Softstar DASH runamoc - Lite or smooth?

Barefoot Gentile

Apr 5, 2010
Fairfield, CT
I have the oppurtunity to purchase one of the softshoes and I am going to go with the DASH. I see they have two kinds, the Lite and the Smooth. I am not concerned about wearing them as casual shoes, or to the office, just strictly for running, or whatever.

I like the Lites because they seem more breathable, but really what are the differences between the two? For those that have this type of model I would appreciate some input.

I have the regualr run amoc

I have the regualr run amoc lites. My only complaint is that if I use them on trails, they get full of dirt (it is really dry and dusty here), and it's kinds hard to clean them with all the perforations.
As you'd expect, I have both

As you'd expect, I have both models. I agree, the perforations are a pain in the ass on the trail. But the smooth model is not at all breathable. It's like running in a dress shoe. Good for the winter, bad for pretty much any other season.
I own both. And, can only

I own both. And, can only imagine using the Lites for running. Even given the dusty disadvantages of the perforations. The Smooths just seem too heavy for me - not that they're really heavy, just that they seem so as the leather is thicker. I also think the Lites would handle water better - lighter when soaked, quicker to dry, and drainable.

Recently posted a review of the Lites (with short mention of the Smooths):

I love them both, but for different purposes - using the Smooths as a "dress" shoe. And, still, I gravitate toward my Lites, even in business contexts.

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