Scar tissue after knee surgery?


Nov 30, 2011
Quick review of the last year

Had meniscus surgery a year ago on my inner left knee. Walked out of the hospital under my on power and was released by the doctor to start running 4 weeks later.

Everything has been fine except during a run I,ll get this quick shot of pain in my knee. Last for about 5 seconds and is gone. My original doctor retired and I found a new one that works with runners. He said everything looks fine on x-rays and my knee has great movement. He did recommend physical therapy to help strengthen the muscles in the area.

The physical therapist told me that I had a lot of scar tissue in my knee and this could be causing my pain. She also said its was rare for a doctor to release me without and physical therapy after surgery. I don,t return to the doctor until late November so my questions are:

1. Can scar tissue cause quick shot of pain?

2. Is it common to be released after meniscus without any rehab?

I'll find one.
Hello Ray -

Sorry for the delay in getting a Doc to answer your question!

Regarding your knee surgery and scar tissue - These types of surgeries are almost always done under arthroscopy / minimal invasive which reduces the risk of scar tissue.

Do you know what type of meniscal injury you had? And was your tear sutured or trimmed?

Many patients who have this surgery are given rehab programs they can do at home - and not necessarily require the assistance of physical therapy. This great reduces insurance costs - but requires a compliant patient. Were you given a list of exercises you were supposed to do at home?

How much knee flexion do you have currently? And can you go to full knee extension?

These questions will help better guide my recommendations!
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