Week 17 of 2012

Sunday, 38km in 3hrs 39. got caught by a rainstorm about 3 hours in, but dried again by the tiem I finished.

My cousin ran the London marathon in 3:45, but not BF/minshod, who cares though - she finished in a great time!

Today, another 10km or so breaking in my new Altras:D
My normal 2 miles yesterday. Still doing Week 4 of E25K so 14 minutes running and 7 minutes walking, plus 10 minutes warmup/cool down. I figure I'll do this for the rest of this week and next week move on to Week 5 - 18 minutes running spread out over 4 and 5 minute intervals.
no real BF Stuff for me this week:(. It's been far too wet, and I know that my current technique would not cope with it without stredding my mortonian feet.
But since my Sunday long run, I've added another 12km, 11km, 8km and a yoga session.

That's a good week for me. Nothing this weekend I fear, as it's my daughter's 8th birthday tomorrow, barbecue, red wine and probably wipe out Sunday.
Morning run today, last run for week, easy 7 miler...puts me over a 100 miles barefoot for April...most for one month since the summer of 2010.
Morning run today, last run for week, easy 7 miler...puts me over a 100 miles barefoot for April...most for one month since the summer of 2010.

Great stuff, well done

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