
Wow - this space is blank! Well, that CERTAINLY won't do...

So by way of introduction, my name is Christian Harberts, my handle "Christian Barefooteur" because I live in Paris and I run barefoot, much of the time...

Right now, I'm *extremely* busy setting up the French Chapter of the Barefoot Runners Society, founded on International Barefoot Running Day (which is all kinds of cool) and generally making things presentable for French-speaking folks wanting to join the movement...

I'm thinking I should add that the French BSR Chapter won't be JUST for French runners... So if you speak French, want to practice your French, are looking for runners while in France, etc. you should definitely drop by, and perhaps even sign up? We won't actually submit you to a French conversation examination...

OK, back to work!

A bientôt,

Christian "Barefooteur"


...pour le bon travialle et bienvenue al la BFS. That's it for my approximations of le bell langue. We could try Hungarian for an encore, perhaps?

It isa very cool thought, looking up a fellow BRS member and connecting for a runwhile on holiday in Paris. My mind boggles! Do you have a glass of wine after a run instead of gatorade? It would seem much more civilized.

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Christian Barefooteur
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