Mileage Reporting Week 32 (Aug 9- Aug 15)


Apr 27, 2013
Denison Tx
Boulder and I did a4 mile run today at 5:30 am. We did not hear any owls but saw lots of rabbits and some crows. Warm out. 80 deg. f.
First run of the week this morning as I decided to go kayaking instead earlier in the week - 6km on the beach. Somewhat brisk because I had to get back for the school run, but I'm a bit flat pace-wise at the moment. Some nice sunshine, the weather is just starting to turn slightly in the back end of winter.
2 runs this week- 3.6 miles on Wednesday and 5.3 miles on Sunday; very warm and humid on Wednesdays run so I cut out a little early; Sunday was very pleasant and cooler; encountered a lot of walkers out for breast cancer awareness on Sunday. A lot of them must not have seen a barefoot runner before because I caught a lot of glances and a few comments.Also ran into an old acquaintance whom I had not seen in years.
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