Oh noes, my second and third toes!


Jun 10, 2012
Okay so earlier today while standing in a sunny spot of the floor warming my feet, I noticed something odd. Some week or weeks ago I must have injured my second and third toes on my right foot. Initially I thought that this was just some bad bruising as I had been stepping on rocks like it was my job that week - whatever, I decided to sit it out.

So back to the floor, I was crouched and warming my banana grabbers and noticed that my second and third toe looked mangled somehow, like how some of us are 'double jointed'. My left thumb does this, I can kind of crack it into that position so it looks like that weird guys hand from scary movie who stirs the mashed potatoes with his good hand? You guys have to know what I mean.

It hurts man. My worst fear is that the inside of my foot has changed configuration. Now everytime I push off, even when walking, my two toes just hurt like the dickens. Standing still, they look exactly like if you put your palm on your desk and took your pointer and middle fingers and arranged them so that they were locked and only the tip is touching. It just looks ****ing weird if you inspect them. I don't know how I missed this earlier. Have I damaged the sinewy goodness surrounding my second and third metatarsals or more?

P.S. I still have all of my flexion and strength in my right foot/toes if it helps. I can still crush walnuts whilst curling them. >:)
Can you post a picture?

I had some serious pain in one of my pinky toes (only when I touched it) for several weeks, and I could never remember exactly why it started or what I did. I have a feeling I must have cracked it on the door frame walking to the potty in the middle of the night, who knows? Anywhos, it finally got better, and now it's a thing of the past.
I'll find a camera that works and edit it into this post. It's the weirdest thing.

I'm pressing 2 and 3 down lighty for effect, they just rest this way. I'm only now feeling a minor nagging pain on top of the foot, like along the length of both the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal.


^ wtf right?
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