the transition...part 2

How do you start barefooting in Northern Michigan in January?

Well, I read everything I could find, and while I was not excited about basically starting from scratch, I was sold on the idea of running without shoes, so decided it would be worth the effort. I began by doing my cross training barefoot. This winter, that consisted of using the kids' wii, and buying a copy of wii Active. Its was a great way to get some basic core workouts in, along with being a good excuse for running in plade without feeling like a total tool. 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week, all done barefoot.

My outdoor work was all snowshoe runs. I usually do 3 or 4 snowshoe races over the winter. Can't exaclty do that barefoot, so Ihad to invest in a treadmill.

I began by doing short, easy runs wearing only my socks. As I felt my stride and mechanics get stronger, I made those runs longer. I was very slow to add mileage to the sock workouts. It seemed frustrating at times to be going so slow, but I managed to avoid any injuries so far.

One day I felt really good, so I took the socks off and did 4 miles at an 8:00 pace on the mill. I blisterred my feet in places I didn't think was possible. On the sides, on the tips of my toes, I had blisters everywhere.

Barefooting it on the treadmill was like running on a cheese grater.


Running on a treadmill is not my favorite thing either, but as you pointed out, sometimes you just don't have a choice. It is possible that you are having some form issues because you should not be blistering like that even on a treadmill -especially a new one! The blisters on the tips of your toes are a dead giveaway to a form problem. If you are lifting your feet, rather than pushing off, you should not be getting blisters there. Your landings should be under your center of gravity. And your strides should be short and quick. Now that the weather is getting warmer, you should be able to transition to barefoot runs outdoors. Let us know how you're progressing!

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  • the transitionist
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