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  • It's really cold
    Yes, I agree. The cold will always win when we overdo it.
    • Barefoot TJ
  • It's really cold
    I do find that if I can keep my core, head and hands warm, my feet are fine. I'm sure there's a limit to this.
    • Clark
  • It's really cold
    Do you find that when you run barefoot in seriously frigid temps, that if you bundle up thick in the torso, your feet don't feel the cold as much...
    • Barefoot TJ
  • I'm now officially a meme and one of the sights of New York
    That is hilarious! I'm sorry I missed this, Ira! You look comfortable. I think New Yorkers would be some of the last folks to understand why...
    • Barefoot TJ
  • Entry[001]_The First
    Welcome! Let us know how you progress.
    • Barefoot TJ

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So I have been slowly adapting my legs, (calves and achilles mostly) for longer and longer runs in my VFFs. With a hectic schedule lately my running didn't get a very high priority. So I decided to jump start my barefooting progress. I was feeling like I really needed a good run, and I truly...
This blog was originally posted here. My day started off with my calves still hurting me from doing the 5K the other day(the hills got to me), but I wanted to run again today. I started off showing my mom how to run so she could reduce stress on her body. She was having Iliotibial Band...
This was originally posted on my blog here. The map along with other information can be found here. Yesterday I ran my first 5K in six years. More importantly, this was my first barefoot 5K ever! The race took place between two churches and offered a shuttle to bring runners back to the...
I tried out my first barefoot run post surgery on Monday this past week. 2.3 miles at a 12 min/mile pace. Slow but it felt great! No issues at all. I ran barefoot again on Wednesday and then again today. Today I upped it to 3.1 miles. I'm feeling the normal soreness but nothing unusual. My left...
I should be out running at the moment. I'm dressed for it. I have 45 minutes until I have to pick up my son from school. I could not find my mp3 player (two family members used it over the weekend, and someone put it somewhere). I started to look for it, but cannot find it. I did find a giant...
I'm a week away from running my first barefoot half marathon. GOODNEWS... Ihad been struggling in training with being sick and TOFP. Itook a hiatus for 2 weeks for TOFP leaving me 2 1/2 weeks to prepare for my half marathon. Iwent out this morning in my VFFs to attempt a 10 mile run to see if...
I have been dealing with allergies/a cold for a couple of days, so I decided not to push myself to really run today. Instead I threw on my VFFs, hung my camera across my body, left the Sansa at home and went out to just enjoy myself for an hour. It might not have done anything for my cardio...
Okay...I started barefooting about four months ago andhave been gradually building up. I'm up to about 3 miles barefoot now andaround 6 miles inmyVibram Five Fingers. All ofthis has happened without knee pain which iswhy I started doing this in the first place. Last weekIdecided I'd stepit up a...
I had a fun run today. It was a fund raiser for the High School track team so lots and lots of teenagers. Warming up on the track, I had the usual funny looks and questions, “Are you racing barefoot??” YUP! Early in the race I got stuck behind about 6 teenage girls running shoulder...
I ran farther yesterday than I had gone in almost a year. I was expecting to feel sore today. I actually feel really good, with one notable exception. There was one point while on the trail that I got distracted by a lame song on my Sansa and landed on a very pointy rock. I didn't feel any...
Today I meet a runner that is a leg amputee, he was running with one of those springy carbon fiber artificial legs. I talked with him for a few minutes then ran about half a mile with him on part of my long run. He was hurt in a motorcycle accident and basically was given little chance to ever...
Today was the first day all week I've been able to get out and run. I had planned my week with Sunday and Tuesday runs, but then my 5-year-old son got sick and mama's desires took a back seat. This morning, I was determined to go have a decent run, one not truncated by meetings or family...
In April of 2009, I joined my husband's office team in the American Cancer Society 24-Hour Relay for Life. Hubby and I walked a lap (3.75 miles) on Saturday then went back in the wee hours of Sunday and I ran 3 more. I decided then that I would be back next year for 35 miles and someday I would...
On the 7th of April, Ihad surgery to remove a large bone spur from the rear of my right heel. It has been 11 days now and my recovery is going very well. I'm pleased. I was concerned, naturally, that things might not go that well, but so far have been proven wrong. I was mostly concerned because...
As I promised in previous blog:little report about "l?rdalsløpet" - local runningrace here in L?rdal - Norway. It good to live in west part of Norway - can't be bored to weather:today we have had it all:sun, wind, rain, snow - and about 5 degrees of Celsius. Ok, the day of the race: I have to...
2 miles :: 10 minute pace Six days since Griffith Park and I hadn't really tested my soles. Except for sore calves, my feet felt great. The ball of my left foot, so sore this week, felt good, just minor discomfort. On the hilly descents I let go and ran without the usual apprehension. I was...
Busy week visiting in Oslo. Tuesday flight from Sogndal to Oslo and Metallica consert on the evening in the Telenor Arena. Wednesday Photoshooting and filming on the roof of the Oslo Opera House - promoting CST - Norway and coming CST-IC seminar... And finally "Barefoot seminar" under title...
11.59 mi :: 03:16 hours :: 16:54 minute pace Yesterday was not just my longest barefoot run but my longest run ever. It was tough, but I learned a lot. Although my soles got beat up pretty good, I ran steady and solid. I was worried my feet would give out before my will, but actually my...
Hello all! Last Thursday I ran an easy 4 miler. It was supposed to be 5 miles. However, I started to feel a little bit of that TOFP creeping back, so I cut my run a little short. When I got home and showered, the realization that I was having a relapse of the dreaded TOFP set in. Fortunately...
How do you start barefooting in Northern Michigan in January? Well, I read everything I could find, and while I was not excited about basically starting from scratch, I was sold on the idea of running without shoes, so decided it would be worth the effort. I began by doing my cross training...

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