The Plan


Apr 9, 2011
Not that the plan will go as planned, but I like to plan, anyway.

Joined a gym again. My goal is to do 3 days of 30 minutes of weightlifting. My ultimate goal is to do exercises that are as "full body" as possible, high weight, low reps, though that will take a couple months to build up to, I have to break myself in with super high reps and super low weights.

My hiking is going well enough, that I started including a half mile of running into it, at totally random intervals, just depending on how I'm feeling. This week, I will be hiking 3x with one mile of running in each hike - I usually hike about 45 minutes. Once I pass through this week, my ultimate goal is to work on getting that "one mile" down to 15 minutes (which was my relaxed pace on the trails). Once I get it there, I will start running on different days, then hiking. I will continue to hike 2 times a week for one hour (which I NOW think is crucial to good trail running).

My ultimate running goal is only going to be two days a week, and I plan for those to both eventually be 10 miles each in no more than 2.5 hours, preferably 2 hours.

I thought about squeezing swimming in, uh, yaaaa, right. Probably best to save that for egg laying week.

Ohhhhh, and I have 15 minutes of PT exercises I NEED to do daily. They are amazing!!!

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