my latest Huaraches


May 17, 2010
Kulmbach, Germany
hi :D

This link:

will hopefully take you to a little photo gallery where there are a couple shots of my latest Raramuri Sandal development. They're 3-ply with Vibram Trekking outer sole, a rubberized cork midsection and calf leather suede top. I bought the Vibram and the cork from a leather supply house nearby and the leather from an Ebay dealer. I bought a 1 liter can of glue, but probably not a brand that any of you have heard of: Patex Kraftkleber. It's absolutely amazing stuff, low fume, you just smear it on both surfaces evenly, let sit 15 minutes then press them together firmly (I use an old fashioned rolling pin) and that's it. No drying time at all. Indestructible. Awesome.

These sandals are for the roughest terrain, highest protection. They're overkill for most everything I run on, but also very comfortable as walking shoes. They look pretty cool, too.

I've made another development that isn't on the photos. I cut out the rubber outer sole extra large where the lace (in these pics, 4mm pp rope) is, so that the cord is actually deepset, protected by the outer sole. It can't wear off until the out sole wears completely out, or so goes the theory anyway...
sweet! Nice to see you around

sweet! Nice to see you around Willie!
Those soles look like they

Those soles look like they could handle any terrain. Looks like they would be great for snow and ice too. Of course you would have to figure out something to keep the feet warm though.
Those are awesome!!!

Those are awesome!!!
The sole material is good,

The sole material is good, but it wears down pretty quickly on roads. It tends to load up with mud, too, but it lets go of the dreck quickly with just a little tap. The dealer calls it "Trekking", but there was something else printed on the smooth side (I bought a square meter of the stuff), I forget what it was.

I'm thinking about offering a pair for free to an experienced Huarache runner, just to get an appraisal. I tried to find barefooters here in Germany, but there just aren't any.

I'll start a separate thread about the offer...

For the winter, well, my feet are pretty durn tough already, but I think single digit temps are going to call for some protection. I assume I'll be in my Aquashoes with socks on those days. I also want to buy a pair if Injiji's to try with the sandals... that'll be yet another thread! lol
I was meaning to ask you this

I was meaning to ask you this before. It looks like you cut your's that expose you arches. Do they ever bother you when you are stepping on something? Mine flap around when I am walking and I was wondering if that would stop that from happening?
Willie, we now have a German

Willie, we now have a German Chapter, please join it. Barefoot Jake is the Chapter President. I also sent you an email on the 31st (to that email account I think you rarely check, but it's the only email address I have for you), but I have not heard back from you yet, asking if you were still interested in heading up a group in your area. Please let me know.
@Abide - I don't see any

@Abide - I don't see any reason to have material where my feet don't touch the ground. Cut out the arches according to your "wet footprint", leave a little extra material there for protection. The ones in the pics are actually a bit beefier than my usual. I have no issues with stepping on stuff at all.

The flapping has a lot to do with the lacing and I don't think it's possible to remove it 100%. But, I don't wear them on asphalt as a rule anyway, except for short connecting stretches where I trot through the village on my way to the woods or whatever... bare feet don't flap :D
I'm patiently waiting for

I'm patiently waiting for Willie to answer my question... Hee.
 Patience is a virtue... I

Patience is a virtue... I didn't see your Q, TJ, sorry! I think I only noticed Abide's reply on the front page when I opened the website...

Re Germany chapter, sure, of course, but... I go through these long stretches of internet blackout. I don't mean my service goes down, I mean something inside me goes 'click' and then I stop. Can't explain it, it's like a defensive something or other.

Anyway, Germans aren't into this barefooting thing, not really. I might have one convert in the workings, he's attracted to my Qigong and meditation. I told him that barefooting is my highest form of spiritual work these days and I could feel his aura turn a little more yellow... j/k lol. We'll see.

I really don't even know what chapters are all about. What do you do? Guess that's a different thread.
I will reply in another

I will reply in another email. Please check your email account.
Willie,I sent you a note on


I sent you a note on the German forum. As TJ says, the German chapter is officially open. As to what the heck we are going to do, I have no idea. But you'd be the fourth member (Paleo, BfBee, and me), and I bet we pick up a few more this week. It's our job to find/convert as many as we can to the Dark Side of the Force. And we'll need to drink a lot of beer, although TJ already confirmed she hates beer, so she's not invited.

It's hard, maybe impossible

It's hard, maybe impossible to find a race in this region that isn't sponsored by a brewery, lol. The cheapest way to get Bier here is to sign up for a race, any race. You get the run over with and afterwards, free beer. So, for a 7Euro entrance fee, I can run a 10k and drink all afternoon! Prost! :beer:

Hey, I know a great activity for the German chapter if we ever meet up - we'll do the brewery trail through the "Franconian Schweiz", it's awesome even without the added attractoin of running it barefoot!