Running Room


Chapter Presidents
Sep 6, 2010
Whitby, Ontario
Just an interesting story..

I've emailed the running room reciently on a proprosal to teach a BF clinic sometime next spring or summer. I thought I would begin to ask now as it would require some work to impliment.

Yesterday I was at the Running room to run with their group run. The person who was taking care of the store stated to me that she didn't think it was a great idea as "they don't sell barefoot here". None the less as I was waiting to run the Regional manager comes in (I know him from when he was the owner) and says to me "we're not having a barefoot clinic". When I ask why not he stated that it was because of the conterversy and that it was "proven" to be without significant risk. I then proceded to tell him this is why a clinic like this would be valuable as it would teach runners the proper way to run BF.

He stated he still couldn't as there are no standards in place for such a clinic. I inquired as to the possibility of setting some standards, but he still said it wasn't possible.

Being the only BF runner (that I know of) in my community he made me feel like some sort of freak. Of course what could I expect the Running room is largely only interested in selling shoes.

I wasn't all bad however. I was able to run 7km with the 10km clinic. The clinic participants seem to be suprised and interested in the fact I was running BF. The clinic instructor admited that she liked to run BF on her treadmill and could never get the nerve to run outside BF. She invited me back to talk to her clinic on Biomechanics next month.

I have sent an email out this morning to one of the executives I know inquiring about RR standards and how they apply to the clinics. We'll see how it goes from here....
You should politely inform

You should politely inform them that barefoot running clinics are springing up all over the country, and if they don't get on the bandwagon, they will be left behind. It's a simple as that. If they still "don't get it," try finding another running outlet, better yet, a local running club, and speak to their club members about setting up a clinic. I like your persistence in getting a clinic on biomechanics going. Perhaps you can break them down a little at a time. What you're doing is a good thing. It will surely benefit many people, and possibly save some from suffering serious running injury. Good luck.
 Barefoot TJ Thanks for your

Barefoot TJ Thanks for your support. It doesn't seem like BF clinics are poping up all over the place. I live in Canada, and I have yet to see one offered in my area yet. I do see that if the RR doesn't support this they will get left behind. Things seem a lot more progressive for BF in the US. The biomechanics thing is just a talk that the clinic instructor wanted me to do. She needs to clear it with the manager of our local RR first however.

pbarker I'm aware of John Stanton's stance on BF running. Curiously nowhere I can find where he is actively is against it. He just states he's "not a big promoter" of this style. Is he "not a big promoter" of BF running because he doesn't really think it's feaseable or because he wants more shoe sales? One has to wonder, why it's not called the Shoe Room instead of the Running Room.
Hmmm, I am pretty sure my

Hmmm, I am pretty sure my ancestors grew up without anything in the way of modern footwear and were probably barefoot alot of the time. Heck, when I was a kid I never wore shoes.
Horse If you can hold the


If you can hold the clinic it would be a great achevment. I know the Running Room forums have been sterilized in terms of barefoot running.

Q&A with Running Room founder John Stanton

"I’m not a big promoter of barefoot running. I think if you live in Kenya and your ancestors and you have grown up without shoes and your mode of transport has been running and walking, I think there’s a lot of logic to it. ....
 Someone needs to give that

Someone needs to give that dude a serious lesson in how the timelines in evolution work. Whether you are for or against barefoot running that statement just screams of ignorance.
Keep on 'em, PB!

Keep on 'em, PB!
I went to the local Running

I went to the local Running Room Store just before my noon barefoot run today. Talked to the salesman who was very helpful and had no problem with my barefeet.

He said they may be getting in some VFF and will soon be selling racing flats.

Told him what I look for in a shoe. Of course he tried to sell me their most minimal shoe, but that is his job.

Nothing on their running clinic board about BFR clinics. I will keep checking
LarryLieberman is probable


Lieberman is probable the first person I would ask "who invented it?"

I bet he has a good answer.


I do not want to get anyone in trouble.
   I have pretty much went

I have pretty much went barefoot through about all of my childhood and as an adult I been barefoot all the time with a few exceptions of extreme weather, and some places that don't allow it. My mother was a barefooter as well, me and her are the only two barefooters in the family. To me it's just about comfort and relaxing. Shoes literally hurt my ankles and toes. I just never have liked them. To me running barefoot just made sense. I am sure that it may not be for everybody, and I have had my own problems with it from being too aggressive. But, with patience and dedication, anything is possible! ;)

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