What beer are you drinking tonight? For the new forum...

OK, finally tried the Arrogant Bastard. Yes, very nice. Still, I think I prefer the SN or Summit IPAs. They seem a little sweeter and more complex. But I may have to do more testing to confirm the results.

This is why it's so interesting hearing from others about what beers they prefer. I think the exact opposite of you in relation to Stone and SN. Stone's is much sweeter in my opinion and it goes well with the bold bitterness. SN is mustier and less bold, but does match better with certain foods.
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They are the ones that brew 3 levels of beer. I would stay with the Elevated series and up. Their other was rather plain.

Sadly, the Belhaven was slightly skunky.

Thanks for the info. Perhaps it was one of your posts I noticed it from. The bigger groceries stores that have some of the better beer selections I only go in once a season or so, and every time I recognize more and more of them. Every time I see one I recognize from the forum or what other friends have recommended I get it. But I can still stand there and not recognize 90% of any of them lol, still such a beer newbie. The Hopulent was the only one I noticed by Epic that trip, but if I notice the other series I'll stick to elevated and up. ;)

How could I leave Natty Light off the list? I have never gotten into the hunting scene around here (which is huge, my brother-in law being the biggest hunter around here). I have nothing against hunting and believe it is a good source of meat, but the mix of 30 packs, atv's, and high power rifles seems a dangerous to me.
And to completely hijack the thread. What the heck is that kind of mouse on your desk?

Yeah I am guessing it might be illegal here to drink and hunt but I really don't know. I wouldn't even hang around with them if they show any signs of impaired judgement but its like water to these guys. Besides their lack of good beer choices they are all pretty good fellows and responsible hunters. And I don't mean to make it sound like they pound down a case while they are hunting, but just maybe 1-2 when they are standing around the trucks figuring out what to do next, the couple times in the day we come out of the woods to head to the next farm. In the 10 years I've hunted with them no one has been drunk or anything like that during the day. I wouldn’t hunt with them if it weren't safe believe me.

The mouse, its a R.A.T. 5 'gaming' mouse, though I didn't get it for gaming, don't do much of that any more. http://www.cyborggaming.com/prod/rat5.htm But its a neat mouse and adjustable length, nice thumb rest, adjustable laser DPI up to 5600, extra horizontal scroll wheel, aluminum frame with ultra slick pads, adjustable weights and multiple programmable modes. I've put this new computer together over the last month or so and decided I'd get some nice peripherals this time around (nice mechanical gaming keyboard too). I haven't got a lot of the advanced features to work in Linux though, but I figured that would happen.
This is why it's so interesting hearing from others about what beers they prefer. I think the exact opposite of you in relation to Stone and SN. Stone's is much sweeter in my opinion and it goes well with the bold bitterness. SN is mustier and less bold, but does match better with certain foods.
You've spurred me on to do a bona fide taste test. Pending approval of my grant app to the NSF, I'll sit down with the AB, Torpedo, Summit's IPA, and maybe Red Hook's IPA and see which one I really prefer. I do know the bottle of Arrogant Bastard I had the other night wasn't as cold as I usually drink beer, so perhaps that led to it tasting more bitter than I'm used to. And of course, you have to take into consideration that I'm a rank amateur with this. I read those reviews in the beer advocate and feel like I'm missing most of what's going on. I do a little bit better with wine, but not much. My wife, however, has an extremely well developed palate and nose.
And of course, you have to take into consideration that I'm a rank amateur with this. I read those reviews in the beer advocate and feel like I'm missing most of what's going on. I do a little bit better with wine, but not much. My wife, however, has an extremely well developed palate and nose.

I feel the same way. I can relate to some of it, but others I am wondering if they are still talking about beer or have gone off on a tangent? lol. I still don't really know what 'mouthfeel' is either, or why its important. I've been into wines much longer too. I never used to like beer at all, up until about 2 years ago I was turned on to some craft brews and decided to give beer another shot. I probably should have stuck to wine though lol. About your test though the Arrogant Bastard isnt the same style beer as the IPA's right? Maybe similar, its I just had it the one time but its not an IPA I didnt think.
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I feel the same way. I can relate to some of it, but others I am wondering if they are still talking about beer or have gone off on a tangent? lol. I still don't really know what 'mouthfeel' is either, or why its important. I've been into wines much longer too. I never used to like beer at all, up until about 2 years ago I was turned on to some craft brews and decided to give beer another shot. I probably should have stuck to wine though lol. About your test though the Arrogant Bastard isnt the same style beer as the IPA's right? Maybe similar, its I just had it the one time but its not an IPA I didnt think.
I'll have to check the bottle before I put out the recycling tomorrow.

But actually I was mostly a beer guy, partly because I spent so much time in the tropics. Started getting into wine 15 years or so ago, but am still just in the initial phases of understanding that very complicated world. I meant more that I can differentiate between varying degrees of quality and preferences with wine, whereas with beer it's mostly bad, good or very good, or like it/don't like it. It's hard for me to find a variety of wine I don't like if the quality is halfway decent.
I feel the same way. I can relate to some of it, but others I am wondering if they are still talking about beer or have gone off on a tangent? lol. I still don't really know what 'mouthfeel' is either, or why its important. I've been into wines much longer too. I never used to like beer at all, up until about 2 years ago I was turned on to some craft brews and decided to give beer another shot. I probably should have stuck to wine though lol. About your test though the Arrogant Bastard isnt the same style beer as the IPA's right? Maybe similar, its I just had it the one time but its not an IPA I didnt think.

No AB is kind of a unique one, I wouldn't call it an IPA. I'd call it a very bitter trappist style ale maybe.
You've spurred me on to do a bona fide taste test. Pending approval of my grant app to the NSF, I'll sit down with the AB, Torpedo, Summit's IPA, and maybe Red Hook's IPA and see which one I really prefer. I do know the bottle of Arrogant Bastard I had the other night wasn't as cold as I usually drink beer, so perhaps that led to it tasting more bitter than I'm used to. And of course, you have to take into consideration that I'm a rank amateur with this. I read those reviews in the beer advocate and feel like I'm missing most of what's going on. I do a little bit better with wine, but not much. My wife, however, has an extremely well developed palate and nose.

Make sure you eat something in between your tastings too that is pretty bland, and maybe open up two bottles at once.
This may not be what you are looking for but at the tours of the Jack Daniels distillery they talk about how if you swallow the "taste", than you cannot truly judge one versus another in taste. I found that interesting.
Christmas came early! I found my fave winter ale in a pounder 4-pack. OF course I bought two.

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I'd like to have a nice brew before the world ends in 7 1/2 hours but unfortunately I'm at work tonight, and the world will end only 11 minutes after I get off work, not enough time to get home. But then again we did our little christmas thing on our shift tonight, and my supervisor got me a bottle of wine from a new winery in his town and also an assorted 6 pack of all different christmas ales...
Make sure you eat something in between your tastings too that is pretty bland, and maybe open up two bottles at once.
OK, tried the Arrogant Bastard again, this time a bit more chilled. It was kind of the perfect hoppy ale. I'm not sure why it's not classed as an IPA, but it compares favorably to the SN Torpedo and the Summit IPA. But the latter two are a lot cheaper--currently $11.99 a 12-pack, so AB, at $5 for 22 ounces, will have to be a once in a while thing.

I'm also digging the Barefoot wines for good, cheap table wines. $7.99 for 1.5 liters at my favorite booze shop.

Our supervisor last night at work gave us all some gifts, and for those of us that are beer drinkers he put together 6 packs of various Chistmas ales.
Supervisors like that are hard to come by, and it makes the decision I have much harder since last night when I came in I was offered a dayshift position. Going to need lots of beers to make my decision. :D

Thought the world was suppose to end here at 6:11 am but driving home the radio said 7:11pm so I don't really know. Well then I guess I got another chance to have a last one so none of the newly acquired christmas ales were cold yet so I opted for one of the last decent IPA's I had in the fridge, Dogfish Head's 90 minute.

OK, tried the Arrogant Bastard again, this time a bit more chilled. It was kind of the perfect hoppy ale. I'm not sure why it's not classed as an IPA, but it compares favorably to the SN Torpedo and the Summit IPA. But the latter two are a lot cheaper--currently $11.99 a 12-pack, so AB, at $5 for 22 ounces, will have to be a once in a while thing.

I'm also digging the Barefoot wines for good, cheap table wines. $7.99 for 1.5 liters at my favorite booze shop.

Yeah it's not really a great value. I prefer spending $27 for a case for their IPA. Ot I'll stick with New Belgiums Ranger IPA when it goes on sale, however I think I am officially IPA'd out for the year.

So I bought a case of the Sam Adams Christmas sampler and the winter lager seems to have progressively gotten worse over the years? Plus its a malt beverage now, whatever that means. There are a few hits and misses in there, the chocolate bock is odd, fezziwigs and porter are decent, White Xmas is good. Can't remember what else is in there?

I have also been drinking a little more wine and I found a good one at TJ's the Green Fin Red Table wine. Its a little sweet but I prefer that. It's $4 and is made with organic grapes. I too like most of the barefoot wines.
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Tristan, thanks to you I have to go look for that Rogue Santa beer now since I'm in Rogue country and used to work for the company that prints their bottles. My wife still does work for that company. I'm gonna have to bring it to my in-laws for the holidays.
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+1 Tristan always breaks out the nice beer photos.

I'm out of suds, completely. Going to call my bootlegger for some Boulder Hazed & Infused and Mojo IPA.
Thanks Rick, and I hope you can find a remedy for your unfortunate situation quickly.

Making me thirsty this early in the morning is not very nice Tristan. Now I am sitting here looking at my monitor drooling. :(

Sorry! It was 'night time' for me... I could refrain from posting early in the morning but since I thought I'd never get another chance with the world ending and all, figured I better posted it then. Well it was my last nightshift, I could have tried to stay up, I never know what to do that last day. I just went to bed like normal and hopefully somehow will manage to get back to bed again tonight (alcohol might be involved) to try to get back on a dayshift schedule until nights again next fri.

That Sam Adams Christmas beer is actually surprisingly good even though it's a wheat beer.
Well I'm looking forward to trying them, will take some time (I mean days, not hours lol). I haven't had any of these yet except for the Great Lakes which is local and kind of famous in these parts, with most stores limiting 1 or 2 six packs per customer. But so far my favorite Christmas ale is the 2XMAS I posted about a week or two ago. We'll see how these go.

Oh and the SA winter lager - thought it was just in my head but since you mentioned it I too thought it was better last year. Not terrible, I finished the pack I bought, but I won't be buying any more I don't think.

Nick - thats cool. Hope I like it!
I'm having a couple Full Pint Chinookies. Full Pint is a local craft brewer in North Versailles just east of Pittsburgh (since 2010). The Chinookie is a well-hopped IPA built of course around the Chinook hop. It's not a single hop - there's some Warrior, Centennial and Magnum in the mix, but a big Chinook dry hop gives it an outstanding grapefruit nose. Very sessionable at 6.2%.


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