

Apr 9, 2011
I just had the BEST puddle run (B.P.R.) of my LIFE!!! I managed to jump in five, 6 inch by 5 foot long pools of water along the street I was running on. When I jumped in the water would spray out about 3 feet in all directions. I ran through the fountains along the water front (not sure why they are on). I also jumped in the medium and small ones all along the way. There was hardly anyone else running...
today and when I jumped in one of them, a runner ran by me and said, "I got it." For second I thought he meant that he finally "understood" why it is he, too, should jump in puddles while running, but then I realized I had splashed him. I laughed out loud. :) I am now soaked in gasoline and water. Good think I don't smoke.
Sounds lovely and fun. There is nothing like it to be running in puddles, pure joy!
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Love puddle jumping, why avoid a good splash I always say, as long as I am not on the receiving end.
Sid, no washer machine?
Well, yes. I suppose that I do have a black tech shirt that I could wear. Though, I'm not a big fan of dirt. Yard work, no problem. I particularly don't understand it when people pay money to get dirty in those races.

Puddles maybe, especially if I just stepped on a dead toad. Oh, how I looked and looked for a nice puddle that morning...
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Well, I don't mind getting dirty when necessary. I just don't see the point, when it's not. As Monk might say, think of the poor person who has to clean up that mess!

I can hear my sister saying the same thing. She doesn't like getting wet either...
Not to be a prude, but all of my running tops are white for night-time visibility, so no puddles for me...
Though, I do have a rain jacket that was only available in black, so perhaps there's hope yet!

Sid, no one is suggesting you go from no puddling to Jen's varsity level puddle jumping. That, as you have learned, can lead to TMTS injuries such as frogonitis and stress staining.
You have to start slow.
First, dip your toe while standing still, into a spoonful of water, maintaining exactly 180 cadence, for 1 minute every other day.
When you can do that 3 times per week with no side effects, begin dipping your toe and forefoot. Stop the minute you feel pain.
Only after you have reached this stage comfortably should you even think about walking bf on damp pavement.

Isn't Jason going to start the Puddle Running University site? Much needed to avoid such trauma.

Sid, no one is suggesting you go from no puddling to Jen's varsity level puddle jumping. That, as you have learned, can lead to TMTS injuries such as frogonitis and stress staining.
You have to start slow.
First, dip your toe while standing still, into a spoonful of water, maintaining exactly 180 cadence, for 1 minute every other day.
When you can do that 3 times per week with no side effects, begin dipping your toe and forefoot. Stop the minute you feel pain.
Only after you have reached this stage comfortably should you even think about walking bf on damp pavement.

Isn't Jason going to start the Puddle Running University site? Much needed to avoid such trauma.

Sced, what do you propose for proper puddle jumping? Pose, natural puddle jumping or Chi puddle jumping. :D