Putting faces to names here, who are you?

SP - regarding picture

SP - regarding picture #1...usually what takes place in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. Unless the wife agrees its ok to brag. Nice getup. Do you guys have a safe word as well?
(No subject)

Tutae, sweet pictures. Now if

Tutae, sweet pictures. Now if that isn't a happy looking run, don't know what is :)
 This is me in my favorite

This is me in my favorite running get-up. Goes with the huaraches.

While we're sharing family photos, this is my daughter Clara.

And finally, me with my lovely wife Amy. She thinks barefoot running is stupid, but other than that, she's cool...
Here me is.... In the Sun

Here me is.... In the Sun with no shoes... Life is good


A hint at where I get the name LavaRunner


And another

heh, hi Wendy, Yeah, it's

heh, hi Wendy,

Yeah, it's Marc...

Every time I went to add words to the picture, it changed the post back to rich text, and mucked up the picture, so I decided to post a 2nd time with words...and then got distracted and forgot.

So..Hi all.

The lone photo from tutaepaki is Marc from New Zealand. I've been running in minimalist shoes for about 9 months, and am now introducing BF to my running. (at least, when it's warm enough..winter's not the best time to start with that is it)

Also, VFFs arrived on sale in NZ for the first time this month...got myself a pair of sprints yesterday. My 'mutant' pinky rule out the covered styles for now...it is just too hard to get that toe into it's right place.

WD, go to your photo hosting

WD, go to your photo hosting site (I use photobucket), copy the html. Over here in the post template, click disable rich text at the bottom. Paste your html in and save :)
Warren, instead of logging

Warren, instead of logging into the FTP server and all that crap, I prefer to just create a "temporary" post on "that other forum," add the photos there, highlight them, and copy them over here. But ssssh, you didn't hear me say so. What's odd about doing it this way is although I never hit the Save button "over there," the photo's properties I copied from "over there" show a path back to "over there." They must be sitting in cache "over there." Now, if they were to ever clear that cache... hmmmm... It begoggles my mind. "Over there, over there, send the word, send the word over there, that the yanks are coming, the yanks are coming, the yanks are coming over there!" :stare:

Tut, now how did you end up with bib number 1?
Hi TJ,I was simply the 1st

Hi TJ,

I was simply the 1st to register. The online registration was a bit late in opening, and so I was checking every few days, and must have struck it soon after they got the online registrations up.

So nothing but luck.

It's not often I manage to

It's not often I manage to get my crew all together, but it happened tonight at #2's high school graduation so here they are. My 4 daughters and my grandson.

Cali Girl wrote:It's not

Cali Girl said:
It's not often I manage to get my crew all together, but it happened tonight at #2's high school graduation so here they are. My 4 daughters and my grandson.

Holy cow! Your a Grandma? I never would have thought from your picture. I had to go back and look, I was blown away. I would have never guessed that you had kids that old either. Rock On! You look great.
Beautiful girls Cali, and

Beautiful girls Cali, and ditto to what Lava said. You hot gramma you!
Thanks Lava and Zumba. Yeah,

Thanks Lava and Zumba. Yeah, I get that a lot. I started young, married young, divorced 17 years later, still young and so became a grandma young. Heck, I plan on being young forever. hahaha
Sweet kids, Young

Sweet kids, Young Granny!

Tut, you're still special though.

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