Peroneal tendonitis?

Pilates Gal

Sep 4, 2011
:O Hello ... after seven months of transitioning successfully to full-time running in my VFF's, up to a max of 17k (and switching from heel strike to forefoot strike) I have come down with a dibilitating case of what appears to be peroneal issues. This happened as I have been training for a marathon and thought I needed to wear "shoes" since I did not think I had enough time to work up to 42k in my vibrams (and merrell pace gloves). For the past 6 days I have been icing and taping. I can now walk without altering my gait, but running is not possible. Intense pain right under my lateral maleolus (sp?) and along the outside of my foot to the peroneal insertion point. This has been building the last few weeks and my chiropractor has been doing alot of ART on it, but I finally reached my pain threshold during my (thankfully) last hill repeat a week ago. I did try to run on the weekend (was slated to do 32k but only managed 4 ... over half of it walking) before I accepted it wasn't going to happen.

So how do you treat this issue? I am using RICE, PT tape, hockey tape sometimes and am planning on swimming/cycling for the next few days at least. Is this a quick heal, or am I hooped for the marathon (5 weeks away)? Thanks!
Hey Gal,From your

Hey Gal,

From your description I would assume you will need to rest your aching tendons till the marathon at the very least (i.e. no running till then). Which is exactly what you don't want to hear.

I'm not a doctor or runnning injury expert but I did injure my left foot 10 days before the 2010 Memphis marathon. My self diagnosis was stress fracture/microfracture right about the forefoot area. I didn't run again till the marathon and only planned to run 1-5 miles. Ran half of it very slow and then healed up for a month.

Hoping cycling and swimming goes well and a quick recovery
You know, as much as it would

You know, as much as it would kill me, I'd be okay with cross-training until the race if I felt I would be able to run the race. But then do I use shoes or just suck it up in the vibrams?

I did swim today and the ankle felt really good afterwards. A little achy now, but at least I know I can do it. :)
Forgot to mention my injury

Forgot to mention my injury was while wearing vibram 5 fingers. Then ran half of marathon in same. That is to say I hate wearing built up shoes for long runs/races. So I can definitely understand if you run the marathon in VFF's. Perhaps you can use the drop bag thing to place shoes at some point along the course, just in case.

Happy to know the injury is already feeling better,
Dr. Mark should be stopping

Dr. Mark should be stopping by later today. It's his shift. ;-)
Pilates Gal, The key is a

Pilates Gal,

The key is a correct diagnosis. Pain in the lateral foot, esp if it hurts to touch, indicates probable stress fracture. You mention the “insertion point” …this is on the bone. Cannot really treat this….need to figure out where you may have some weakness, instability, lack of range of motion…or other factors than may need correction. Running form also important. This is the best honest take over email without seeing you. Runners should not treat symptoms, but rather search for imbalances.

Dr. Mark

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