Mileage Reporting 41st Week 2013

All right, my quads have finally recuperated enough that I should be able to do a run this afternoon after work. Went 4 days without running, the longest runless streak I've had in more than 2 months. It's nice to be able to sit down and stand up without the thighs screaming at me.
Tuesday - 60 minutes on spin bike

Wednesday - 5 barefoot miles, followed by garden strength training of pulling lots of frost killed pumpkin plants, stomping (wearing flip flops and avoiding the stems) unripe pumpkins so that the chickens could have a feast, carrying heavy loads of pumpkins to the house, then wrestling thick tall sunflower stalks to cut down the seed heads.
I was itching to run yesterday. It seemed almost to take forever to get to where I put on the running shorts and went out. It felt good. I got to run over a stretch of somewhat freshly laid asphalt, smooth but a tiny bit sticky still. I settled in, ran easy, and covered about 2.8 miles in the time I had available. Some ups and downs in the neighborhood I ran, and my thighs felt it some on the downhills, but they're fine again this morning, so no damage done.

Today might be about just doing a short outing of 15 minutes or so if the rain is heavy at the time I can run.
After a low mileage week recovering some knee pain, I was ready to work. This week I have a little experiment going. Easy running/walking only. No hills, no tempo, no speed, no technical trails. Just go by feel on footwear, or lack of, depending on conditions. My fields need to be checked for gopher mounds and I need some miles, so I am killing two birds with one stone. Problem, the stubble is not very barefoot friendly. I can handle some, but the conditions have been dry.

Sunday - 10 miles of field scanning in sandals. After 6 miles my arches started getting raw so I did the last 4 around the edges.

Monday - 3 miles barefoot in town pre-dentist appointment. Mild chip seal. 7 miles of field scanning shod when I got back home.

Tuesday - 11 miles of shod field scanning.

Wednesday - Girls had piano lessons in town and I went along with plans of running home. Tried to get my wife to walk the first section with me, but it was raining and cold. I started out barefoot, got the usual "aren't your feet cold" comments. Passed my wife at the recycling bins and tried to wave to my 13 year old daughter in the car. She pretended not to see me and held her book in front of her face. You would think after all this time, she would not be embarrassed. Continued to the end of the pavement (mild to moderate chip seal), 3 miles. The rain stopped and I did the remaining 7 miles in sandals. The graveled road was brutal, even in sandals, at least it kept my pace slow. Arrived home and my wife had bought me beer. She is the best.
Monday and Tuesday were runs of about 1.5 miles as the achilles is now under control but it left the bottom of the foot stiff. Wednesday was about 2.5 miles with minor stiffness in ankle. Don't think it is PF as the seasons are changing and the arthritis in my ankle has been flaring up for the last 5 days or so. I also think due to my schedule of playing chauffeur had me forgetting to stretch. So between stretching and rolling all is starting to go well again. Today was 3 miles at about 5 am this morning with another winter challenge run at +3 C. followed up at 8 am with another run home of about 1.5-2 miles from the service center after dropping of the truck for for a winter service and checkup. Still some ankle stiffness but all in all feeling better. I do like my early morning runs a lot better than my afternoon ones, but my work schedule does not allow for many early morning runs as I get up at 4 am for a 4:30 start. I agree Lee, long runs are addictive. That's how started running marathons. At first it was for fitness, then it was to see how fast I could run, then it became how far and how fast can I do the long runs. Now I just run for pleasure, my sub 4 hour marathons are long done but I feel just as good by finishing my races and runs. :)
That must be for me Bare Lee. I would never laugh at your paved mole hill.:) Least you're doing it barefoot. Nice job on the long runs, they are addicting, and even in the city they can be adventures.
To paraphrase Stephen Stills, 'When you can't run the routes you love, love the routes you run, love the routes you run.'

Actually Rick, that wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, although you do seem to be the only trail runner who regularly reports here. Of course, as an avid hiker in my former life, I would love to run trails too, but you're right, there's something to be said about the urban long run. As I've said before, I really love the way it transforms one's perception of city landscapes and geography. In fact, today I'm thinking of running the same damn route I ran Tuesday. It's so cool with the bends in the river, the many descents down from the bluffs to the banks and back up again, and all the surface types (smooth asphalt, sidewalks, mild chipseal, wood, brick, rough asphalt, even a little gravel). My only concern would be running two 11-milers so close to each other, but I kinda want to see how my legs handle it. I might be ready. And if I stall, that route has lots of bail-outs at around 8, 9, and 10 miles.

Anyway, as long as I'm writing this, I mis' well report that yesterday I drove the car instead of run-commuting, because I had to take my dad to the eye doctor in the afternoon, and then had an OK "Back ST" session (Lower Back, Lats & Obliques). (Sorry Sced, took the 'core' out of my core workout again, I felt like too much of a sell-out.) I was a little congested, so the effort level was medium grade, but somehow I got a pretty good pump anyway, which is unusual, because my back has been the hardest zone to work and develop. I think it was mostly the Landmines. Those puppies are fantastic. I can't believe it took me so long to discover them. I'm up to 150 lbs now. I could almost feel my lats adding mass then and there. The first 15-30 seconds of this video show the exercise, then he makes an attempt at talking:
Hah! Lately I decided core is way too fancy and turned to the more visceral "trunk" as in "today I worked my trunk area" ewwww.
Yah, I like "Lower-back, Lats, & Obliques" truncated as 'trunk' too, but it doesn't fit into my front-back/top-bottom scheme--

ST scheme.jpg (what's a contrary of 'trunk' that could indicate the pecs? . . . 'hood'?)-- and kinda leaks, conceptually, into the chest, shoulders, and naughty regions, each of which receives their own unique grid designation. But I applaud your semantic conservatism nonetheless. Bravo! Keep on Trunkin'!
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No running for me for a couple of days now after a rather unfortunate argument with the floor at basketball on Wednesday night. A guy somehow managed to bump me while I was in the air in such a way that my body turned horizontally and I landed heavily on my hip and my elbow at the same time. Man it hurt. A day and a half later, and the very top of my thigh bone on the side is telling me that running is not going to happen. Lots of pain. No sign of a bruise, which worries me a little. The elbow is still quite sore, and I even have a bruise on the side of my thumb. It's not easy being the lightest guy on the court.
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3.66 miles today doing a new to me program, app on my phone. It's supposedly a running for weight loss app and has you do a lot of intervals, 3 days a week. Because I can already run up to 8.5-9 miles, I had to set the setting for advanced. Basically todays run was 4-5 intervals in which it has you walk for a minute after each interval. I liked that it verbally told me when to sprint, walk, warm up, cool down, and just run. Doing this and getting back to watching how much and what I eat too. My wife may even try this app in 3 weeks when she is allowed to start exercising again.
10.8km/6.7mi, intervals (15 x 2'/1').

I got my VivoBarefoot Ultra, and they are better than the VFF, for the simple reason that you can put them on, and remove them in an instant, very handy when you have rough sections...And they are easy and light to carry

Ground feeling is the same, and you have ample toe movement space, even with the socks. Next time I will try them without socks

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