Martial Arts & Barefoot Running

I have been training in the martial arts since the late 80's. I have always enjoyed the barefoot training in the gym/dojo/dojang. It has been such a natural connection for me to enjoy barefoot (and minimalist) running along with that. The two seem to fit like chocolate and peanut butter. yum.

This isn't just a feeling - although it is a big part. It is technical also. The understanding of how the body works with proper technique execution, footwork, and balance. The concepts I read and worked with about with running unshod mirror my own thoughts and training to understand the human body.

I definitely recommend any avid martial artist to look into running this way. (And visa versa).


What I love about the dojang my sons attend is that "barefoot" is a requirement, and no shoes are allowed. I don't get martial art footwear. Why, when you can do it barefoot. -TJ
TJ, same for running. if you can do it bf then why shoes?
While I am bf the vast majority of the time, there are times when we train in shoes, wearing various clothing to verify technique - especially in self-defense.

One interesting note, a barefoot kick is more powerful that with shoes. The impact absorption from footwear lessens power and inability to 'project' specific points on the foot toward your target make shoes less effective.

My master is a grandmaster who train as a boy in South Korea. The often tells about his street fighting. He says you knew when a fighter was very serious if they took their shoes off at the beginning. ;-)
Love that, taking off the shoes to get ready to fight.
My kids are both doing karate. They have to take off their shoes and socks before they warm up. They do wear protective gear (gloves, helmet, foot) when sparring. Recently I started coming into the dojo with both sons and myself barefoot. I mean, why not? Walk in with shoes just to take them off? And if the kids are practicing barefoot all over the floor, why not walk the last 6 feet to the door barefoot? - Now that it is summer, I again consider the obstacle of entering stores without shoes. (but that... is another thread.)

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