Who loves the darkness??

after the long, cold winter

after the long, cold winter the heat of spring on the roads does feel good. but it soon turns to summer, which i absolutely dread. like tj said, run in the morning or later in the day.

and blind boy, i gotta say that i'm totally envious of the shortness of your days!
I really like to run in the

I really like to run in the dark, but I also enjoy sunshine for all my other activities. Actually I think running is about the only thing that I prefer to do in the dark.
Danjo wrote: I really like to

Danjo said:
I really like to run in the dark, but I also enjoy sunshine for all my other activities. Actually I think running is about the only thing that I prefer to do in the dark.

I think there is some weird thing with bf running and darkness. I've started running early in the day when its still quite dark and now I discover there is actually two other totally bf runners in my area. I've never seen any of them in the light though.
 I thought you meant "The

I thought you meant "The Darkness" as in a crazy UK band...

I was just about to say me, but then of course I read the thread..

I don't like the dark, unless it involves me sitting in front of a fire with a good book and a glass of something alcoholic.
fetish, I'm with you on

fetish, I'm with you on running in the dark. Just not the shorter nights. When I leave for work now, it's dark. When I get home, it's dark. I feel like I use all the good hours cooped up in an office with no windows.
 Gloomy weather, to me, is

Gloomy weather, to me, is beautiful weather. Melancholy atmospheres are what I live for. Running in the rain, the dark, or under a clouded sky is the best.
Cute kitty, Namaste.I love

Cute kitty, Namaste.

I love all kinds of weather, and I like running in all kinds of weather too. I love storms. My best rain run was in a torrential downpour with thunder. Nothing like a good boom to keep you going and running fast.
Namaste wrote: Gloomy

Namaste said:
Gloomy weather, to me, is beautiful weather. Melancholy atmospheres are what I live for. Running in the rain, the dark, or under a clouded sky is the best.

Namaste!!! Great minds think alike! Finally someone who understands me!

WE'RE OVER THE HUMP STARTING TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dec. 13 the sun sets a little later. By the end of the month we've gained 10 minutes of sunlight in the evening! Hooray! I hate winter.
If I hear there is any

If I hear there is any howling at the full moon soon, I'll be putting on the shoes for good. Sunrise today was at 6am and sets at 8:30pm - I'm a sun lover, thought I do enjoy running in the early mornings.
fetish4running wrote:Hold on

fetish4running said:
Hold on there...I thought the shortest day of the year is December 21!

Nope, same as every day, exactly 24 hours!!

The winter soltice DOES have the shortest time between sunrise and sunset though, giving it the day of shortest duration of possible sunlight.

However that does NOT equate to earliest sunset. As has been correctly posted already, the sun will set later and later from this point on, BUT, it will rise later and later as well by a greater number of minutes until we reach the solstice.

Your number of minutes will vary of course based on your lattitude vs the op's.

As if we're not confused enough...I lied. All days do NOT have 24 hours. In order to correct things, every once in a while we do adopt a "leap second" to keep our clocks in line with our planet's orbital mechanics, thereby creating a day that is a whopping whole second longer than all the others. Sure hope I'M not working next time it rolls around!
fetish4running wrote:Hold on

fetish4running said:
Hold on there...I thought the shortest day of the year is December 21!

In my area, Missouri, the earliest that the sun sets is 4.39pm on the 13th. There after it sets a little later each week. Of course the sunrise gets later each day for a while, so yes, the days are still getting shorter up till the 21st. But I'm more interested about the sunset than sunrise. I hate fall and winter when the sun goes down earlier each day. So Dec. 13th for me is a turning point.
My question is: would we care

My question is: would we care about any of this if we didn't have clocks? I guess length of day, yes, but "when" the sun sets would be just that: when the sun sets.

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