Mileage Reporting 13th Week of 2013

I haven't done any exercise lately, but today I threw on the huaraches and walked all around running my errands. My foot/ankle still hurts and the pain would come and go at times today while I was out. I see the PT again tomorrow, probably last time, but he hasn't really done anything that has helped this pain. My heel on the other hand is amazingly better than it has been in a year and halfish or so. I see the real Dr for a check back in type apt and have a feeling he is going to want to get an MRI or something to see if he can figure out what this problem I'm having now is from. The ear infections also seem to be getting better as well, slowly.
Monday afternoon
Front ST
Nice pump, was able to push things a bit, left shoulder feels totally fine now. Should be able to get back to my old BW max bench press in another few weeks. Then we'll see how much past BW this middle-aged body can go. I tried to do walking handstands with my suspension straps--big fail. If I'm ever going to be able to do those, I'm going to have to set aside a special time to practice them, just like the double heart-shaped mills. I like to keep things moving along during my workouts, and am usually working against a time limit at the end of the day.

Tuesday afternoon
6.15 mi / 9.9 km
37 F / 3 C
31 F / -.5 C windchill

Nice run, took it easy. I was still recovering from my wife having almost burnt the house down with a grease fire on the stove. Left the burner on after making fries, then went into the basement to study. Totaled the kitchen cabinets, vent, microwave, and ceiling. $1000 deductible. There goes the heavy bag I wanted to buy, for the foreseeable future. Living room is full of soot and smells like a campfire. The contractor who specializes in fire remodeling comes at 10 am today. Gotta love North American service and efficiency. I guess they have special techniques for removing the smell from everything.

If I hadn't come into the kitchen for my lunchtime fruits and vegetables, another five or ten minutes and it would've been a lot worse. If I had come in five or ten minutes earlier, it might've exploded in my face. By the time I came in, the space was full of thick, black smoke but the fire was out except for one cabinet on the opposite side of the kitchen and a molten spatula on top of a pot lid. After I had already cleared out the smoke and got all the hot stuff out in the snow on the deck, the firemen arrived and thoughtfully punched a few holes in the ceiling, for good measure.

Several hours later I ran up to the fairgrounds and then did four repeats on my back-n-forth street. It was kind of windy up there again, but pretty dry. I wanted to do my Como Lake out-n-back route, but it took me a half hour to get going, talking to the insurance appraiser and then our next-door neighbor about the fire trucks earlier in the day. Just as well, I wasn't looking forward to the slush in Como Park. Just the moisture coming home through the neighborhood again got to me a bit, and I feel it on my toe tips a bit today.

Probably just one more subfreezing run tomorrow, and one more Winter Challenge run on Saturday if there's any kind of wind. Then upper 40s/50s next week hopefully.

@Happy Bird Song - nice times!
@ Scedastic - triple workout day, impressive!
@ Bob - where ya been?
@ Dama - I'm like you, it's hard for me to nap, no matter how tired or sick. I wake up groggy and can't get to sleep at night.
@ Nick - Good luck with your Doc!
@ Andy - I've never understand that approach, but I might have to adopt it myself for my half in August, or bail on it. I want it to be fun. I don't want to be struggling the last few miles. My idea right now is be up in the 12-13 mile range on my long run by July, or put it off for another half in the fall or next year. The last thing I want to do is reawaken my ITBS ogre, who I know still lies dormant in my sinews.
Builds tolerence. Actually running in the 'Peg is fantastic almost all year, these two weeks suck because you don't know whether it is going to freeze or melt but it does makes the runs interesting.

Well I am glad you guys enjoy those running conditions, Iowa weather is just a little much for me I just can't imagine living in Minnesota or Canada. BRRRRRRRR.
I haven't done any exercise lately, but today I threw on the huaraches and walked all around running my errands. My foot/ankle still hurts and the pain would come and go at times today while I was out. I see the PT again tomorrow, probably last time, but he hasn't really done anything that has helped this pain. My heel on the other hand is amazingly better than it has been in a year and halfish or so. I see the real Dr for a check back in type apt and have a feeling he is going to want to get an MRI or something to see if he can figure out what this problem I'm having now is from. The ear infections also seem to be getting better as well, slowly.

Are you still taking antibiotics? if you are, be carefull with running or other form of exercise as antibiotics tend to weaken tissue and ligaments so the chances of injury are greater.
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Wow Lee, I am glad you found the fire on time and so glad to hear everyone is ok.
I am curious, what happened to the fire alarms? didn't detect anaything?
Acutally I just watch something on the news I believe that most fire alarms don't start alarming untill is too late. That's so scary if you think about it.
And what kind of nonsense talk is this about bailing out of the half?
Wow Lee, I am glad you found the fire on time and so glad to hear everyone is ok.
I am curious, what happened to the fire alarms? didn't detect anaything?
Acutally I just watch something on the news I believe that most fire alarms don't start alarming untill is too late. That's so scary if you think about it.
And what kind of nonsense talk is this about bailing out of the half?
Yep, started beeping after the fire dept showed up and the smoke had cleared! I've already been looking into an upgrade, plus apparently there's this gizmo you can mount over the stove that releases an extinguishing agent in the event of fire. Gonna get one of those. My wife loves her fries. As is probably the case in Mexico, Mozambicans are used to cooking fried food a lot. We don't do it as much Stateside, but once in a while we both miss it.

For the half, I'm merely following your own fine advice, and taking it one run at a time. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, that's fine too. As long as I'm running injure-free I'm happy. Running is so important to me. Yesterday, for example, it was the perfect stress-release.
I'm trying not to panic about my first half in mid May. I'm still only up to 9.5 miles max.

Don't, you'll be fine you have all kinds of endurance because of all the other sports you practice.
Let me tell you one little secret, few years ago I had a stroke and I thought, well this is it is now or never my time to sign up for my first race has arrived. I was afraid of the consequences had the stroke being a major one.
So I signed up for my first 10k never having ran more than four miles so I surprised myself when I found out that I had placed so I immediately signed up for a 10 miler with the 10 k being my longest run then I placed on that one too which I was very surpriced again. Saying that I was in a rurning high is a understatement.
Went home after the 10 miler and followed up my euphoria my signing up for my first and only half again the 10 miler being my longest run.
I am not trying to brag here despite of what Lee says, what I am saying is that if I did it anyone can do it.
In a way I am thankful that if it weren't for that stroke I would probaly just still be running without having the wonderful experience of racing-well entering races.
Yep, started beeping after the fire dept showed up and the smoke had cleared! I've already been looking into an upgrade, plus apparently there's this gizmo you can mount over the stove that releases an extinguishing agent in the event of fire. Gonna get one of those. My wife loves her fries. As is probably the case in Mexico, Mozambicans are used to cooking fried food a lot. We don't do it as much Stateside, but once in a while we both miss it.

For the half, I'm merely following your own fine advice, and taking it one run at a time. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, that's fine too. As long as I'm running injure-free I'm happy. Running is so important to me. Yesterday, for example, it was the perfect stress-release.

Yeap, most of our cooking is fried and very tasty.
Ok, about the half we are not sure yet because my husband want us to go to San Diego but we haven't decided one way or the other and I am very torn us what to do, in the one hand I want us to do the half on the other hand I want to go to SD too, we haven't been back since we move to Iowa back on 1987. So not sure was going to happen but will let you know.
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I was still recovering from my wife having almost burnt the house down with a grease fire on the stove.
Our house has had close misses about 4 times. Never any damage as you describe, but freaky electrical circumstances, like a dishwasher control panel circuit catching on fire, which happened at night, but my husband was up later than usual; or a surge protector going bonkers after a mini-tornado cut used our patio cover to cut the overhead neutral wire to our house. Always, someone was providentially around to notice before the house burned down, but we live with a deep respect for the dangers of electricity! So glad you are all safe!
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I am not trying to brag here despite of what Lee says, what I am saying is that if I did it anyone can do it.
In a way I am thankful that if it weren't for that stroke I would probaly just still be running without having the wonderful experience of racing-well entering races.
Well, that all certainly makes me feel better about continuing to try to run after my strong episode with heart palpitations during my last race. I will try to take everyone's advice and just have fun. I have had the experience of my legs just peetering out when I run past my longest distance to date, so I will still work on increasing to race distance. Even if the distance ends up being at a slow pace.
Are you still taking antibiotics? if you are, be carefull with running or other form of exercise as antibiotics tend to weaken tissue and ligaments so the chances of injury are greater.
Yes I am and no I'm not running or exercising because I still don't feel up to par. I have a couple more days I think of the antibiotics.
Too much working out me thinks, for me anyways. Have fun!
It all went well. When I do several in a day, my workouts tend to be on the medium rather than high intensity.

Tuesday night: didn't take it too easy: instructor said "today we work on arms" so I did a bunch of drills with the pull buoy between my legs, just getting across with arms, in either breast stroke or butterfly. When we'd take breaks to contemplate the next move, I tried to de-grossify my flip turns, and may have made a bit of progress. My breast stroke kick is still frustratingly incorrect, and apparently my legs are still weak on the backstroke.
However, I did make it (finally) all the way across in full butterfly stroke by the end of the session. It's been a goal. Went the full hour.
My arms and body are tired today, but in a good way.
4.25 mi this morning. It was beautiful. Dark out still (have to be back before 6am), but with a pretty moon, low in the sky, dipping behind high thin cumulus clouds, often giving the moon the "halo" lighting around it that dispersed enough to show some of the rainbow colors.
The destination was the out and back lake where I usually go for 4 milers plus. The mix of ice and liquid water on the surface of the lake blended in one silvery reflection of the moonlight.
Despite the cold temps for this time of the year (27F this am, highs in the 30s), the birds and such are starting to make noises about spring.
Though my body was tired, and started waking up at 4:20am (alarms starts wailing at 4:45 and my body usually is vertical by around 4:55), and I felt like I could have gone back to sleep quite easily, these kinds of mornings remind me that it is worth it.
I haven't done any exercise lately, but today I threw on the huaraches and walked all around running my errands. My foot/ankle still hurts and the pain would come and go at times today while I was out. I see the PT again tomorrow, probably last time, but he hasn't really done anything that has helped this pain. My heel on the other hand is amazingly better than it has been in a year and halfish or so. I see the real Dr for a check back in type apt and have a feeling he is going to want to get an MRI or something to see if he can figure out what this problem I'm having now is from. The ear infections also seem to be getting better as well, slowly.
bummer on the foot. that can be quite discouraging.
glad the ear infection is healing. I remember those from when I was a little kid. NOT FUN.
once the ear thing is gone, keep up with the bike and st, bide time with running. it will be there for you when your body is ready.
If I hadn't come into the kitchen for my lunchtime fruits and vegetables, another five or ten minutes and it would've been a lot worse. If I had come in five or ten minutes earlier, it might've exploded in my face. By the time I came in, the space was full of thick, black smoke but the fire was out except for one cabinet on the opposite side of the kitchen and a molten spatula on top of a pot lid. The firemen came after I had already cleared out the smoke and got all the hot stuff out in the snow on the deck, and thoughtfully punched a few holes in the ceilings though, for good measure.

YIKES. I fear fire. We have a wood burning stove, and it has been cause for much anxiety, especially w/ kids around.

So glad everyone is ok.

I had a cake explode in the oven a few weeks ago (it was a real lucille ball moment after the smoke cleared):::every fire alarm in the house was blaring, but I can't recall just how much smoke was wafting about before it went off.
I don't like that yours didn't go off right away. Not good when safety equipment doesn't do its job.
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Sorry to read about the fire, Lee. Be thankful you were where you were when you were.

I hope it all gets sorted out soon.

Thanks Chris, looks like we'll just have to deal with some inconvenience from here on out. And remodeling shouldn't take too long--there wasn't any structural damage. I'm trying to look at it on the bright side, realizing our fire alarm / prevention system is totally inadequate, and how we need to upgrade like two days ago.
I am not trying to brag here despite of what Lee says, what I am saying is that if I did it anyone can do it.
Just giving you crap Dama. And I know I could probably go out and run 13 miles today if I had to and was allowed to take some stretching breaks. It's just that I want to do it as a race, be able to maintain a 9mm pace if possible, and not have to fear the ITBS ogre.
Yeap, most of our cooking is fried and very tasty.
Ok, about the half we are not sure yet because my husband want us to go to San Diego but we haven't decided one way or the other and I am very torn us what to do, in the one hand I want us to do the half on the other hand I want to go to SD too, we haven't been back since we move to Iowa back on 1987. So not sure was going to happen but will let you know.
Don't worry about it. I would take SD over Minnesota any day. We'll meet eventually. Maybe we could think about a half in the fall.
YIKES. I fear fire. We have a wood burning stove, and it has been cause for much anxiety, especially w/ kids around.

So glad everyone is ok.

I had a cake explode in the oven a few weeks ago (it was a real lucille ball moment after the smoke cleared):::every fire alarm in the house was blaring, but I can't recall just how much smoke was wafting about before it went off.
I don't like that yours didn't go off right away. Not good when safety equipment doesn't do its job.
Yah, a definite wake-up, which we're counting as a blessing. I guess it was my wife's Gilligan moment.

I tried to convince my daughter that I was just like a Rescue Hero. She just laughed.
Just giving you crap Dama. And I know I could probably go out and run 13 miles today if I had to and was allowed to take some stretching breaks. It's just that I want to do it as a race, be able to maintain a 9mm pace if possible, and not have to fear the ITBS ogre.

Don't worry about it. I would take SD over Minnesota any day. We'll meet eventually. Maybe we could think about a half in the fall.

I know you're just giving me crap Lee, I do give you crap all the time.
We should meet regardless, wether in a race or just because. Our son live in Minneapolis and we visit often.
Maybe in one of our visits we could meet even if briefly.
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I had a mile run warm up and lower body ST.
Maybe tomorrow I'll have a nice outdoor run since the weather so far looks like is going to be on the upper 40's.

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