Run cut short

Cali Girl

May 12, 2010
On Fri I did hills for the first time and so was a bit sore starting out the weekend. On Sat I helped to load and unload pavers bricks. Using a dolly I would load 6/7 of them then pull them up the driveway and into the back yard. On Sun I spent the day climbing up and down a ladder painting. By Sun night my ankles were sore as heck.

I was sore when I headed out to run on Mon but not too bad and besides, I was excited to go A-fartleking. (hehehe think going a-viking) I have no idea how to use the word fartlek, but you get the drift.

Anyway, Mon went well and I had fun but yesterday I spent a lot of time with very sore/stiff ankles. This morning I headed out for a 3 mi run and when my soreness/stiffness didn't go away by the end of my warm up walk I decided to do 1 mi loops instead of the 3 mi loop I prefer. I'm so glad I did! I wasn't even able to run the whole mile. My ankle soreness caused my form to be way off and by about 3/4 mi in my shins were starting to feel really tight and sore as well. I'm guess I'm willing to run with sore ankles but not willing to tempt the possibility of shin splints. LOL

I'm icing right now and will massage and stretch later. Anything else I should do? I would really like to be able to run on Fri.

Oh yeah! And today I ran across both glass and dog poop on the sidewalks. I used these really neat navigational tools stuck in my head and so was able to move around both very dangerous obstacles to safety so it is possible and can definitely can be done. I mean, if I can do it anyone can!
Thanks Jimmy. Hopefully it

Thanks Jimmy. Hopefully it will do the trick.
You need to strengthen your

You need to strengthen your ankles. Perhaps Doc or Nate could suggest some exercises to do.
 a "short cut" to developing

a "short cut" to developing ankle stability is to use a balance board :)

Walking barefoot on unstable ground works too...those resistance bands that people stick in door-ways, if you put one on your foot and with that resistance, flex and move your ankle in every direction it goes....

As far as yoga asana goes....any one-legged balance pose helps. And, take every oppertunity to stand on one leg, in line at the grocery store, the dmv, movie line...etc :).

Don't forget about ankle rotations to develop flexibility too!

If you are strong enough, you can CAREFULLY walk short distances on the outside edge of your foot, and the inside edge of your foot, weight bearing for a little time on each surface.

Hope that helps a little :)
Nate, will regular beach runs

Nate, will regular beach runs help my ankles? We have a beach run series here at coastal NC and it is every 2 weeks, but I always end up with sore ankles. My usual runs are on flat hard pavement.
 Yes, Larry, beach runs

Yes, Larry, beach runs should help....great deal of instability on the soft sand....not so much if you run on that nice wonderful wet sand at the tide line :). Anything that creates a degree of instability engages those stabalizer muscles, making them work, and making them stronger! Hills help too....once again, going up and down changes the angel of the ankle and makes it work in a different way...and OF course Trail Work :).
Thanks Nate! Your ideas are

Thanks Nate! Your ideas are much appreciated and very doable.
 It's my pleasure.

It's my pleasure.

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