Mysterious Ankle Problem


Oct 20, 2010

so far I've only built up to doing 3-4/10th of a mile BF every other day. Last weeek on Thursday I suddenly woke up (after one of my little runs the day before) with an almost imperceptible ache in my left ankle. It's on the inside. I couldn't localize the sensation to any particular area or reproduce it with any movement. It's not quite the post-tib...I've had that on the right side so I kow what it feels like. But it is on the inside, like between the bone and the heel.

Anyway, on Friday I ran my usual 4/10th BF and felt kind of a burning and aching in that region. Still not the same thing as a post-tib inury though. So I iced it and took the weekend off. Then I ran Monday and noticed no discomfort. But ever since then it has been bothering me. I still can't really figure out where it's coming from or what elicits the feeling. it is pretty constant throughout the day, doesn't hurt more in the morning or get beter with warming up. It does hurt a little when I walk around, but not all the time. It hurts less to walk barefoot than in my regular running shoes. And for some reason my boots (that only have like a 1/2 in heel) make it ache even more.

It doesn't hurt to do heel raises or drops. It doesn't hurt to point the toe and roatae inward or anything like that. It's weird...

I am usually an overly conservative person, so am I being too conservative here? I just don't want this to become a problem. But how could I get injured running 4/10th of a mile?
I think I have the same

I think I have the same thing? I don't know the biology but I've had an ache on the inside on my left ankle, just above the bone (bottom of the tibia?). by the searches I've done it looks like maybe a type of shinsplints?

I took a week off and went for 6 miles this evening and started feeling he ache about mile 4. It still aches a bit, not really a pain, It'll probably be gone tomorrow, but it's annoying enough.
Well, mine is below the

Well, mine is below the medial ankle bone. But it also seems lower than where the post-tib tendon hugs the bone. It's like between that and my heel. This morning I was pressing around and there are some sore spots there and also on the side of my heel, where the AT attaches- but it doesn't hurt in the back of the heel where it attaches. I don't get it...I'm not even doing anything right now. The last time I ran was Monday and that was 4/10th of a mile.
 hmmm I have this too. I

hmmm I have this too. I thought it was a posterior tendon thing but that was from my internet googling. I'd never actually had ptt before so nothing to compare it to. I took some time off it didn't really help so I finally gave up and started doing shorter runs but no matter what I do it keeps showing back up.

Its getting better but I can't do long bf runs anymore without it flaring up so I've cut way back on those. Its annoying. An injury I just wouldn't run on, but this is just sorta always there and not running doesn't help it go away. It's just a nuisance but not a big enough one to stop. It has gotten better since I started wearing zems every day to work, but thats the only helpful thing I found. I started journaling my workouts better and the only thing I've been able to trace it to is an upsurge in running on concrete/asphalt as opposed to my normal dirt trails. Which to me implies its a form issue since rocks fix that but I really have no idea. If you find a cure please let me know.
I've done a lot of poking

I've done a lot of poking around on the internet and I feel like my issue might be with the FHL or something a little deeper than the post-tib. In my experince, the post-tib really hugs the medial malleous and the pain I'm having is a little lower than that.

I am really mystified. It seems to be getting worse, despite the fact I haven't run since Monday. But it's mysterious too...earlier today I was limping, but then just a little while ago I got up and could walk just fine.

I just now finished rolling my left calf on the foam roller to see if I could loosen anything up. I've also initiated a little regimin of advil & ice that I plan to contiue for a few days. I wil ask my PT when I see him on Tuesday...however, this isn't even the issue I'm seeing him for!
 I'm curious if this is still

I'm curious if this is still an issue for either of you?

I finally thought I had mine kicked after two days of nothing, but it came back and now it is in both ankles but to a lesser degree and it gets better as I run. Some mornings I can barely walk, but after a couple of miles it really loosens up. If I skip the run it stays rough all day. I almost feel better now that I have it in both of my ankles so I know I'm not doing something screwy by favoring one leg over the other or something. I also can't walk in normal shoes or it gets worse. Even more bizarre, while I can't walk in my nikes without it getting worse, I was able to do a 20 mile run in them and it felt fine. I've been in nothing but zems, barefoot or some ballet style flats for walking though. I'm sort of done worrying about it at least. Its not getting worse and running makes it better, I guess as far as issues goes this one is on the better side. Just wondering if your issues went away?
This type of ankle pain just

This type of ankle pain just started with me yesterday. I'd been doing well with a slow transition and was up to 4.8km (mostly on pavement), but I'm pretty sure I overdid it on Sunday with 5.8km in the BEAUTIFUL, calf-deep snow.

It's been over a month since you all posted last. How are you all feeling now, and did anything in particular help for you (other than just plain rest)?
Barfuss Chelsea wrote: This

Barfuss Chelsea said:
This type of ankle pain just started with me yesterday. I'd been doing well with a slow transition and was up to 4.8km (mostly on pavement), but I'm pretty sure I overdid it on Sunday with 5.8km in the BEAUTIFUL, calf-deep snow. It's been over a month since you all posted last. How are you all feeling now, and did anything in particular help for you (other than just plain rest)?

One thing I found that made it worse was if I spent any amount of time walking in regular shoes it increased the pain alot. Oddly enough I could run in my nike frees, but walking in them was brutal. I wore nothing but huaraches, zems and some super thin ballet type flats for quite some time and went around barefoot as much as possible. I've now been able to walk in my old old (like 6 years) new balances that are pretty much completely worn out and probably I could handle walking in my frees again too although I haven't tried lately.

I found that doing ankle stretching exercises helped. I tried to write the alphabet with my toes at least three times a day and this reduced some of the pain. I also thought that standing up on your toes holding for a few seconds and lowering down helped.

Honestly I haven't found rest to be helpful at all. I had taken a few days off here and there to try and let it have extra time and not only did my right ankle not get better but I developed it in my left after an extra long break period.

Then I got a stress reaction that put me mostly out of running. Between the run that I hurt myself on and a trial run there was 6 days of nothing but crosstraining a couple days of all rest. My foot felt pretty ok on the run but both my ankles felt the exact same as they did before the rest. Because this caused my stress reaction to be sore again I took another 6 days off and tried another run and the same thing, foot ok but sore the next day, ankles as if I hadn't given them any rest at all. Its been another week since I ran but because I'm in michigan and am not used to the cold anymore I haven't had a chance to run and see if I'm healed from either of them. In a few days I'll try a dreadmill run and see about the ankle as well as the foot.

Most of the suggestions I found about these types of issues were if there is actual pain don't run. If there is just alittle discomfort go ahead and run but stop as soon as it progresses to pain. So that is pretty much the philosophy I've followed. I'm chalking this one up to a random growing pain not an injury and just dealing with it until it goes away (well once I start running again).
Thanks ajb! I took Mon, Tue,

Thanks ajb! I took Mon, Tue, and Wed to rest and went out for a 5k this morning and felt great. The pain didn't show up last time until the day after my run, though, so we'll see how I feel tomorrow. Hope you're back to running soon! :)
  I have the left ankle pain

I have the left ankle pain soreness too, but it's on the outside from below the ankle to about 4 or 5 inches above the ankle. It's been there for a while too. I have ice bathed it, heat padded it, soaked it in epsom salt, etc.. Nothing helps it? I can still run, but it's always sore the next day?
I have had similar types of

I have had similar types of pain as you are describing. I have searched and read looking for a cause. What I came up with is ???????? WHO KNOWS. There are many differnet causes, so instead I started looking for some relief from this dull pain. What I found works best for me is while I am running (in VFF) and I start to feel my ankles stiffen I stop and streach. Reaching behind me and grabbing my toes with my opposite hand and pulling up, then side to side. This seems to almost immediatly relieve any pain or doscomfort I have. Sometimes I have to stop and streach every mile or so (currently I am running four miles a day) and the "condition" seems to be getting better. Hope this helps.
Oh, I've had something like

Oh, I've had something like this! It may actually be referred discomfort/pain from a trigger point in your calf. Try massaging the meaty bit of the gastrocnemius on the back/inside of your leg with your opposite knee. Foam roller doesn't seem to get deep enough or precise enough for this area for me.
I had a similar pain on the

I had a similar pain on the inside of my left ankle as a result of twisting the ankle in a pothole in the sand on the beach. However I was so enjoying the run I carried on for two miles. Big mistake but lesson learned. I was younger and more foolish when this happened a couple of months ago. I have no medical training but I did the following. Rested for three days. Did the alphabet ankle rotation routine to stretch the ligaments followed by icing. Warmed up for runs by walking with feet pointing out to the sides like Donald Duck as a stretch, then pidgeon toed pointing in as a stretch, then walking on the outer edge of my feet. Then I built up my milage steadily while stopping at any twinge. Then lots of ice. Just did a 9 mile barefoot run on the beach with no pain and feel like the ankles are stronger than ever. Hope you guys find out what the issue is and resolve it. I can only share my own story of folly and redemption.

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