Mileage Reporting 30th Week of 2013

Great photo Stephanie!

6.5km BF on the beach this morning. It was a balmy 10 degrees (C) which is as nice as it has been in the morning here for a while. I could even feel my toes!

My sore knee stayed happy, but the other one started complaining a tiny bit right at the end. I think this is a good sign that it is a muscle thing that I can beat with a bit of massage. Trigger point workbook is in the mail.
The worst thing about the half-mile of running I did this morning is that it was so hard to stop. I just wanted to keep going and it felt like my awareness of myself and everything around me was expanding. After I stopped running and walked around to cool off, it felt like my feet were tingling in a really good way and the only problem was suppressing the urge to start running some more.

But it does seem that I've got a bit of tender pre-blister spot on the outside edge of the bottom of the left pinky toe. Does that mean I'm trying to push off with it and the left foot?

Everyone has an imbalances in how their feet hit the ground, which is a result of having a dominant side (hand), which in turn affects how the entire body repeatedly twists, throughout the day. Once you start running more, you will learn to "feel" the imbalances more clearly and adjust for them accordingly by simply concentration on making your form more symmetrical. For example, I am right-handed and also have a literally longer left leg, than right leg -so I have a pretty significant imbalance in my hips (the leg issues exacerbating the existing dominant-side, twist). As a result, my left foot likes to "flop" straight down and "lift" straight up, when I run, when it should be "rolling" down and "peeling" up. When I run I have to consciously think about rolling it down and peeling it up. Between that conscious effort and adding in weight-lifting -to balance out the imbalanced muscles strength in my legs -which also results from the "twist"- I have managed to train my left side to operate like the right side, more often than not, while running. The more mileage I run in a week, the more automatic it becomes. The body is amazing, in that way, because it's totally possible to retrain the brain to sense what you are teaching the body to do, as the "new normal".
6.01 on the trail in 1:23. Now at first, I was rather disturbed by the slow time, until I saw that I had a 896 ft elevation gain, which I find to be respectable, so I'll shut up about that.

Elevation is no excuse:p
Elevation is no excuse:p

Ouch! Poor Pirate.

I usually throw the elevation and altitude in my reports to excuse my slow times. I guess I'll just not list my times from now on.:) One post is a "take it easy post" and the next is "you are a wimp" post. Just can't win with Dama. JK, feedback is always appreciated and trash talkin is a good motivator.

4.5 easy paced miles today. Barefoot on the gravel, stickers, hay stubble.
Ouch! Poor Pirate.

I usually throw the elevation and altitude in my reports to excuse my slow times. I guess I'll just not list my times from now on.:) One post is a "take it easy post" and the next is "you are a wimp" post. Just can't win with Dama. JK, feedback is always appreciated and trash talkin is a good motivator.

4.5 easy paced miles today. Barefoot on the gravel, stickers, hay stubble.

No elevation? how long it took you to run the "easy pace" miles?:singing:
I've discovered the easy way not to post the time it takes me. I've been doing my runs without a watch. Of course, I still don't feel much like I'm running yet as I'm converting the walking I've been doing over to running. And I've been tossing around in my head whether or not I should eventually strap on a watch. But I've been kind of liking this running without a watch idea, and just being careful to have an idea in my head about how far I want to run and starting from a landmark and ending at another.

Maybe I'll just ditch keeping time on these things.
I've discovered the easy way not to post the time it takes me. I've been doing my runs without a watch. Of course, I still don't feel much like I'm running yet as I'm converting the walking I've been doing over to running. And I've been tossing around in my head whether or not I should eventually strap on a watch. But I've been kind of liking this running without a watch idea, and just being careful to have an idea in my head about how far I want to run and starting from a landmark and ending at another.

Maybe I'll just ditch keeping time on these things.
when you're done transitioning and are running full time post your times so I can give you crap also(please don't hate me):playful:
No elevation? how long it took you to run the "easy pace" miles?:singing:

About 80 ft. I have one small hill on the western edge of the farm. Plus a few feet of up and down on the ditch banks trying to escape the gravel. Quite a few stops to check the dryness of our soggy alfalfa windrows to see if there is any chance of harvest today. No watch, but my best guess is one hour.
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when you're done transitioning and are running full time post your times so I can give you crap also(please don't hate me):playful:

I'll put in something like, ran 3 miles for a bit of time, or ran 5 miles for some time, or ran 10 miles during the early morning.
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About 80 ft. I have one small hill on the western edge of the farm. Plus a few feet of up and down on the ditch banks trying to escape the gravel. Quite a few stops to check the dryness of our soggy alfalfa windrows to see if there is any chance of harvest today. No watch, but my best guess is one hour.

4.5 miles in one hr nd you call yourself a runner?:p hehehe.
I'll put in something like, ran 3 miles for a bit of time, or ran 5 miles for some time, or ran 10 miles during the early morning.

post your times really, don't be a :chicken: I might promise to be nice(if I can)
post your times really, don't be a :chicken: I might promise to be nice(if I can)

Tell you what. Assuming I don't do something stupid and hurt myself, or somehow fail to get myself ready for it, when I run that 5K that I intend to run the last weekend of October, I'll have a measured time then and I'll report what it was. But for now, I think I'm going to fly with the idea of just running without a clock. It seems kind of primal somehow. Maybe I need a little primal in my life right now.
Tell you what. Assuming I don't do something stupid and hurt myself, or somehow fail to get myself ready for it, when I run that 5K that I intend to run the last weekend of October, I'll have a measured time then and I'll report what it was. But for now, I think I'm going to fly with the idea of just running without a clock. It seems kind of primal somehow. Maybe I need a little primal in my life right now.

Deal!!! :cool:
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