My first sarcastic comment by a shod person.

barefoot kean

Jun 3, 2010
Just thought I'd throw it out there that today i got my first sarcastic comment while on a run. Two girls sitting in a gazebo yelled out "where are your shoes?" very sarcastically. I consider this to be a milestone in my barefoot running career and am actually kinda proud of it.
 welcome to the club

welcome to the club
Congratulations!  They get

Congratulations! They get even better!
I have had comments like, he

I have had comments like, he must be on drugs and doesn't realize he is barefoot? I heard a couple say, I think this guy esacped from the crazy house lol! Some frisbee golfers' said ouch don't that hurt, I am like nope it feels fantastic! When running on gravel trails I have heard people say that guy has lost his mind lol! I go barefoot everywhere not just running, always have. I had a gas station attendant call me a barefoot fruit loop lol! She loves me, but is curiously freaked out about me being barefoot all the time. I was a barefooter long before I was a barefoot runner. I use to only run in shoes? Over the years I have heard so many comments about being barefoot, it's like you are an alien from another planet. But, it's pure pleasure and people don't realize how fun it really is to go barefoot.
Personally my favorite

Personally my favorite reactions are from the people who are really offended and nasty about it. They're only a small percentage, maybe like 1 or 2 people a year for me, but it's clear you've really rocked their world. :)
I saw those ladies again on

I saw those ladies again on the last mile of my 5 mile run, and they said "I hope you're running to find some shoes." I said, "I was...but I got lost about 4 miles ago." and sped by.

They weren't kidding. They seemed genuinely offended by my bare feet. As always, I could care less.

Threads like this always leave me a little confused about human nature though. Normally, most people are so reserved and polite. But they see a barefoot dude and go out of their way to say something rude. I can't wrap my head around why this is...
I haven't had anyone be nasty

I haven't had anyone be nasty towards me. Here are a number of common and memorably comments I've received.

Where are you shoes? (Who hasn't got that one, right?)

YOUR SHOES! WHERE ARE YOUR SHOES? WHERE! ARE! YOUR! SHOES!? (Screamed at me by some crazy looking guy waiting with me for the light to change)

Man, there's no way I could do that. (If you think so then you're probably right.)

You forgot your shoes. (Another too common one.)

Excuse me, but for a moment there I thought you were running with no shoes on.

Man, you are looking SICK! (gangsta-like young man on the Riverwalk in San Antonio back in January)


That's f&%#in' nuts.

Way cool, man!

Oh, man, you ain't got no SHOES on! BWA-HAHAHAHAHA (A happy drunk on the Las Vegas strip early one morning last April)

That was cool. (After running completely bare, i.e., barefoot, in my only nude run last year. If nothing else, more proof that I look better from a distance.)

Holy sh%#!

Rock on, dude.

Runner 1: Hey, that guy's barefoot.

Runner 2: Yeah, well he's kicking your ass. (Two guys I passed at the four-mile mark in the Bloomsday race in Spokane last May)

And my favorite from an elderly gentleman in Riverfront Park in Spokane:

Don't catch cold.

My favorite was when a girl

My favorite was when a girl asked, who by the way was being completely serious, if I was a navy seal. Got a good laugh out of that one. I told her no that I was a pacifist.
When someone says to me, "You

When someone says to me, "You forgot your shoes!" I always say, "Yes, a long time ago, thank God!"
The rudest comments that I

The rudest comments that I have received have been online on the local running club message board. The shod runners in these clubs just don't want to hear about how I've been able to correct my running form and eliminate achilles tendonitis by running barefoot.

The comments I get from real people in person are generally light-hearted and funny and nature.


I wish my naysayers were this concerned and that creative! I get lame comments....but the looks are priceless....maybe people are just more reserved with there words in Central PA :)
Kelly, that's just one of the

Kelly, that's just one of the reasons why we created this home...for all of us, so we don't have to put up with all the sarcastic remarks and hatred. This is a place for like-minded people to share in their interests and experiences as it relates to BFR and MR. It is our community.
One day I was out running on

One day I was out running on the river - passed a whole 5K with thousands of runners and walkers. I was going in the opposite direction so all they had to look at while they passed was my bare feet, passed hundreds of weekend runners, bikers and strollers. The ONLY person who said anything positive or negative was this stick up her butt soccer mom volunteer running with Students Run Philly Style teen runners. She pointed at me, made a grimace and ridiculed me to her teen charges. Way to go, teaching those teens some great values.
Abide wrote:My favorite was

Abide said:
My favorite was when a girl asked, who by the way was being completely serious, if I was a navy seal. Got a good laugh out of that one. I told her no that I was a pacifist.

My dad and uncle were navy SeAL's in the vietnam war...and they both think I'm crazy for running without shoes ;-)....needless to say, I found my own way and my own drummer :-D
 I remember running at a

I remember running at a local indoor track and a group of teenage boys and their coaches turned up as part of their training session.

I was bored and wanted some entertainment. So I would try to outrun the boys - running in their race, but giving them a head start and then try beating them.

I thought it was hilarious when the coaches used me as a way of getting them to run faster. All the coach kept on saying was "She's a girl, she's beating you and she's not even wearing any shoes!!!"

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