PWI Nouveau

Got to think about

Got to think about's at least one or the other.
Boring Bud Light once again

Boring Bud Light once again tonight.

Could be worse, the wife's prepping for her 6:00 a.m. colonoscopy.

I delayed mine til age 55, what's five years late.

She's doing better, finaly taking the plunge at only 54.

The things we put ourselves through in the name of prevention.

Not gonna be her DD 'til dawn, still plenty of time for a few more tonight.

I'll spend the night peeing, she'll spend it p00p'n.

The procedure's a piece of cake, but the prep really $ucks.

Oh $hit! This is PWI! I thought it was TMI! Carry on.
"bud light" and "drinking"

"bud light" and "drinking" should never be uttered in the same sentence. Ever!

I finished a Stone IPA while waiting for my hot wings to get ready and am now enjoying a Marin Brewing IPA (while eating the hot wings)
I'm sure the wife appreciates

I'm sure the wife appreciates your sharing her business, Board. ;-)
How did you get a hold of

How did you get a hold of Bud Light? You didn't voluntarily go out and buy it did you? Usually I only get my hands on some of that piss when a friend forgets it in my fridge.

We're going out to dinner tonight, and I'm in the mood for a nice brown ale. Perhaps a Red Hook? Any suggestions?
 Bud Light's my favorite 110

Bud Light's my favorite 110 calorie 50 cent beer (case on sale w/rebate).

175 calorie $1.75 beers are my taste preference.

Growler refills on 1/2 price Tuesday at the local microbrew however top 'em all!

The 'scope went fine, and the G.I. doc looked fit as always.

"Still running I see" said I, only to hear back " No, no more running, my knees can no longer take it". I wasn't going to hijack the few seconds of consultation time we had been alotted to instead spread the gospel of BFR, but I will follow through and forward some info via email. Why not? He gave us a pamphlet describing the holyness of a high fibre diet!
Yes, Kitty, with three

Yes, Kitty, with three consecutive, duplicate posts, you must be. Hee. Teasing, girlfriend.

Board, sell it Baby! Seriously.
That sounds really gross. 

That sounds really gross. The only cool food encased booze that I've liked was a 4oz chocolate bottle filled with irish cream. BRILLIANT! No wasted materials there.

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