Training for my first race...advice?


Sep 7, 2011
When I say my first race, I don't mean my first one barefoot...I mean my first one ever. I have officially decided (as of today) that I want to try for a real 5K or 8K, but I'm trying to set myself a realistic goal so I have something to work towards. At this point, I can run a comfortable 1 mile barefoot. As much as I'd love to get to a 5K in mid-October, I'm guessing that's probably not going to happen. Our big city race happens in November and the lowest length is an 8K. Would trying to get up to that be TMTS? I run three times a week.

Any tips are appreciated!
The Couch to 5K program is

The Couch to 5K program is put a lot of people on the right track for a race. You will probably have to jump ahead on the program as it is litterally for a couch potato going from zero running a 5K in...12 weeks, I think. There are apps for the Android and iPhones as well as on line. That's where I'd start.

I was actually doing a C25K

I was actually doing a C25K program, but someone else seemed to think it was TMTS for barefoot. No clue why.
As much as you need to ease

As much as you need to ease into it, if you have no time goal, you can get up to the 5K distance by November. The 8k might be pushing it but as long as you keep a slow and steady pace, I think you might be able to pull that off too. I ran my first 5k 1 month after I started running and I was able to do it with no pain. Of course, i ran it pretty slow, but I got a PR!

Good luck! I hope you do it. Just a few tips, remember to bring something to attach the timing chip to. Most races have you attach them to your shoes and if you are barefoot, you might need something on your ankle. I heard dog collars work well (I use my RoadID ankle strap). And, be prepared, people will talk to you at the start line and during the race.

Above all, have fun and remember to run your race no matter how fast everyone else seems to be going.
I think you can build up to

I think you can build up to 5h or even 8k....if you run barefoot only. The faster you get a good running form, the safer you will be with increased mileage. If you can find a rough surface to train on once a week you will make trememdous progress, think of it as an initial investment that will bring big return.

Forget the Zems, huaraches, etc until after the race. Focus on working on a good form. Your soles will prevent you from doing TMTS. You can use the Couch25k as a guideline but listen to your body and your feet first.

If for some reason you're not ready for the 8k by November, plan a 10 k in the Spring. My first race ever was a 10k last November. I had no interest in shorter distance races and no experience with running and racing in general.

Whatever you decide, listen to your body, not to your ego, and keep us posted.
How long have you been going

How long have you been going barefoot?

The reason C25K might be considered TMTS is because of the conflicting interests. If you're new to running barefoot, you need to listen to your feet and start out with short distances or times... if at the same time you have scheduled to go 20 minutes in the C25K program, you might feel pressure to keep going when your feet tell you to stop at 5 minutes for instance.

It's a GREAT program to use for training for your first 5k but I'd make sure you let your feet pace your progress if necessary.

Good luck with your goals. You'll find lots of support here as you progress!
TeaEarlGreyHot wrote:I was

TeaEarlGreyHot said:
I was actually doing a C25K program, but someone else seemed to think it was TMTS for barefoot. No clue why.

If you're running a mile with out pain, bad blisters, etc, the C25K is def NOT too much too soon. If you're worried, just start with day1 week1, but I've got money that says you'll want to jump ahead, but if you can run a mile, you can walk 3.

I do agree that you should always listen to your feet/body, but I have also surprised myself time and again with what I can do and the speed of my progress!

I seccond the road ID for the timing chip...that's what I use, and it's just smart to have if you run on your own. There is a link to the right from time to time.

Just go for it! Let us know how it goes. It won't be long till you utter the words, "No, I don't have to go to bed's only a 5K!" ;o)

Is your October run in

Is your October run in Chicago, by chance? If so, I think I am signed up as well. When I first started running, I used a great program that helped me build to a 5K in 4 weeks. You can find all sorts of them online/cell phone apps. They are pretty much all similar. I am ashamed to say that my favorite t-shirts are those from my past runs. I think you will have a great sense of accomplishment. Best of luck

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