New barefoot runner from Oklahoma City


Sep 1, 2011

My name is Jen and I recently started barefoot running due to a back injury. I have been barefoot running on the treadmill for about 6 weeks and started running outside on minimalist shoes 3 weeks ago. I'm still getting the hang of it. My back feels great but I think I did too much too soon because I'm having some major pain on the top of my left foot. I was able to rule out a stress fracture but I'm having to take a break. :( Hoping to heal soon and get back at it.
Jen, first of all, Welcome to

Jen, first of all, Welcome to the BRS!! :) Your pain sounds like TOFP caused by TMTS! (gotta love those tricky acronyms) Since you are new (and now have some time on your hands while you heal), be sure to visit the BRS Library. This time of year in Oklahoma, you can run fine bf outside (unlike August).

Be sure to join the Oklahoma Chapter. We barefooters in OK are kind of spread out, but if you'll post about any runs you are planning to be in, maybe some of us can meet up w/you.

Good luck with the foot.

Awesome about your back

Awesome about your back feeling better. After your break, try running short distances barefoot, see if the TOFP comes back. If it doesn't, then there's something about the minshoes that are not working for you. Welcome!
Jen:Welcome to the fastest


Welcome to the fastest growing sport that's not growing very fast. It takes patience and time to transition to BFR effectively, and most of us don't start off well. TMTS seems to be the standard introduction to BFR, followed by TOFP or other assorted pains or stress fractures. Then we back off, slow down, and transition effectively the second time around. I'm glad you've taken your body's feedback seriously and are taking some time to ease off a little and heal. Sorry that you've had to learn this tough lesson, but like I said, we seem to be a slow learning bunch. It took me a stress fracture to get me to listen to my feet, so you can at least take comfort that you're smarter than me. Glad to have you here. Enjoy!

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