Soreness in the "Peroneus Longus" ... does it mean I'm balancing more?

Barefoot Mary

Jul 27, 2010
Denver, CO
Hey all,

I've been barefoot running for a while, 9 months, but also have been barefoot hiking lately when the snow melts and it gets warm. One of the side effects I'm finding is my outer calf muscles have been sore. It's on both sides, on the outside of my leg, running just down the calf below and knee and above the foot. My sister has it too, and she's been running on snow for a while now - in Michigan...they don't clear sidewalks in my home town :( I've been running on snow too and on uneven surfaces.

I was just wondering if anyone else has felt soreness in this part of their calf?

Do you think it's a balance muscle thing?

Any other thoughts or similar experiences?
Interesting, Mary.  I hope

Interesting, Mary. I hope someone can answer your question.
Mary, maybe the unevenness of

Mary, maybe the unevenness of the trail is making you use different muscles? Have you try using compression sleeves?

That would help a lot.

Good luck.
I would suggest similar

I would suggest similar things as above poster. I would assume the trails you are on have a different element to add to your muscles. Such as uneven terrain on the trail surface itself, dips on the trail surface you are walking through. You know much different then a city road. The terrain is going to be different on a road then a park trail. I would suspect your just using your muscles in a different way. Which is causing soreness in areas of your muscles you don't use as much on the road. Every muscle can be worked from numerous angles. As you do differnt activities you change the angle that the muscle is being engaged. If you are new to hiking BF this is likely the case. It is always best to cross train, and do different activities. This will encouarge a more balanced muscle chain. I don't think I would worry about it too much. Just be awre of it, and listen to your body. Normal soreness should pass within a few days. I hope you do more hiking as it is a great activity. I have the barefoot sisters book(southbound). Have not started reading it yet.
How have you been about heel

How have you been about heel to ground? Are you keeping your heels up off the ground more so on snowy routes? I'm guessing that with the uneven terrain, the peroneus longus (works to keep the foot from being pulled inward by opposing muscles) is working harder to keep the ankle and foot stabilized.To avoid overworking the peroneus longus, I'd make sure to get some good stretch and massage in on the outer calf, as well as exercises that dorsiflex the foot working the opposing muscles ( anterior calf..including tibialus anterior). Dorsiflex by pulling your toes up and inward (using the muscles of your leg, not your hands LOL). Basically the opposite of pointing your toes. Good luck!
Cool, thanks for the advice

Cool, thanks for the advice guys!

The soreness is much much less lately because we've been snowbound & it was in the negative degrees F earlier this week. Feels good to rest even though I'd rather be running. Barefoot. I digress.

It's so weird that muscle group can be sore when I do so much yoga (where balance is the name of the game...) but the trails must have such a huge impact on my body beyond anything I can do in my living room. Like doing tree pose over and over and over and over and over again.

I will try that stretch Zumba! I've been trying to stretch my side-calf and have found it nearly impossible to figure out. lol.