A new way to eat for me

I decided earlier this week to do it. I went primal. I was going through the posts by people here in the forum and came across references to primal blueprint. Funny how I have never heard of that before since it is exactly the sort of thing that would have me reading for hours on end. I am still reading about the diet, but doing it is rather easy and so I cut out all dairy, and grains. I used to be a big fan of the low carb six dollar burger while on the road for lunch, but today was the first time I ever ordered one sans cheese and ketchup. I love, love, love cheese, but alas, Grok didn't eat cheese. Poor guy. Still a good lunch item, but different.

Today I had a revelation, but first some background: I have trouble hearing. Well, it's like I hear, but speech recognition is hmmm... fuzzy? I like to read lips to be sure I know for certain what someone said. I also use closed captioning when I sit alone for the same reason. I can hear the talking just fine, but sorting out what was said is not always an easy thing.

I hate having to turn to my wife or a friend and ask what was just said. Most of the time all you get is "I don't know" because they weren't paying that much attention, or didn't know there was going to be a pop quiz. I could listen to a song 50 zillion times and never have a clue what some lyrics are unless I read them online at some point and train myself to "hear" the words. It's kind of like how most people have no idea what the full lyrics to wooly bully are, but I have a few more songs on my list

Anyway, today I was listening to one of these songs. There are no lyrics online for this particular song, so I have had to just go with it and make do with understanding only 99% of it. Until now, which is my revelation. Today, it was clearer to me somehow. I could finally understand some of the words he was singing that I wasn't sure about. :O

No other changes going on other than dietary, so.... :)

I had thought I was going to have this problem my whole life, expecting it would only get worse, but it's actually getting better! Don't know how much better it will get, but I am glad I was wrong about my assumption. Sometimes it's nice to be wrong.


Glad you hopped on the paleo train with us. It's been an amazing diet for me. I don't need to really lose weight, watch my cholesterol, etc. But in the few months I've been doing it (and I haven't even been fully paleo...I still eat dairy, potatos, and the occasional grain) I've lost several inches off my waist, dropped around 10 pounds, lowered my cholesteral several points, and my blood pressure has gone from 130/85ish to 104/70. I also have a lot more consistent energy during the day and during my runs. And plenty of other quality of life things.

Good for you! Keep us posted!
This is interesting because one of the odd reactions I get when I eat (accidentally) dairy is that my ears will ooze and I wake up with a painful crusting thing going on. It's really unpleasant and only healed really when I went dairy-free. I know there is information out there about how some pediatricians will advise that children with chronic ear/sinus infections stop all dairy.
I've heard a little about the Paleo diet, but really don't know much about it. I'm vegan, so I don't eat dairy anyways. I've never heard about dairy affecting hearing, that's really interesting! Good luck with this diet, it sounds like it's going to work well for you! Keep us posted on the long term changes to your hearing and such, I'm really interested in that.
However I have been eating something (in my past) that doesn't quite agree with my biology (that's the theory anyway based on my very unscientific and anecdotal evidence). Grains and dairy covers a lot of things so there's really nothing I can point a finger at specifically. Sorry if I made it seem I think dairy is a culprit, it could have been a common food additive for all I know. Who knows? I could only really know for sure if I became a junior scientist and established a baseline of biological function and retested say a week after re-introducing a new food. Too much work IMO. Anyhow, I am hoping I notice some other improvements. The better hearing is nice, but not a real "WOW!", more like a "Gee, that's different."

I will probably lose a lot of weight and be in the best shape of my life at some point. It would be nice to have some additional solid reasons to say quitting primal is an impossibility. I didn't really do this to lose weight, but it is amazing how soon we humans can desire to go back to "normal eating" once some goals (albeit secondary or tertiary ones) are achieved.

Edit: sorry... I see you were responding to a comment above. :slightly embarassed: :wink:
No problem! Continued success with Paleo! It is interesting trying to narrow down allergens sometimes, when I was a kid my medical records showed me being allergic to approximately 30 meds because of a mix up. Years after that, I was sent to a different hospital where I got 20 or so skin pricks on my arms to test for allergens, and found out I was allergic to 0 of them! The entry in my medical records regarding the allergies was made while I had a wicked stomach flu and threw up anything they gave me!

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