New from San Antonio, Tejas


Feb 11, 2011

I'm a new barefoot runner. I started running barefoot in November of 2010 after I did the San Antonio RnR shod.

No injuries except for a few bad-a$$ blisters a few weeks back. Other than that, it's just been a slow steady transition for be. I've been very conservative in my transition and so far I'm enjoying everything except how long it has taken me to build distance. It's currently February and I have just moved up to 3.25 miles per run...sigh.

I've been slumming at the Runners World Barefoot forum for a while and thought I would check this forum out as well, finally.

Anyway, I'm in San Antonio if anyone else is around this area, we could use a few more BFR to defend the cult at the local races.

Welcome, Talon.  What you

Welcome, Talon. What you will find over here though is that we are more than just a forum; we are a running club. Love your signature quotes. Very true.
Ditto on the great quotes.  I

Ditto on the great quotes. I think we've got a few distant relatives of BFR around San Antone; I hope you can connect with a few of them. I've enjoyed BFR much more since finding another guy in my neighborhood who runs barefoot with me a couple times a week. Welcome to the site!