
   dang! free furry shoes

dang! free furry shoes just for wearing a thong? i'd take that deal my friend
and you are right cali girl...i've got very sexy legs and glutes that can crack walnuts....i'm thongalicious
Okay Dirt and Jimmy, I

Okay Dirt and Jimmy, I want...no demand pictures!

Did anyone notice that Cameron added the Merchandise tab at the top right as he said in his post, or are you all still staring at THE Thong?
Yeah that was him. I brought

Yeah that was him. I brought the kids with me to the workshop and ended up spending the whole time chasing them around, so i didn't have a lot of time to socalize. The wife had fun though.
What a small barefoot world,

What a small barefoot world, Abide. How many people were at that workshop would you guess?

Well pooh, Jimmy! Take the chicken route...I got ya!
Jimmy Hart wrote: oh and TJ,

Jimmy Hart said:
oh and TJ, i learned from Phineas and Ferb that you have to be careful what you put on the internet so i'm not gonna be able to put a pic of me prancing around in a thong out there for the world to forever see. they said that was bad

No picture, no free furry foot thongs. :evil: (too bad there isn't a Doofenschmertz smiley)
I'd say there were 12 of us.

I'd say there were 12 of us. It lasted about 2 hours, pretty neat experience. He gave tons of great info. It was also nice to see other barefoot runners and know I'm not the only weird one in AZ!
Bawk!  Bawk!  Bawk!  Hee,

Bawk! Bawk! Bawk! Hee, Norm!
I gotta be careful here TJ.

I gotta be careful here TJ. My wife's big concern is that I take this barefoot thing too far, and go from BF to BA (bare assed). I've already been warned that running BA will get me in big trouble
Tyler, there's a default

Tyler, there's a default placement for logos/pictures on any of their items, and I don't believe it can be changed through the online ordering process. Perhaps you call call them to see if they could do it. Let us know what they say, please.
It would be nice if some of

It would be nice if some of the items (i.e. the magnet) had the URL for the website and/or the motto "Changing the running world one odd look at a time." I added the motto to one of the logos and am currently using it as my Facebook profile picture. It is kind of fun.

Duly noted and will forward

Duly noted and will forward your great suggestions onto Cameron.

Jimmy Hart wrote:   dang!

Jimmy Hart said:
dang! free furry shoes just for wearing a thong? i'd take that deal my friend
and you are right cali girl...i've got very sexy legs and glutes that can crack walnuts....i'm thongalicious

I'm with TJ and Norm, Jimmy....this post is no good without pictures ;)

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