Mileage reporting 51st week 2013

1 hour run before school on trails, in shoes. it was dark so i used my headlamp and saw tiny snowflakes falling. looked pretty cool. it didn't stick of course. did a few squats and deadlifts with the training plates and pistols and pushups.

last set of finals tomorrow with a run in between then massive carb loading after .
I think today need to be a rest day. I went for a walk yesterday and that was ok, and then I did legs later in the gym, and that was really tough, so today my body is so worn out. The last four days have been workout days. I have this split: back+biceps, chest+abs, shoulders+triceps, legs. I rest when I feel I need it. I might start over with the back+biceps day tonight, depends on how I feel..
Happy 8 mile run at 4:45 am., 55 Deg., 86%rh... saw some rabbits and got a visual on a screech owl on a wire just below a streetlight (too cool!).
Got decommissioned for four days by weather and other stuff, but got out running last evening after work. Started out in shoes on the park loop because it was a mess of packed ice and slush over 90% of it. But I also kind of noticed that the parking lot was snow and ice-free, although there was salt residue. Still after 2 park loops I went back to the car and took off the shoes. Then went running up and down the parking lot for about 2.6 miles. The barefoot running felt wonderful compared to the shoes. So much more alive.

The one drawback was the salt residue. Tenderized my feet a bit and the balls of my feet near the pinky toes feel a bit sensitive tingly this morning still.
Quiet around here.

Thursday - 20 miles shod. I am coming to the conclusion that any time goals during the winter are out. Plan was for a faster paced 20 miles, goal of 3 hours. Wind and heavy legs made me realize that was not going to happen. Still got er done in 3:19. Dogs felt like running today. 4 logged at least 20 miles each (extra for the car and rabbit chasing), dog #5 got 16, and dog #6 got 0 (spoiled little chihuahua stayed in the house with mommy.)

Temperatures are up a little and snow has been melting. I'll try to finish the week with a few barefoot recovery runs.
Just run-commutes so far this week. Just haven't been into a proper run, although on this morning's run-commute, at 3am in a coupla inches of fresh snow, I got the urge again. So probably tomorrow. I thought about getting in a few extra miles on my way to the office, but my stubbed toe's met still feels a little sore, which is surprising, considering how minor the stub was. I guess it was really dumb running 10 miles after I stubbed it. But really, I'm just using the lingering soreness as an excuse to take some time off I think. If I were more gung-ho I'd definitely be running on it more.

Got in a MINT session early this morning. I love box jumps and medicine ball tosses! Actually, I hate them, because it's a fair amount of mental effort, but I know this sort of conditioning has been a missing element in my fitness routine. I feel more spry already.

On one of my run-commutes, Wed aft, I ran home bare in slush and slushy compacted snow and got mild frostnip again. The temp was mid 20sF, or about -4C. I'm kinda learning how far I can push it in moisture. It's such a different animal, and I'd like to gain greater mastery over it. In dry cold, the numbing down is more gradual and predictable, but in moisture you can get yourself into trouble real quick. My toes felt hot and painful for a while after I got back, then yesterday they felt a little crispy, but today they're mostly fine. So, apparently, really minor frostnip is manageable.

It's been a good week so far for weights.

Tuesday: chest and bi's. First time I pushed the bench press in a while.

Wednesday: deadlifts and push presses. I'm trying push presses instead of straight shoulder presses to see if I can alleviate a little stress on my left shoulder, which is still a little sore. I've been keeping the deadlifts at sub-max for the last several weeks, but I think next session I'll be able to start pushing it again. My knees feel fine and the weight feels too easy.

Thursday: squats, good mornings, and calf raises. I'm still loving the overhead squats, and my back squats are starting to develop some real power. Still, the squats are probably a year behind my deadlifts. It was about a year ago that my deadlifts starting feeling pretty comfortable. I normally blow off my calf raises, but since I haven't been running that much, I figured I should make up for it a bit.

Friday: in addition to this morning's MINT session, I'll do a heavy back st session at the end of the afternoon. I can already feel it coming on.

Running and weight-lifting are definitely yin-yang for me. They're perfect complements, but it seems when one is going poorly, the other goes extra well. Still, the more I do weights, the more I want to run, and the more I run, the more I want to do weights. They both contribute to that fine fitness effervescence. The last few weeks my body's felt sluggish, for both running and lifting, but I think this lingering attitude of lassitude is dissipating at last.

If I do end up getting in a mezzo-to-macro run tomorrow, I'll still be under 20 miles for the week, which means it will be just about impossible to reach 1000 miles on the year. Kinda sucks, but perhaps the toe-stubbing and December's Arctic blast were Mother Nature's way of getting me to divorce myself completely from numerology and bow down to her more earthly, more embodied powers and rhythms. Or not.

In any case, the break from longer runs, and the lost chance at 1000mpy, has me thinking about trying something new, like running every morning for 3-4 miles, and forgoing longer runs for a month or two, just to see what that's like. I have noticed than whenever I run 6 miles or less, my body feels much less beat-up, and recovery is fairly immediate and I don't really need to stretch or massage that much. Could be a suggestion to one disposed to a listen-to-your-body sensibility. Or not again.

Got decommissioned for four days by weather and other stuff, but got out running last evening after work. Started out in shoes on the park loop because it was a mess of packed ice and slush over 90% of it. But I also kind of noticed that the parking lot was snow and ice-free, although there was salt residue. Still after 2 park loops I went back to the car and took off the shoes. Then went running up and down the parking lot for about 2.6 miles. The barefoot running felt wonderful compared to the shoes. So much more alive.

The one drawback was the salt residue. Tenderized my feet a bit and the balls of my feet near the pinky toes feel a bit sensitive tingly this morning still.
Yeah, I hear you. The pleasures of bare are such that it can be worth it in the winter to just run back and forth on one of the few available patches of dry, relatively saltless asphalt or concrete. That's what I plan on doing as soon as a suitable patch melts through. January's long-range forecast is looking very favorable to doing just that, up in the fairgrounds. I just haven't been able to get into running in shoes so far this season, which has contributed to my taking a few weeks off from 30mpw-running, along with the aforementioned sloth and stubbing.
We, 1mi, swim
Th, swim
Fr, 2mi, swim

A few jumps in gravel bin is helping me to loosen up before a run and bend through the knees more, so I'm managing pretty well with the sidewalks. My lower body is feeling springier, so landings don't feel as hard. Landings are utilizing mets 2-5, rather than just my 5th met. Calluses do not appear to be returning. Maybe I'll be able to develop an appreciation for sidewalks after all.

Swimming each day and a few minutes in the spa seem to help me to stay loose. While it's not that cold in FL, the hot spa is nice.
ran for an hour thursday in between tests. wore shoes since it was really cold and wet out. was slower than on tue when i went bf.

finished test and did some carbo loading.:smuggrin: just been sleeping today.
Friday - 6.5km on the beach. Was planning on doing 7, but stopped early because it was hot and I was lacking motivation.

Today - ran in my social running group's annual event called the "Cobber's Classic". A fun little run on a loop track. You run in pairs, and the two runners start in opposite directions. When you meet up, you turn around and run back, so the faster runners run further. Then you get back to the start and run the opposite side of the course, same deal. I did the first half on gravel and stones in my Merrells, and then at the half way mark I slipped them off and ran the second half on the beach barefoot so that I could cut through the shallows a little bit. 8km all up. We finished second, but in controversial circumstances we were disqualified because I got caught taking a short cut for a laugh. By that time I had already tried to block the path of everybody who passed me - these things aren't taken too seriously, so I try to get myself disqualified for fun whenever I run one of these events.
5k in 5c, toes ok after bike collision, I hope. Now with my mother and brother and wife and two kids, making Xmas cookies and decorating the tree. Never liked those cookies. Can't decorate, no genes for making things pretty. But we'll play trivial pursuit and the kids will run around fighting with swords. Ah, Xmas again.
About 5 kilometers after work yesterday, and around 9.35 miles this morning for a long run. Used the Xeros to keep my soles from getting brined by the road salt and snow melt that's going on presently. It was interesting how temps varied during the run. Down in the low areas and where the light wind was coming across snow of north-facing slopes, it was quite chilly. Up higher, it would feel positively balmy. I started out in a longsleeve shirt over a tee shirt, shorts, knit cap and gloves. After about 5 or 6 miles I had stuffed the gloves in the short pockets, had pulled off the longsleeve and tied it around my waist, and was carrying the knit cap.
Most excellent 10 mile run 32 deg. f., 25 deg. f. with wind chill. creek crossing, saw ducks, swans. Saw one hawk flying low just above the road ahead of me. I thought something was wrong with it till it flew up on a branch just above the road and noticed it had a squirrel.
Last run of the week. Total for the week 23 miles.
feet good
Legs good
sunday: 2.5 mi, slushy cold unplowed snow as I recall
monday: 2.5 mi, same, night swim
tues: 2.5 mi, a few weights, lunch swim
wed: 2.5 mi,kids the rest of the day
thurs: 2.5 mi, then evening swim
fri: 2.5 mi, then 1 in socks on square track at gym, weights, then evening swim
sat: 6 mi, weights, then evening swim.

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