Not really a lotion kind of guy but....

Not sure if this should go here or not, but I found this very interesting. I reopened a cut on the outside of my foot last week on my long run. Not sure if I stepped on something or what, but in any case it was a pain. It was healing very slowly and after my run on Friday it was still pretty open although not as painful.

My wife saw my feet that night and commented how dry they looked. Running in the dry weather on pavement and concrete for some reason really dries my feet out. Anyhow she had me put some lotion on my feet because it bothered here. It was the Jergens Ultra Healing or something like that. Anyhow, today my cut is completely closed and if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't even see it. The only reason I know where it was is because of a very slight piece of dead skin sticking up. I need to cut it off and then you won't even know I had a cut there.

The wife made me use the lotion Friday night and then yesterday as well. This cut has been there for weeks and I was starting to wonder if it was ever going to close completely. Simply amazed with the results of this stuff. Anyone else have any experience with lotions or what not? Not really my sort of thing but I think whenever I get a cut this stuff is going to be my go to stuff.
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You could have also used Neosporin or Aquaphor. This is helpful info. So would you mind moving it to the Heath & Medical Conditions, whatever forum?
you could try dirt :D
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that was my thought. Concrete sucks the life out everything, including feet. It'll drain your car's battery overnight...
Its all explained in a thread by BF Gentile about
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Interesting, never heard of it, but will take a look. I use Neosporin normally also, if
its better might be worth trying..

PS: I went and looked at it, and since it claims to be 'softening' I would not
want to use this on my soles. So for damage there I'd still go with the Hemp
protector that I use now.
I've never had any luck with lotion, they get better temporarily but always end up splitting back open when I forget to use lotion one night. When they get really bad I can usually get rid of them with super glue.
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I've never really used lotions, not my thing and I feel like it's made for girls (no offense meant to any of you men that do use it, it's just the way I was raised). This lotion is like super powered or something I don't know. Never had a cut like this heal this fast ever, even with neosporin. My feet don't feel any weaker and I can walk around barefoot with no pain what so ever from where the cut was. Hopefully my left heel will be better tomorrow and I can test it out on an actual run. Sucks not being able to run today in the rain....
Concrete sucks the life out everything, including feet. It'll drain your car's battery overnight...

I still have the battery-size wood planks that I used for YEARS to store my boat and tractor batteries on the concrete floor of the garage, even though it was probably ten years ago or more that I finaly heard truth like this:
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Do you administer the hemp protector via inhalation? ;)
Interesting, never heard of it, but will take a look. I use Neosporin normally also, if
its better might be worth trying..

PS: I went and looked at it, and since it claims to be 'softening' I would not
want to use this on my soles. So for damage there I'd still go with the Hemp
protector that I use now.
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awww man, I hate when my myths get all snoped on. I learned abuot this when I was a truck mechanic in the Army (Motor Pool, Baby). Lot's, probably most, mechanics today will still tell you not to store a battery on the floor. I have had them go dead overnight, too, no delusion, really. But all right, I guess concrete is vindicated in that regard.

It still dries out feet, though. What does Snopes say about that?
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I am strangely relieved to find I am not the only one with problems with cracks in my feet. I don't recall it being nearly this bad last year, but I have been running quite a few more miles this year. I tried to tough it out, but was really in
pain this evening , so covered them with vaseline and bandaids like I have I the past. A couple of them are very deep. I will have to investigate a couple of these other options. Thanks. And shouldn't there be some photos of everyone's cracked feet, to compare?