My new headpack!

C. Beth Run.

Jul 6, 2010
Silly little story, will be cross-posted on my blog tomorrow....


Tuesday I ordered a waist pack from Amazon. It's basically a very small pouch that buckles around my waist. I'll use it while I'm running. It arrived yesterday, and it's pretty cool. In this photo it's holding my phone, a couple of keys, a Starbucks card (for my weekend Starbucks runs!), and a package of Clif Shot Bloks, my energy food of choice for longer runs. On the strap is a little tag where I can write all my identifying information in case a mob of angry running shoe salesmen attack me and leave me laying in the street.

I was pretty excited to order it, and I ended up having this conversation on Twitter:
cbethblog: I ordered a little waistpack for running...for my phone, keys, ID, etc. Excited!

shankrabbit: "Either" "Eyether" "Waist Pack" "Fanny Pack" - let's call the whole thing off.

cbethblog: NOT a fanny pack! #okayitsaSMALLfannypack

showmyface: It depends on how @cbethblog wears it. Back = fanny pack. Front = waist pack.

cbethblog: I'm actually planning to wear it on my forehead. Sweat band & ID/phone carrier all in one. Plus it'll look AWESOME.

shankrabbit: Pics or it didn't happen. :)

Well, asked for it!

(Despite all the America's Next Top Model I've watched, my "sexy face" is SO un-sexy.)

Pretty awesome, huh? I bet my bare feet will get fewer stares with this bad boy strapped to my forehead! I may set a new trend!

And, uh, if I decide that the "head pack" is a little too heavy, too hot, or too fantastically dorky, well then, I suppose it still works well as a waist pack too. (Imagine I'm in running clothes for this photo.)

I'm all set with my waist/fanny/headpack! Rabid shoe salesmen, catch me if you can!
Will do, Karen! I'll use it

Will do, Karen! I'll use it tomorrow...on my waist. :)
Oh!  That's the little Nathan

Oh! That's the little Nathan one? I have it, too. I really like it, Beth, and I'm sure you'll like it as well. It's perfect for keys, a cell phone, a baby washcloth, and $5. It fits neatly on the small of my back.

I'm wearing it in my avatar pic, I think.
SillyC--Yes, it's the little

SillyC--Yes, it's the little Nathan one! I'm glad to hear you like it! What do you use the baby washcloth for?
Is it the never-ending

Is it the never-ending pouch? I have one of those. It has some weird stretchy fabric that stretches and stretches and stretches. I can put EVERYTHING in it. I can add more and more. It just goes on and on. Strange stuff. Problem is, once you get is just so full, it starts to bounce like a basketball around your waist. Looks crazy funny too.
Not it, TJ - it doesn't hold

Not it, TJ - it doesn't hold very much. A cell phone, keys, a baby washcloth, and $5. That's it.

Oh, the baby waschloth! For anything. As toilet paper, a snot rag, to clean a wound, to wipe sunblock out of my eyes. Not all fo them on the same run, though. It works better than a tissue because it can be rinsed out and is more absorbent. But unlike a big person washcloth, it fits in a pocket.
I'm trying to figure out if

I'm trying to figure out if you have a really tiny waist or a large melon


Not too shabby for a fannypack. I like it.
TJ--Yeah, the neverending

TJ--Yeah, the neverending pouch sounds cool, but Silly is right; this isn't that. It holds enough but it's not the TARDIS of waistpacks. (Please tell me there are other Doctor Who fans here who got that reference?) :)

Silly--Oh, great idea! I think I might have given away all my baby washcloths...will have to check. I can always get more.

Shacky--Hmm, I'll hope it's a tiny waist. :-D
Ah! Now that's where I'd be

Ah! Now that's where I'd be no good as a moderator...I'd have to delete the word "fanny" as it means something very different over this side of the pond...let's just say that, over here, you girls would wear a "fanny pack" at the front ;-)

.........I'll get my coat :)

LPV--LOL! I'll try to keep

LPV--LOL! I'll try to keep that in mind if I ever travel across the pond. :)
LOL, I heard of a guy getting

LOL, I heard of a guy getting in BIG trouble on the base up in England using "fanny" on the other hand, I knew a British lady on our base in Italy that worked at the animal shelter with the cats. She spotted someone that had adopted a cat recently and called out to her, across the food court that was filled with American sailors off a ship that had pulled in for a couple of days, "How is your Pussy?" She remembered about half a beat too late that that wasn't appropriate around Americans. Even the sailors were shocked!
Ha ha, Wendy--yeah, that

Ha ha, Wendy--yeah, that would get some attention! :)

I wore the waistpack (on the front. of my waist.) today, and it was great! It did start really bouncing once but that was a good thing...a sign to me that my stride had gotten bouncy. I was able to correct that immediately. Very comfy!!

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