Natural/holistic products with benefits?

Barefoot TJ wrote:Yea, that

Barefoot TJ said:
Yea, that blows my mind, Board. Why don't you write to him and ask him? Hee. Seriously though. I'd like to see how he justifies that.

He's just a drop in the bucket.

All medical fields have their quacks trying to make quick big bucks.

Science tells us that amalgam (silver-mercury) fillings are not harmful,

yet it is perfectly reasonable for people to question it's use as a permanent fixture in their mouths since both of the major components are toxic to humans.

We know that asbestos inhalation is harmful, but it took a while to realize that the best way to minimize it's potential danger when used as an insulating material in buildings is to leave it alone. Stirring it up during removal is the bigger danger of course.

The FDA is currently re-visiting the dental amalgam issue under pressure from those outside of dentistry, and if by some chance they do discover true health concerns with the material, one thing is for sure: DON'T DRILL IT OUT UNLESS DENTALY NECCESARY!

Just as has been observed with barefoot access issues, letting sleeping dogs lie has been proven to be a very effective technique.

For every tiny trace of micro leakage of mercury compounds out of an existing filling that enters the bloodstream there are literally MILLIONS times more released all at once during it's removal.

People want them out, so quack "holistic" dentists drill them out creating dramaticaly increased blood levels of the toxins while replacing the fillings very often with far inferior tooth restorations.

If they want them out for appearance reasons, that's one thing. Drilling them out for health benefits is pure money making quackery.

Not surprisingly, the dentists promoting themselves as "holistic" are the ones cheating people based on their understandable fears.

I am holistic in my thinking, placing consideration of the patient's whole body before the health of my retirement account.

Doctors like the "holistic podiatrist" are praying on innocent people's desire to do things naturaly, while laughing all along.
As a dietitian I have lots of

As a dietitian I have lots of these suggestions.. but not much time left today- so just piping in to say GO! on the coconut oil.. it also works wonderfully as a hair conditioner and a moisturizer (yes I keep a small container in the bathroom and a big one in the kitchen).

And I have IBS and swear by 2 things: Acacia gum powder (gum arabic) dissolved in liquid (tasteless, textureless- I spoon it on my cereal) once a day and herbal teas:

for tummy settling, gas relief and cramp relief- based on symptoms and mood I use different combinations and amounts of the following herbs: ginger, fennel seeds, lavender, peppermint, elderflowers, chamomile.

A winter treat around here: tea made from cacao nibs and peppermint- most of us don't bother adding sweetener to it.. but its preferred over hot chocolate much of the time.
 Twinkie  said "Tea tree oil

Twinkie said "Tea tree oil ... and possibly preventing hair loss."

I've read that, too. Well, ya see, I am quite post menopausal and I must say that one of the nasty little tricks it has played is that I now consider myself "folicularily challenged".
Ah, yes, the joy and delight of strategic combing.

Please notice that this is NOT culinary oregano. It may seem expensive but because you only use a few drops at a time it lasts for a Long time. I have found it is worth it! I had read a research article from the UK the day before I had the MRSA infection on my abdomen. The sore was horrific. So bad ( sorry if I am graffic ) that my husband said it looked like I had been shot. Within one day of taking the Oil of Oregano the heat and swelling had gone down. After doing a ten day treatment it was - GONE.

About the oil of oregano -

And regarding MRSA (which is what I had )
Peanut, very impressive

Peanut, very impressive results with the oil of oregano!

Several years ago my husband took a cholesterol test (repeated twice all with same results) and found his cholesterol was nearly 300! (total cholesterol was 280, triglycerides were also very elevated, LDL was high, HDL was low) Determined not to go on statin drugs he decided to dramatically change his diet. He followed the portfolio eating plan (with some minor modifications) and dropped his total cholesteral from 280 to 170 in only 4 weeks with only dietary changes (with equally dramatic improvements in all measurments except HDL)! He maintained that diet for 2 or 3 years. Over the last few years he has experiemented with the diet, adding in some local, sustainable meat and dairy (which he gave up completely at first) and has still been able to keep his cholesterol in the 170-190 range.

I find taking freeze dried Stinging Nettle capsules helpful for mild hayfever. It can help me put off taking antihistimines for at least a month in the spring. By the end of the sping my allergies can get so bad that my eyelids swell and I'll have to resort to Benedryl for that, but the nettles can offer immediate releif for more mild reactions.


 khyricat - I just yesterday

khyricat - I just yesterday read an article about IBS and medical marijuana - yes, you read that right! It is a wonderful herb that is anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, increases appetite, analgesic and much more without all the crazy side effects you get from most medications. I have friends with cancer, for example, who would greatly benefit.

If you scroll through the pages it hits on just a few of the things good old pot can help with.

If you are a proponent of or want to know more about legal medical marijuana in your state you can check it out at;

I personally use dronabinol which is a pill form of THC for Restless Leg Syndrome. I can only take it at night before bed for rather obvious reasons.

If medical marijuana were legal in my state I would prefer to use it in a vaporizer ( the hand held one which is different from a room vaporizer ). It works much more quickly and would be a lot less expensive.

The pill form is expensive but it has given me more sleep than I have had in over 30 yrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to think , 40 yrs ago I smoked this stuff for fun at a couple of communes I used to live at and never realized how much it would help me later as a senior.

Regarding the allergies - have you tried quercetin? Here is an article on it. I have heard good results from some folks.

Peace and light,

you can get enough querticin

you can get enough querticin in natural diet.. there has been no research that proves any benefits (or detriments yet) from taking concentrated pill form. I push natural eating...

Also- that was about IBD not IBS.. they are different things.. but I do support medical marijuana where appropriate and it is legal in this state. My issue that I have known since I was a teen is I am allergic to it. Expose me to someone smoking within 10 ft outdoors and I'll be puking my guts up.. forget indoors.. and we have a family member (not living with us thankfully) who uses it medicinally...

DD swears by arnica oil for her aches and pains.. I'll suggest she look at creams as a possibly less expensive alternative..

Good luck!
 khyricat  - Interesting

khyricat -

Interesting about your allergy.

May I ask what it is your relative uses medical marijuana for? If you do not care to share this info, I will understand.

I love arnica. Sometimes when i have done a bit too much and my calves bug me, It rub it into them and it settles them down!


it's related to his Addison's

it's related to his Addison's Disease.. but I got confused when I was originally told and haven't gotten all the details. I think it has to do with downplaying the symptoms of the lifelong oral steroid regimen he is on more than treating the disease itself...
Peanut wrote:May I ask what

Peanut said:
May I ask what it is your relative uses medical marijuana for?

Since it became legal for medicinal use here in Michigan, every disease, condition, and syndrome is treated with it.

Every person here that told me they are a dispensary cardholder was "suffering" from something different.

One thing is clear: Apparantly whatever ails you feels not so bad when buzzed.

I know plenty of people that have no interest or are actually against it's use...they self medicate with their favorite delivery system for alcohol from the also controlled by the state dispensary (aka party store) instead.
Peanut, I've tried quercitin

Peanut, I've tried quercitin for seasonal allergies, but not successfully.

Oh, one more thing to add to the list -- Self-hypnosis / visualization to help with unmedicated child birth. I used it successfully for the births of both of my children.


 Yes, the symptom relief is

Yes, the symptom relief is what the MJ is all about. I do hope things will level out for him. Addison's is a troubling and life changing disease. I am taking a moment to send healing and balancing energy to him as I write.

I have a friend with MS who has found it very helpful with her muscle contractions and pain. ( symptoms )

I have seen that, but I have

I have seen that, but I have also seen it truly help in certain situations- mostly chemo/cancer, and long term steroid therapy patients.. and that I've seen even before it was legal.
My sister-in-law had

My sister-in-law had debilitating IBS until she went on regular doses of pure Aloe drink (like Lily of the Desert), probiotics, & acidophilus. In addition to eating a good balenced diet.

Just throwin that out there since we're on the subject of IBS.
acidopholous is a probiotic,

acidopholous is a probiotic, the powder I use is a prebiotic.. they both help a TON.. I only get rare issues- either from eating a trigger food, or extreme stress.. so for me its a non issue as long as I take care of myself.. funny- my IBS issues started about 2 years AFTER I had to give up running.. wonder if they'll go away now that I am taking it up again.
khyricat wrote:..  funny- my

khyricat said:
.. funny- my IBS issues started about 2 years AFTER I had to give up running.. wonder if they'll go away now that I am taking it up again.

Probably, regular exercise continues to be a well documented IBS cure for many of it's sufferers.
 My favorite "holistic

My favorite "holistic medicine" is a pet. Yup you can get a prescription for a dog nowadays if you have the right doctor and anxiety disorder. They have all the rights of a seeing eye dog, siezure dog ect..... I actually seriously considered trying to get one at some point when my doctor was blaming some medical issues I was having on stress. I figured if he was going to ignore my syptoms because of my stressful life I should at least get a dog out of the deal. My apartment complex doesn't let us have dogs but this would of made it discriminatory.

And longboard about the medical weed, yeah its even worse here. I think half the reason the proposal to actually legalize it for everyone failed because so many people have cards alot of them figured it wasn't worth the hassle to go vote but all the people against it did. Then combine it with the fact that if you can't be bothered to get a card its a $20 infraction and its effectively legal.
$20?We had the $5 civil


We had the $5 civil penalty in Ann Arbor MI way back in the day.

I guess inflation must be to blame.
ajb422 wrote: My favorite

ajb422 said:
My favorite "holistic medicine" is a pet.


True. DH has a docs note to be able to take our sugar gliders places. Having them with him has made a difference. Then again we also do glider rescue and having him be able to take a set of gliders to work or to clients or anywhere has helped with socializing them, and also with being able to care for some that have medical issues.

I often carry them too, but not to work, and not as often as he does outside the house...
Ann Arbor and their politics

Ann Arbor and their politics crack me up. It's like a little California city in the middle of a totally different state. We actually get a Huge amount of UofMers here.
 not a U of M'er, but I've

not a U of M'er, but I've lived here almost 20 years.. and being from NYC originally, always felt it was similar to being in an enlarged midwestern version of the village and soho!