Mileage Reporting 28th Week of 2013

8.1 miles. I did about a mile in my pacers, a mile barefoot, and the rest in my monos. I started in the monos but was having a hell of a time with the right sandal twisting and I couldn't get it adjusted right, so I swapped to my pacers. I learned a valuable lesson today, very valuable. My pacers I had just put new laces on and haven't had any runs in them... Not very smart to do that when the monos are still new and I knew I was having problems from my one and only run in them. So after farting around with the new laces on the pacers for a mile or so I found I was having even worse problems than what I was with the monos so then I switched to barefoot. It was a long shady stretch and wasn't bad and I was enjoying the run. Too bad that only lasted a mile till I got to the wide open part with no shade (majority of run) where my soles started burning pretty bad. This prompted me to put the monos back on and just finish out the run. For my troubles I ended up with three blisters on one foot. Overall I felt pretty good but the last mile and a quarter or so was uphill and I really struggled with that. The heat rose 10 degrees while I was out there and it was too much when combined with the humidity in the watery park area. Now trying to rehydrate and wondering whats for lunch.
natha yesterday. 2 mile jaunt to park with dogs where i did some pistols, one armed push ups, rows, and tree climbling.

had a veal burger and sweet potato fries for lunch. you can't have mine but can make your own. :smuggrin:
12.6km (8.2mi) with 8x1km intervals....On grass....And this morning's been quite cold (7C/45F), so my feet feel numb..
45°F in moisture was my limit for lower temps for our winter. I got down to about 36°F when it was dry. Moisture makes a big difference!
Ran 8 miles at 4:45 am, 86 deg., 56%rh. Ran a new path today, its always cool not knowing how the path will be on a new one. saw a handful of rabbits.
Great run
Feet Good. Legs Good.
Was going to run, but had to spray some insecticidal soap on broccolicidal aphids before it got warm. Then, just as I was ready to go, I realized my daughter's flute student had been brought by father instead of mother that day, so I didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone. So, I did some chores. Then it was just too hot, and I decided to switch tomorrow's workout with today and did a 30 minute swim. One interval was 24 minute, which is twice the time it took me to swim the tri last year, so am feeling pretty good about that.
Then, 60 minutes on spinning bike.
Later, running around checking sprinkler function on the acre, in my swim suit while they were running. Couldn't fix it all by myself, so will have to ask for hubby's help. Sigh.
I ran in the morning today, instead of late afternoon, as I have an evening meeting. It was good; I might think about rearranging things to do that more often. A lovely sunny day but not too hot at that point. The gardens I run in weren't quite as quiet 1/4 hour after opening as they are just before closing, but few had penetrated to the further side and it meant the tea rooms were open when I finished so I got my favourite 'cool down' routine of a pot of tea on a shady balcony looking down on the formal gardens and fountains - sort of Bridehead Revisited with bare feet, or that scene from Chariots of Fire where the posh guy has his butler set up the hurdles.
I made an exception to my 'barefoot only' decision to start testing out the xero shoes I won in the July Giveaway. (No, Steve didn't jet over to hand them to me - with a very British non-expectation of winning I actually ordered some last week so they arrived yesterday.) Assuming my feet don't tell me otherwise later today, it went great. I wore the xeros for the first half of the run which meant I could run up through the woods where the trails are gravelled and too much for me barefoot except at a walk. I was surprised how much I could feel through the 4mm soles - even a few minor ouchies on particularly fierce bits of gravel. Unlike either the VFFs or the NB Minimus I had previously worn, the xeros did not confuse my brain at all; I found it very easy to run as if barefoot. There was none of the 'OMG, where's my forefoot, how do I land this thing' feeling that had me tensing up before. I just ran. At the top of the climb I took them off and ran down barefoot the long grass-and-path way. It was the first run I've done where I seemed to hit a pace that let oxygen in=effort out so that I wasn't constrained to stop by breathlessness except on the uphills. It's possible that this plus the saving of my skin by the xeros in the first part may have led me into doing a bit much - we'll have to see. It was my longest distance so far; 1.75 miles at a pace of 13.08 min/mile (not including the bit where I sat down to take of the xeros and look at the view from the top).
Wednesday afternoon
Mid-body ST 1: Bent-over rows (t-bar, bench, plank), landmine, hyperextensions, pikes, wood-choppers, and hanging abdominals.

Had good energy, seems like the new routine with consecutive days of st might work. My new "Full-Swivel Locking T-Bar Row Platform" didn't work that well for the landmines. At the top of the movement the swivel glitches a bit. So I ended up just doing one side for a bunch of reps, and then the other. Now I'm wondering if I should return it. There's still good benefit in doing one side at a time, but I like the twisting of the full movement.

Tuesday morning
6.24 mi / 10 km
4:20am start

Once again it was surprisingly easy to hit the road soon after waking up and doing my business. I wore my new Petzl Tikka Core headlamp, and it did a good job and was surprisingly comfortable. I started in darkness and finished in light. I ran the whole thing continuously and my legs stayed surprisingly loose for that hour of day. My raked big toe was fine and a non-factor, which is surprising, given how stiff it was yesterday. I ran surprisingly slow -- 10:53 mm pace -- but I guess that's one of the drawbacks of the early morning runs. My pace always seems to be 60-90 seconds per mile slower than when I run later in the day, so no surprise there. Perhaps it's just a matter of adapting a bit more. I don't really care that much. Right now it just feels so good to run first thing in the morning. I really like how it sets up the rest of the day.

I drove to my office because I needed to bring a board to put under my new scale. It doesn't give an accurate reading on carpet. Today's weight: 221.6 lbs, about 100 kilos. Hmmn, I've got some work to do.

Later I'll do my upper-body 2 workout, which is mainly shoulders, and then pick up the kids with my bike.

8.1 miles.
Wow, you're making great progress Nick!
10 mile trail run. My 4th week in a row! Wore 2 exercise bras today and when I got done running I discovered my outer bra had been on BACKWARDS! LOL!
Your shoulder blades probably appreciated the extra support.

Congrats on the long running btw. You Oregonians are doing great!
Couple days in a row now of running short distances. Left foot and leg starting to feel better after a couple of weeks of phiso. Rolling, stretching and having needling done in phisio seem to start paying off. Lee, there is now way I can do the half in August but if my recovery keeps going well than I will sign up for a shorter distance. Either way I will be there in August and look forward to meeting up with you. :)
Couple days in a row now of running short distances. Left foot and leg starting to feel better after a couple of weeks of phiso. Rolling, stretching and having needling done in phisio seem to start paying off. Lee, there is now way I can do the half in August but if my recovery keeps going well than I will sign up for a shorter distance. Either way I will be there in August and look forward to meeting up with you. :)
Good to hear your condition is improving Dutchie. And yes, we need to meet regardless of the half. How long will you be in town for? Anytime on or around that weekend should work. If your condition continues to improve, perhaps we could meet for an easy afternoon run and then some beers afterwards. There's a nice bar/grill by one of the Mississippi bridges where I run. We could do a bridge circuit and then retire there.
I am at the hotel the night before and the night of race day. No immediate plans for return other than stopping in Albertsville for the ladies to get their shopping fix. Was thinking of heading out towards Albertsville on the Monday. Again when there are ladies along and shopping was mentioned my opinion no longer matters. But carb loading (beer sampling) will be high on my agenda at sometime during the weekend.
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I felt pretty heavy this morning, trying to start my run at 7 AM after a rather intense exercise week so far and a questionable night's sleep. I have this problem that sometimes words run around in my brain and unless I just get up and write them down, they keep doing laps.

But surprisingly (heh heh, Bare Lee), I had a great run.

8 miles total
10 K time of 50:40
I kept trying to relax, because I thought I was going too fast... then after my 6.2 miles, I did start to feel it, but was still surprised that my slowing down was only to an 8:22 pace average.
I looked up all my 10K races, of which there are only 3 exact, plus one that was 6.1 miles.
This pace was faster than my best 10K pace by a bit more than a minute, but for the 6.1 run, it's hard to tell. I know I didn't feel I was working as hard, though, as for any of the races. Woot!
Wow, you're making great progress Nick!

Congrats on the long running btw. You Oregonians are doing great!
I'm just a displaced Montanan, NOT an Oregonian. ;) Thank you though for the extra encouragement.

Ya Lee, I weighed in at exactly 200.0 this morning. Very frustrating. I thought for sure I would have been under 200 by now this week. Tuesday I weighed 200.8, yesterday 200.4, and then today 200.0... Part of it is my wife has been really bad (she's pregnant mind you) of bringing temptation foods into the house. I'm doing pretty good mostly but she made some shredded chicken taco pockets for dinner while I was at school last night. I had already eaten my dinner before school. So when I got home and found out she had made those I could not resist eating one. At about 460 calories, that's a pretty expensive oops caloriewise. My wife doesn't cook much and I do most of the cooking, but this is one of my favorite things that she makes.
30 min on the bike and did ST of chest, biceps, triceps, and abs. Today I was able to do the ab exercise that I was not able to do on Monday, so I guess that means my back is fully better again. I am also discovering I am liking Lee's every other day for a run. My legs seem to really be recovering well, but the one thing I don't like is that I feel pressured to get my prior weekly mileage in on 3 runs, meaning they are all a little longer than what I had been doing. This is the first week of it so I guess I will give it a couple more weeks and see, but I think I will adapt to it really well. I have been having zero leg soreness after my runs this week, which usually I had been having some by the middle of the week. Maybe doing the bike 2 days a week works better for working out the kinks than running a short run...
I am also discovering I am liking Lee's every other day for a run.
"What the?" as my daughter and her friends would say.

So last week you suggested I run more often so that you could observe the consequences without putting yourself at risk of overuse injury? Pretty sneaky for a humble Montanan.

Butt seriously, the everyday running seems to be taking hold. Yesterday I didn't go out because I slept in until 6am, but the whole day I felt like it, and today I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's 'recovery' run, and then the next day's long run.

You may have unleashed a beast. [<--paragraph inserted for Mike's benefit and a little extra drama]

Even if I settle into more of a 4-5 run per week rhythm, this experiment has got me to recognize that there's such a thing as "underuse" injuries as well as overuse injuries. I think for me, a minimum of three runs per week is necessary in order to prevent the legs from tightening up from too much rest. That was the original idea behind the micro runs while I was recuperating from ITBS, but I think the principle might hold generally.

It's kind of funny also, but your comment about trying to balance out the overall mpw with fewer runs made me realize that I haven't really thought about weekly mileage, even though this is a weekly mileage forum. I just think about how long each run is, more or less, unless I'm doing hills or intervals.
5 km fast(ish), 2 km slow(ish), just to break the monotony of the slow slow long run on Monday. And what do you know, according to Endomondo I have never run a faster mile. I have, of course, but never with Endomondo, so it's a record of sorts, but nevertheless a record. Ah, so many records to break.
In other news, they released the updated route for Oslo Marathon today, so I spent some time here in Prague going through it on Google Earth and getting several flashbacks: I remember that place! I used to live there just five years ago! (And then the inevitable: But my God, it's changed so much!) I can now envision how long a full marathon really is -- you run from the town hall to the posh villa area out west, then back to little Somalia/Pakistan (whatever the kids call that area now) and along the coast and back and up to where all the twentysomethings rent for a couple of years, and finally back to the city hall. And that's just 21 km.
It's a good thing Oslo's a relatively small city.
Hahaha Lee! Well, let's just say your my guinea squirrel... ;) Just kidding. I was really noticing some big improvements fast by running 5 days successively a week. My legs were feeling pretty beat up by the end of the week which makes me think that maybe it's something I only do for 2-3 weeks at a time only, and then I will switch up to the 3 days a week running.

(paragraph insert just for mike's reading pleasure)

The reason why I worry about total mileage is it seems if I go over a certain limit I seem to end up hurt. So far by staying right at 18 miles a week or under I am doing fantastic and so I don't want to mess with that. Tomorrow I will do 4-5.5 miles of hills and will end with 16.5 to 18 miles for the week. I also don't want my weekly mileage to drop significantly and me to lose whatever I may have just built up, so that's also why I want to make sure I bump the length of these 3 runs up just a touch.
Ran yesterday and ST today and heading for Minnesota tomorrow.

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