Mileage Reporting 29th Week of 2013


Feb 3, 2013
Waverly, NY
Hopefully it's the 29th week now......

I got my long run in this morning, 13.1 miles 2 hours 10 minutes. I'm really happy with that since I didn't stub any toes and that is was my first barefoot half time was. Hopefully that means if I had to run a half-marathon today my time might be even better. I didn't push myself at all, I was just........ running to run.

In 2 weeks I think I'm going to go for a 15 to 16 mile long run. Today I brought my Luna's along for the run but didn't need to put them on at all.
I had to come back home at 11, so stopped by the jhs track on the way and got in a coupla miles. 7:50 mm pace. Felt good to open things up a bit again, wanted to run more. Then more bicycle commuting, about seven and half miles on the day.
Yeah, I know. It was "dark humor" because sometimes it just helps to laugh.
I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.
Ya I seem to be gravitating towards this too. I have so many hills around here it's almost like everyday has hill training and so last week or so have just kind of been going out for a run and running how I feel (which seems to be at a faster pace).
Yah, a corollary to the new freedom is letting go of the idea of having my st schedule comply (more or less) with my running. I'll still need a st schedule, because there is a logic to it (big lifts and assistance exercises, for example) and I don't like to work the same area on consecutive days, but I won't worry so much now whether legs stuff falls on or before a big run day.

I guess the main thing is I no longer fear (knock on wood) overuse injuries as much and so I feel freer to run, ride, and lift as I please, knowing my body will tell me, and I'll know how to listen, if I need to tone it down a bit. I had adopted a more cautious approach, thinking I had to be mindful of aging and its effects, but I think it should be possible to push things a bit more than I have been.
Utica Boiler Maker 15k , today. Hot and humid second year bare feet, eighth out of 83 (age group). I saw two others BF and dozens with Vibrams.
Lots of fun.

13.5km today, at a comfortable pace (5'30"/km), but more importantly, cadence 95 !!!

Before the run, I managed to strain my lower back when putting my shorts on...No comments please !! :oldman: ....

Anyway, it did not bother me during the run at all, which I believe is a sign that my core is fairly stable during running...
11.2 km barefoot on asphalt, 5:46/km. My longest ever run! My feet have been handling the extra distance very well, just a little tenderness on the ball of my right foot and tender second toes. My previous longest run was 9.6 km last weekend. My breathing doesn't get rough until somewhere around the 8 km mark, but I get a second wind after that, so the whole run was actually comfortable. :)
Early morning runs are my favourites.
2 miles yesterday. Left foot is well on its way to being healed. Now, all I have to worry about is TMTS, I am not a guy with a lot of patience while going through rehab. :) No idea of pace, cadence or anything as I have put my Garmin on the shelve. Rather than focussing on pace rather than healing would not work well, I think. I will bring it out after Xmas when training for a winter half, right now I am not missing it at all.
Monday morning
5.5 mi / 8.8 km
6 mi / 9.6 km total
215.4 lbs -- down 5-6 pounds since a week or two ago!

What call you ask? The call from mother nature insisting that I head home immediately!
Ha! I feel sorry for you poor irregular sobs. Within minutes of regaining consciousness, I void my bowels. It's like clockwork. And so it was this morning, and within another few minutes, I was out the door, right at daybreak, so I left my new headlamp at home. I ran a simple 6-mile out-n-back, but walked the last half mile home as I started to feel some fatigue on the outside of my legs. If I were running farther, I would've stopped to stretch, but it felt nice to walk the last few blocks back and enjoy the summery morning. My pace came down to close to 10mm with only minimal effort, and a couple of times I saw I was going close to 9mm, so I guess my body's starting to adjust to the early morning runs.

After lunch today went to the local Merrell shoe distributor and ordered a pair of Barefoot Run Vapor Gloves. Anyone one have a pair of these and like them?
GoBarefoot, I think Lee has a pair of the vapor gloves that he was using during the winter.
Yah, I only use them for cold weather running, and I haven't sampled too many minimalist shoes, but I like the Vapor Gloves quite a lot. They're a bit more snug than my Moc3s, but have about the same ground-feel, which is excellent. Patagonia and Vivobarefoot also make great casual minimalist shoes if you want something for the office.

One thing, I think the Vapor Gloves run a size too big or too small, I can't remember, but I had to send my first pair back I think. I bought Merrell's Bare Access when a Sports Doc had convinced me I had a stress fracture, and those are true to size, so it's not Merrell in general, but rather just the Vapor Gloves that are off for some reason.
Awesome pace.......
Thanks! Unfortunately, that's not a sustainable pace for me. The first 440 lap was 7:52, then after a few more laps I was down to 7:00mm, but by the last lap I was up to 8:27 mm and flagging fast. Still, it always feels good to open up my range of motion, even if it's just for a mile or two. My long range goal is to be able to sustain an 8mm pace for an hour or more. The last time I tried I think I was around 9mm, so still a ways to go.
Now, all I have to worry about is TMTS, I am not a guy with a lot of patience while going through rehab.
That's ironic, you were great at cautioning me about tmts while I was rehabbing last fall.
I don't have miles to report, just maybe a little over 100 yards barefoot this morning on some uphill and chip-seal road. That's my basic plan, is to learn on a fairly unforgiving surface and mostly uphill with a bit of level terrain every now and then. The thinking behind that is to try dial in form as best as possible and just carefully build up the bone, tendon and ligament strength in the feet.

It's amazing how the asphalt of the driveway feels like non-slippery smooth butter after running or walking on chip-seal.
My usual 4.5 mile lap around the farm, this time in the evening, but still a little hot and humid. 1st surprise was that my son went with me, second was he kicked off his shoes and went barefoot also. He cut his lap a little short (3 miles) which is good, I was a little worried about his feet. I heard quite a few ouch rock and ouch sticker mutters and maybe a few other bad words. I just smiled to myself and enjoyed the rough conditions. We had some rain last week and so the areas that were not driven on looked a little bit like a textured ceiling.

So the run was kind of a fartlek run. Slow on the rough and I would fly on the smooth. Ended up averaging a 10 mm pace.
Yesterday it was too hot and I was too busy to run during the day, but the evening was lovely. The gardens where I usually run close at 5.30 so I decided to run part of a new cycle/walking path that runs along the nearby estuary. It was all Tarmac apart from one part which was wooden decking, and I ran about a mile in my xeros and half a mile barefoot. The barefoot bit gave me a blister on the pad of my third toe, so I must be doing something wrong there.

Running that much on Tarmac left my feet and legs feeling a bit beat up, but today I'm not feeling it particularly. My pace was somewhere over 12 mins per mile.
DH is feeling very miserable because he has done something to his Achilles. He has just started running again, but shod, and to my mind he always pushes himself too hard when he gets into a fitness plan and then gets forced off by injury. I think if I tried to suggest he tried bf he would either poo poo the idea or else overdo it and take that as proof that it was crazy.
DH is feeling very miserable because he has done something to his Achilles. He has just started running again, but shod, and to my mind he always pushes himself too hard when he gets into a fitness plan and then gets forced off by injury. I think if I tried to suggest he tried bf he would either poo poo the idea or else overdo it and take that as proof that it was crazy.
Suggest that he should enjoy the journey and not rush to his destination. That way he is more likely to continue traveling and not be laid up nursing injuries.
4.02 miles in my monos. Legs were sore and took nearly the whole run to work themselves out. Not sure what it is about taking 2 days off that gets me, but I may have to go and bike on saturdays and/or sundays to keep this from happening. Seems after a 1 day break they are fine but 2 is just too much. Anyhow, also did about an hour of ST of chest, biceps, triceps, and abs.
Ran 5 miles at 4:45 am 70 deg., rh 88%, off and on pouring rain! It has been a little while since rain and my training days have crossed paths it was an excellent run.
this was the start of week 13 of training for me. love to run barefoot rain, hot, cold, windy almost any weather!
Fett Good Legs Good!
1 hour in the gym weights and balance balls. 1 hour running (mostly) up and down my new training hill that I found behind my gym! With majestic scenery and trees. And most of it has a decent incline. Muah-ha-haaa! And aren't you all glad you don't have that guys name?

Really needed 2 rest days in a row. The knee started feeling odd again later on Saturday, then was still aching some Sunday. Today it feels much better. I was still able to do some "garden yoga."

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