Some of my digital sculpture

At least you don't have him heel striking! Ha! To go with the toe nail polish, how about putting some huaraches on him or VFFs...later, of course...that would be really cute. And then maybe a kilt. Make him a total wannabe. Ha!

Barefoot pooch is stickily bare, anyway I don't think they make Vibram three fingers;) . A kilt however, now that's cool kid territory, and donning such a garment would make cocking a leg at every fire hydrant much easier, so he's definitely down with that.
I agree. And I like that he uses a fore-midfoot landing.
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BFPooch on a forest trail, just spotted a squirrel and is getting ready up his pace:)
Still refining things. He now has a new fur shader, and Is rendered in a different real world lighting engine. The black eye and ears have gone, the thing with this sort of stuff is you start off complex and keep removing things until you find the right balance.
The wild staring eyes are because I haven't rigged them for movement yet and are just looking directly ahead, I also need to rig the eyelids so they can open an close.

BFPooch on a forest trail, just spotted a squirrel and is getting ready up his pace:)
Still refining things. He now has a new fur shader, and Is rendered in a different real world lighting engine. The black eye and ears have gone, the thing with this sort of stuff is you start off complex and keep removing things until you find the right balance.
The wild staring eyes are because I haven't rigged them for movement yet and are just looking directly ahead, I also need to rig the eyelids so they can open an close.

View attachment 1596

BFpooch is looking a little startled, but I guess I do the same thing when I see squirrels...:p

every time I check this I get that much more excited! :)
He's soft and furry now. That's the main thing, as I am all about soft and furry. ;)
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Loving his trail :)
That wild staring look is exactly how my old dog looked when he saw a squirrel, right before launching himself toward it - only difference is his whole body would tense to match.

Well, this is a barefoot runner, so he is very relaxed. Hee.
He's got whiskers! He's got whiskers! But why is he hitchhiking? Hee.
He's got whiskers! He's got whiskers! But why is he hitchhiking? Hee.

He's got fur! Well the beginnings of anyway. I've decided BFPooch is a Wolfhound, at leas that's what i'm going to aim for with the fur.
The image of what looks like a heat map is called a vertex map and is used to control the length of the hair, the blue means no hair growth the red is maximum length.
The fur is generated with particles, i start with a small amount of splines (second image) which i can cut, comb, curl, just about anything you can imagine. These are called the parent splines and for this model i started with 10000.
To these splines you add child splines which interpolate between them and in this case there are 30 child splines to every parent spline, you do the math to how many hairs he has and my poor old computer has to calculate each one.
There is only a basic shader on the fur atm to reduce render times, so he's very neutral looking, this will change when i add the textures, but it's the fur mass that i'm concerned with for now.

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Heeeeeee! He's so sweet, and I want to cuddle with him too!
Are you in love with his name, Sked? Which is fine. We'll leave it alone. But if not, how about letting the members name him? We can pick from our favorite names for the BRS BF Pooch, then have a poll. Just say no if you want to. Not a problem.
Are you in love with his name, Sked? Which is fine. We'll leave it alone. But if not, how about letting the members name him? We can pick from our favorite names for the BRS BF Pooch, then have a poll. Just say no if you want to. Not a problem.

Haven't really thought of a name T.J, so sure, it would be great to have some input from the members.

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