my mom doing this excersize when I was young, might have to revisit that after all these years.

Barefootandagel, I dont knwo what was going on with those first few link, I took got some really strange stuff, like "Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen. "

Soo the 100 ups arent all they have cracked up to be? I've not done them yet but seems months ago they were all the rave lol. I was thinking with the cold and everything I'd be doing more inside excersizes but so far I have still been running outside. Going to be very cold and windy run today...

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