Mileage reporting 32nd week of 2014

Wow where did this week go!

Yep... and my weeks probably over already too. This is my 72hr week, only get one day off (well day and a half technically). So I don't generally do a lot of miles, but I make the best out of it anyhow. But still ramping up my mileage and speed slowly from my rest week. Tuesday did 2.1 mile jog, Thursday (my one day off) did 6.5mi run after sleeping 11hrs! Today is sort of a half day off since I transition to nightshifts and don't go in until 6PM, and generally up late morning still so have a few hours... got a nice long ride in today of 30 miles (barefoot). I did work hard on some hills but overall tried not to push too hard since I was a bit sore after my last ride where I pushed to see how fast I could do it. This time I averaged 14.7mph overall, fastest 1 mile of 2:57.

Might try to do weights over the weekend, been like a week since I've done WT.
2 miles, barefoot, pavement. I am only suppose to be running 1.25 right now, but, the endurance beast is breaking out and I had to slap her down just to keep her at 2!!! My running form is superb because I have learned how to balance my hip imbalance better than I EVER have. So, running is no longer running, it is now GLIDING. I could do it forever...
Thursday - 45 minutes on spin bike in morning before heading to hospital

Friday - Dear hubby helped me work out schedule to get in a pleasant 10 miles barefoot along the Boise River greenbelt between helping out with my mom.

Saturday - was able to fit in 3 miles before heading to the hospital. Discoverd that in the pre-dawn near dark, mailboxes look like large dogs, which were barking somewhere.

Should get home mid afternoon and get in a little swim.

Addendum: I forgot to add that that made a 40 mile week for me, which is a first.
Managed to get a 1 hour+ pavement run in everyday this week since I've been on vacation all week.

Today did a 16 mile run to finish off the week to reach a new weekly PR of 66 miles...the cool morning temps lately really helped out too. No blisters or cuts...feets held up well with just a bit abrasion on a couple toes. It will be back to my normal 10 - 30 miles a week starting on Monday but will try to keep a daily run streak going for a while.
10.46 miles at an 11:23 mm pace, all STG.

Felt great, had a lot of different tactile experience, ran on sidewalk as smooth as a baby's bottom, then chip seal, then newly paved blacktop, then sandy trail, and about a half mile of pine needles, and as a special treat, I found a street than ran for about two miles of well manicured grass broken by only about 3 street crossings, that was fun, not common to find a place where you can run that far on grass.
Sunday 8km - my first run for the week. Last week's long run left me with pain at the back of my heels, which Dr. Google diagnosed as the other plantar fasci-something, and the trigger point book put down to soleus issues. Sure enough, my lower calves have a couple of nasty knots, so I spent the week rolling and massaging. Played basketball on Wednesday night and it felt OK once it warmed up, so I figured a few more days and a gentle start and it's back on the horse.

So, today. Howling gale on the beach, but a sunny winters day. I plodded the first 4km straight into the teeth of the wind, and then turned around and loped back like a gazelle with the wind pushing me along, which was kinda fun. My strava pace graph tells the tale - 5:30 pace on the way out, and 4:30 pace on the way back! The waves were up again today, and that meant jellyfish again. I even had a few squish between my toes, which is always good for a laugh. Not many people on the beach despite the nice weather, but I did run past one guy getting ready to go kite surfing. I was tempted to ask to borrow his kite so I could put a 2 minute km on my strava feed for my mates to admire. :)
2 miles, pavement, Skoras - I will NOT be running on pavement with those again. They are perfect for work, however, and I wear the with my Correct Toes.
which model and color Skoras did you get?
Did you purchase them online or at a store?
which model and color Skoras did you get?
Did you purchase them online or at a store?

I dunno and at the store - they had 3-4 to choose from. I NOW wear 8 double-wides so they were the widest. The problem is the sculpted roundish heel and my bad hip, too much instability for my weakness on that side, AND it is REPETITIOUS instability cuz of the flatness. When I hit the trails again, the erratic terrain should allow me to wear them without issue.
City2Surf race yesterday, from the middle of Sydney CBD (downtown), to Bondi. The race is 14km/8.7mi. When I did this race last year, my feet were killing me at the end, as there is a section of about 4km where the bitumen is quite rough.

This year I took the inside socks of my Vivo Ultras Barefoot, as a backup plan, but did not need them.

I missed my target of 1h15min (by 2min!), which would have allowed me to start in the best category in 2015. Still very happy with the result !
Haven't reported much the last few weeks due to weddings, holidays, and out of town work. While I was off on holidays I pretty much ran everyday first thing in the morning before the heat and humidity hit. These runs were any where from 5k to about 14k runs. If I felt good I went longer if I didn't feel it I went 5k. Also lots of barefoot golf as well which would be about a 5k walk per round as well. Feeling good, no injuries and feeling a little faster this year. Funny comment of the week was at the airport while traveling out of town. I told my daughter that I was going to see if I could go from the house to the hotel where we were staying without putting on footwear. And I was successfull, only comment I heard was from the security guy as we were going through the screening. I was told it was not nececcary to take of my shoes to go go through. :rolleyes:
1.25 ish miles on the pavement in modified vffs - I sprinted a halfish mile. It was at the beginning of a thunderstorm, too!
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