While I've been out....


Dec 15, 2010
Anyone stepped up and done a BF 100 yet?
I had to think for a minute, who's that? Welcome back, Chaser!
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Thanks TJ! I see your back running again! That's great news!
we're all waiting on you since you got half way there.
Oh god help us then....

How's Maffetone working out for you Mike?
BF 100? Google search says THIS is a BF 100. I'm no expert, but I imagine doing one of these could cause some sort of permanent damage.
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it would work better if i didn't keep blowing it by overtraining and being so stressed. i've been sick twice in two months and raced when i shouldn't have. my time has went up significantly and i can't seem to run right now. it's like i'm starting as a beginner. i think my times are actually worse than when i first started. last winter my times dropped fast and fairly low so i'm hopeful a two week break will clear out this virus i picked up and lower some stress. i will run again then. if i don't see a change after two months then i'll scrap it.

in the meantime i will do pistols and one armed push ups for strength training. well, at least what i can do for pistols and push ups. i know maf discourages it but his beliefs on doing it as well as the protocols i'm following from Pavel, both recommend not going into fatigue.

this all tells me i need to do more aerobic work and work on some strength moves. one of my colleagues is a personal trainer and when we did posture analyses he told me i have weak quads, tight hammies, flat feet, tight calves. basically that i'm a mess, which i knew. when i get that sorted then i'll hit high mileage like you.

you running at all?
Lol, high mileage like me... Right... I ran my longest distance in about 4 or 5 months this morning. A whopping 6.5 miles! I got stuck on a 4 month long turn around at work working 7-12's and sometimes much much longer, so all running and training and even healthy eating was put on the back burner.

But now I'm back to a "normal" schedule, at least as normal as can be expected where I'm at, and I'm actually following the "Makers Diet" by Jordan Rubin and I'm seeing weight literally fall off. I've never Been this impressed with a diet and weight loss. Luckily loosing weight makes running all that much easier, so hopefully ill be able to bounce back relatively quickly and without any upsets.

I signed up for a half marathon in the beginning of March, I ran a 1:43, or something like that?, 2 years ago. Ill be happy to break 2 hours this year! But it's all in the name of ultras now. Lol. I want to get under 1:30 for a half, but its not my #1 priority. I'd rather complete a 100 mile ultra. That seems like more fun to me!!!

Ramvez, glad to see your still around and still have your sense of houmor that I do so oh enjoy!
Not really running, just sort of carrying myself around the neighborhood loop, 3 times so far this year! Yippee!
Well it's certainly a "step" in the right direction!

Geez... Sometimes I'm so corny I can't believe myself...
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I got stuck on a 4 month long turn around at work working 7-12's and sometimes much much longer, so all running and training and even healthy eating was put on the back burner

Do you work at a chemical plant? I used to deal with TAR's when I was at a plant in central NJ (only 7 to 10 days long, though) and had to work nighttime 12's which turned into 14's due to meetings and whatnot. Nothing else but work, eat and sleep [poorly] - everything went to hell in a handbasket those days...
That is correct. I work at a chemical plant inhaling all types of nice fumes and gasses and byproducts that do wonders for my already damaged and tortured peanut sized brain.

But the money's good!
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Glad to see you back Chaser, and don't sell yourself short, your brain must be at least the size of a brazil nut.

I'm still Maffing, but not in an exclusively low HR phase at the moment. Have a butchers at my blog to see my new year's eve 10k efforts after around 18 months of HR based running. I'm currently between 4:45 and 5:05 /km depending on conditions and terrain for a steady run of 10km or so, a bit slower if I go longer.
I'm currently between 4:45 and 5:05 /km depending on conditions and terrain for a steady run of 10km or so, a bit slower if I go longer.

Dave, that is really impressive! I'm just getting slower and slower anymore... But still happy :)

Chaser! Good to see you here! :D

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