Weird Callouses


Oct 2, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Hi all,

I've just returned to barefoot running after a month or so break. I usually run ~8-10k per session, but because I've been off, I'm just doing short 1-2k runs while I get used to it again.

Since I've returned to it, I've started to notice that I'm getting callouses right in the center of my forefoot. They don't hurt or anything, but I've never had them before, and I was wondering if maybe my form's slipping.

Have any of you had anything similar? Any idea what causes them or what I can do to fix them?


i get this. apparently you,i,

i get this. apparently you,i, are not engaging the first metatarsal enough. the second and third are taking more of the load which is why people new to bf/min suffer second met fractures. practice engaging your first met more. i can't get any more specific than that as i'm working through this now.
Thanks migangelo, that sounds

Thanks migangelo, that sounds interesting. What do you mean by 'engage' the metatarsals? Interestingly it seems to be starting to clear up so I must have adjusted something along the way.
i knew right after i posted i

i knew right after i posted i should have said use your big toe. your wieght should balance on your heel and big toe. when you cycle through your gait you need to actively engage your big toe but remember not to push off. i've been trying to do this as i swing my left foot out to protect my pf which causes me to reach and doesn't help my pf and adds to shin splint pain. i did notice i was able to do it quite well the other day when it was muddy. my toes were gripping so that i wasn't sliding and i didn't push off because i didn't get blisters like the first time i hit that trail when it was muddy.

try doing various exercises to strengthen your feet, ankles, and calfes. standing on one leg and then lowering yourself and also raising up on your toes. calf raises, towel scrunching, ball grabbing. (chaser disclaimer-grabbing a golf ball with your toes until you can grab a soft ball).
Thanks Mike, that sounds very

Thanks Mike, that sounds very helpful, I'll give it a go on my next run. I really like that golfball grabbing idea...first I've heard that one - I'll be giving that a go too!
What is that a picture of in

What is that a picture of in your avatar, Dawsy? What are you sitting on?
Haha! It's a giant balloon

Haha! It's a giant balloon :) It was one of the obstacles at the 2011 Mud Run in Sydney (hence the state of my Vibrams). If you get a chance to do one of these, take it, I had the time of my life.
I had the chance, and they

I had the chance, and they have them in this general area all the time, but the neuromas had gotten so bad, I decided to bow out. Hopefully this year!
Toes crossed too! 

Toes crossed too! ;-)

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