Mileage reporting 32nd week of 2014


Chapter Presidents
Apr 3, 2010
I'll kick things off for this week...

Sunday 7.4 miles local roads on a nice sunny morning 70F...just ran by feel no watch. Played a round of barefoot Disc golf in the afternoon.

Monday same run as Sunday but ran with my Garmin went a bit slower...another gorgeous morning sunny hi 60'sF.
Sunday I got a 5 mile run in. Also went for a long (for me) ride. I'm still a newbie to cycling, trying to get my mileage up. First run on the new tires with proper pressure (tires than came on my bike where the original 1988 tires and had bulges and cord sticking out the sidewalls. They just paved a little more of a local bike trail so I biked the the whole thing and back and pushed a little (too hard) to get a baseline of what I could do the trail in. I have about a mile discrepancy between my garmin and my phone, but about ~27 miles in 1:39. Longest ride since I was a kid! The first half (with a very slight wind & elevation advantage) I averaged 18.5 mph. Overall average 16.5. Probably a bit to aggressive for the few amounts of rides I've done, my left calf is hurting today, and in a totally different spot then when it hurts from running so pretty sure it was from the bike.

I was debating starting a new mileage reporting thread just for biking mileage. Any thoughts? Probably not enough activity to go weekly like these threads, but maybe just one thread for the whole year? Or maybe not enough activity to worry about at all, and keep mixing it in with these mileage threads. I guess we all mix in weigh lifting, and other workouts too.
7 km barefoot trail walking with a 30 lbs backpack. Surface : packed dirt, needles, roots, mud, gravel, rocks. I had planned on going for like 3-4 km but I got lost. I also stubbed my left big toe :(
7 km barefoot trail walking with a 30 lbs backpack. Surface : packed dirt, needles, roots, mud, gravel, rocks. I had planned on going for like 3-4 km but I got lost. I also stubbed my left big toe :(

Always harder with extra weight!
I have to start with last Friday's 9 miles, which I did just before finishing packing for and heading off camping. Then, Saturday late morning, we hiked 6 miles in the blazing sun at just over 6000 feet. I don't think I ever quite got rehydrated from that, partly due to the extra long drive home Sunday because of a fire being dealt with along the road. It all added up to a disastrous bonk at 11.5 miles into my 22 mile run on Monday morning, which was hot and humid in its own right. I was ready to give up running, it just felt so bad. Dear husband encouraged me to try to finish at least some of the miles in the evening, which I did after a day of desk work, massaging, and hydrating. The 10.5 miles in the evening felt much better than the last 6 miles of my morning run, and up until the last half mile, I hardly felt I had run 11.5 miles in the morning. Live and learn.
outdoor lap swim, what a treat!
two walks with my sister's dog on the perfect asphalt trails and concrete sidewalks, some running here and there, about 1.5-2 mi total.
3 miles in thin socks on my sister's treadmill, in 1 mile increments, with breaks in between to play pool with my kids in the basement.
some squats, a few curls, and a few abs, but not much.
1 long trip around ikea to look at furniture.

Monday: 2.5 miles late morning at my place in sandals, 1 mi with kids, the rest alone.
evening swim
lots of packing (why oh why do we have so many books????)
some evening light bf jogging downtown (maybe 1/2 a mile), just for the fun of it.

Tuesday: 20 min on the dreaded elliptical, but I was too lazy to leave the gym for a run. I know.
some weights.
considering evening swim as time allows.
5 mile run at 4:45 am still warm out
no animal sightings to speak of today.
I felt a few cool areas blowing across my calves. (weird) or I was hallucinating
Anyway, working on relaxing everything, even the balls of my feet.
I'm resting. I got a pretty serous runners knee on the marathon on the way down the first mountain (we had 2 large mountains to pass and one smaller one in the middle). It hurt so much when I finally got to the water/food station at the bottom of that first one that I had to stop there and get picked up by my husband. I couldn't even walk anymore.
I'm resting. I got a pretty serous runners knee on the marathon on the way down the first mountain (we had 2 large mountains to pass and one smaller one in the middle). It hurt so much when I finally got to the water/food station at the bottom of that first one that I had to stop there and get picked up by my husband. I couldn't even walk anymore.

So sorry to hear you are hurt!
I'm resting. I got a pretty serous runners knee on the marathon on the way down the first mountain (we had 2 large mountains to pass and one smaller one in the middle). It hurt so much when I finally got to the water/food station at the bottom of that first one that I had to stop there and get picked up by my husband. I couldn't even walk anymore.

Sending good thoughts your way for a speedy recovery.
12.7km/7.9mi today, with a very nice weather...

I pushed a bit, to see how fast I can go, Sunday is the City2Surf run in Sydney, along with 80'000 other runners, it will be fun !

Tomorrow will be a recovery run (keep the HR below 80%max)
Tuesday - spin bike 60 minutes in AM

Wednesday - run in Lunas 6 miles, babying recurring tnder spot on ball of left foot. Then, 25 minutes if swimming in afternoon.

In evening, received word that my formerly energetic and cheerful mother had to be taken to ER. Looks like multiple masses in the brain. There was no prior indication. She is not conscious as of just before EMTs came. Spent many hours until late at hospital. Managed about 4 hours of sleep. Thought it just as well to do an easy 45 minute spin bike workout this morning before I head back to hospital this AM to support my dad and hear MRI test results.
Today, 5 km bike ride. I definately prefer running and hiking. 2.09 km barefoot run on pavement. Fastest pace. No pain on the side of big toe knuckle this time. I try (I still tense up) to run more relaxed since everything seems to flow better this way.

I do experience a bit of pain in the post-tib area. So far, I chalk it up to a lack experience and that's why I'm still doing only 2 km.
12.3km/7.6mi, weather is turned really bad here, with rain, 8C/46F, my feet are over sensitive, and have bad cracks in my heels.....

Sports tape was my friend today, and will make sure to take care of my feet before the race on Sunday. If not better, I'll have to go with my Vivo
Tuesday - spin bike 60 minutes in AM

Wednesday - run in Lunas 6 miles, babying recurring tnder spot on ball of left foot. Then, 25 minutes if swimming in afternoon.

In evening, received word that my formerly energetic and cheerful mother had to be taken to ER. Looks like multiple masses in the brain. There was no prior indication. She is not conscious as of just before EMTs came. Spent many hours until late at hospital. Managed about 4 hours of sleep. Thought it just as well to do an easy 45 minute spin bike workout this morning before I head back to hospital this AM to support my dad and hear MRI test results.
Laura, I am so very sorry to hear about your mom's situation, I hope and pray that all turns out ok at the end.
Thinking of you and family.
Take care of yourself.
Wow where did this week go!

I did the 4.6 mile loop near home everyday, plus about a mile of running with the dog everyday this week...and a few strides everyday along with my regular routine of 100 ups and running pose standing etc.

Am gunna try from some big mileage (for me) this weekend :)

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