Posterior Tibial Tendonitis

I did have some issues that I

I did have some issues that I think are PTT related but I never had any sort of diagnosis done to know specifically. I just rested it as much as I could and when that did absolutely nothing to fix it after a week I said screw it and ran on it. Probably not a very good idea just for the record. I ran on it for about 3 weeks, then I screwed up running too fast down a hill and had some bone problems that kept me for running for a month. At the end of the month my bones were healed, the PTT was still there although significantly better, a couple of weeks later that was healed as well. Although take me calling it a posterial tendon problem with a grain of salt. I'm not a podiatrist and didn't see one, its just what I thought from doing excessive amounts of googling.
I just got over a torn PTT

I just got over a torn PTT but there were no bone issues involved. I saw an orthopedic surgeon (and I go back on Friday 5/6 for a (hopefully) last checkup). I spent three months in a boot and I'm not sure it's fully healed, but I can run about a mile on it now. I've been out of the boot almost a month and I started back with literally a tenth of a mile running.

It's still sore when I walk a long way on it though, and it makes this annoying popping sound when I run. Something I will check with the doc about when I go back.

I did not have surgery and so far the doctor has been very optimistic that I won't have to have it (based on recovery I think he's correct). He was supportive of BFR although he runs marathons shod.

Not much help for your specific problem maybe, but maybe close enough to give you an idea of what you might be in store for recovery-wise.

Good luck with it, I hope you recover more quickly than I did!

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