Mileage reporting 13th week 2014

BL, what's a "gurgly" stomach? hunger? nausea? upset? constipated?

w-little beach run. didn't seem to have enough energy to get into a full run. mom's dog was too tired from day before. he was giving me "no way in hell" eyes when i said let's go.
been meaning to say, you've been seriously getting back "into" it, haven't you?
Check out your mad miles and ST.
Thanks for letting me live vicariously while I plot my path to back on track.

The weather had me really down for a while for running, but the ST, as you've said, is a good feeling in its own right.
Keep it all up.
Yah, de-emphasizing some of the secondary ST exercises, and focusing more on the heavy lifts, more frequently, for less time each workout, really seems to be working.

For the running, it's been a little extreme. Part of it is exuberance at being able to run bare again, part of it is blatant numerology as I try to see how many kilometers I can rack up for the Winter Challenge, knowing that next winter, if I stick with my plan, I'm going to run shod more, and so probably won't have the chance at as much bare mileage.

It also helps that I've separated, for the most part, running and lifting, doing the former in the morning, and the latter in the afternoon, instead of alternating them every other day. 30-40 minutes first thing in the morning and then 20-40 minutes at the end of the day is very doable for me, and it still only averages out to a little more than an hour a day. Doesn't take away from work time at all, as I feel more alert and concentrated when I'm reasonably fit, so get more done.

Starting next week, I'm going to be stricter about sticking to this schedule. I want to get back down to 30 mpw, with just one long run per week, and start working on pace. I feel like I'm ready for a breakthrough on that front. Or not. I know these longer runs are starting to take their toll, and I often have to stop to walk and/or stretch when the legs feel tight. Probably should knock it off but I only got a few more days to go. It's pure mindless mileage but I think it's helping me re-establish a good aerobic base after a pissy winter running season. Once I dial it back, making most long runs 10 miles or less, I think I'll notice a little compensatory boost in my pace. That's the theory at least: overtrain>pull back>new plateau. In any case, I definitely feel like I'm developing a better feel for what's beneficial for any given day or week--when to push, when to coast . . .

Look forward to seeing you get back at it soon. You were one of my original inspirations when I joined this forum!

BL, what's a "gurgly" stomach? hunger? nausea? upset? constipated?
Yeah, had to make a trip to the water closet after I had warmed up on the deadlift. Something wanted out. Not urgently, but I felt relieved afterwards. Hey, now you got me talking like you.
everybody poops. runners talk about it more because it happens to come out easier. plus it means you're really good running buddies to talk about it. no details necessary though. just generalities. :asshat:

th-sleeping in and reading.
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swam 35 minutes yesterday

Today i ran about 6.4 miles. Carrying a couple of 50 pound bags of flour up the stairs and kneading a 4 loaf recipe of bread are going to count as strength training.

It hailed here hard in the afternoon and I went out to put the chickens to bed afterward and slipped on a piece of plywood, whoch proceeded to flip up and whack me hard in the ankle. Still hurts, but I can walk. I think the biggest problem is the layer of skin it removed. Its a good thing I was wearing long pants or I would have lost more skin.
BL, what's a "gurgly" stomach? hunger? nausea? upset? constipated?

w-little beach run. didn't seem to have enough energy to get into a full run. mom's dog was too tired from day before. he was giving me "no way in hell" eyes when i said let's go.
everybody poops. runners talk about it more because it happens to come out easier. plus it means you're really good running buddies to talk about it. no details necessary though. just generalities. :asshat:

th-sleeping in and reading.

Right on my little "poop buddy" :D

So while I'm on here...I ran 100 my mind. I am going to a physical therapist Monday to begin pelvic floor dysfunction rehab. Basically all my pelvic muscles have either seized up, atrophied or some combination of both -and some, like my bladder, are in constant spasm-mode. I will know the details after Monday's appointment. I am guessing I will not be running again for at least 2 months. At this point, all exercise is impossible. I am confident the physical therapist, who specializes in this, will show me how to rebuild everything and I will get relief, but it's not going to happen overnight.
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Still doing about 2 km per day STG in temps of about -10C to -15C range. Pads seem to have held fine over the winter as I have no discomfort running on this winters road grit. On a side note I bought a 20 lb kettle bell, now how can I utilize this to benefit my running?

Some say that doing kettlebell swings can be beneficial, a properly done swing really works the glutes and hamstrings, and that may help to build strength in those which could transfer over into running, especially faster running.

I ran 6.55 miles last evening, 2 miles or so to warmup, then a series of 10 hill repeats, each of them lasting around a minute and the last one was the fastest. But I was kind of slow on them overall, I put it down to that my body is still recovering from the virus of last week. Whenever I get whacked by a virus, I always end up weaker strengthwise for some time after it. I hope I can get back to full strength before Saturday next weekend, as there is a 5K I want to run in and I'd like to go hard in it if possible.
Thursday afternoon: Snow! But above freezing and so melting on contact with the ground. Still, I ran my one mile home quickly. Then good squat session. Still not pushing it too much, but 225 is starting to feel more stable, then pyramided down in 10-lb increments to 175 and then did lots of sets of 3-5 reps. I found a good form cue is to stare at a spot on the ground about five feet ahead of me, instead of straight ahead. Seems like everything lines up better that way.

Friday morning: One mile run commute, at 26F/14F windchill. Some ice from the prior day's snow melt, but my toe calluses have reformed enough now that I feel protected. I'll try another run down by the river this afternoon and postpone my "Top" ST (cables and shoulder presses/raises) until tomorrow.

everybody poops. runners talk about it more because it happens to come out easier. plus it means you're really good running buddies to talk about it. no details necessary though. just generalities. :asshat:

th-sleeping in and reading.
OK, here's the generality: I normally poop first thing in the morning. But I drank several espressos that day, cuz I was sleep-deprived, and then had a protein shake too soon before working out. Gurgle gurgle. In general, I've been getting away from the protein shakes, and won't get more powder when my supply run out. Unless you're a high performance athlete, or a vegan or something, I doubt it's necessary. And in any case, I prefer spicy sausage and stinky cheese for my midday protein intake, or herring, smoked or pickled.

As for poop-talk, I think it's mostly for people who were toilet-trained too early, runner or not. I'm not squeamish, but I don't find fecal foci fun.
Still doing about 2 km per day STG in temps of about -10C to -15C range. Pads seem to have held fine over the winter as I have no discomfort running on this winters road grit. On a side note I bought a 20 lb kettle bell, now how can I utilize this to benefit my running?
For running, probably kettlebell swings and snatches. I tried kettlebell swings with a homemade t-bar. Since there's no kettlebell involved, I call it a squat swing. Still, I concluded that my time was better spent doing more deadlifts and squats. Seems to me like kettlebell swings are another useless elaboration on the tried-and-true, a mindless newism, and put on a lot of strain on the lower back if you don't do them just right. But a lot of respected trainers swear by them. Just didn't seem to do a whole lot for me. Maybe I should give them a try again and see if I've changed my mind. For most other kettlebell exercises, dumbbells work just as well or better:
.5 km STG at -21C with wind chill was all my feet could do before the KIGO's went on to complete the 2 miler this morning. I will try to take advantage of the afternoon sun and solar heated pavement this afternoon to get some more sole stimulation in. Thanks for the link Lee. Both my youngest daughters work with kettlebells at the gym so therefore I got talked into them. And as per our discussion last year over a few beer I decided that light weights for core strength can only help. I found last year while doing the Dirty Donkey Mud run I was lacking in that department. The kettlebells also don't take up a lot of room in the basement either.
Excellent 6 mile run at 4:45 am, 70 deg. f.. saw some rabbits. I had a few moments of flow. ah yes!:D
Autumn is here ! Did a very nice and comfortable 13.7km/8.5mi today, with a cool breeze. I am back in Brisbane next week, and it looks like a muggy week again over there
It was hot and very humid so not much fun really.
And hopefully on Tuesday we can catch up with Peter ! :)
Friday - short mid-body ST workout...the gym at work has replaced all the machines tried the ab-crunch machine didn't really like it. No deadlift machine so used Dumbells...the only free weights there.

Today 1 hour run to Harbins park and back...cloudy with random light rain...legs felt extra strong had to keep holding back on the speed and not get carried away.
sat-little yog with the dogs. pistols and one arm push ups at park. chin ups too. then i had to leave cuz the old guy decided it was time to go home. when he's on a mission he won't listen either and isn't aware of cars.
Friday afternoon. 8.3 miles down by the river, 35F/32F windchill.

early am: one-mile run-commute, 17F.
mid am: 4.9 miles, 27F
Then pulldowns, seat rows, shoulder presses & raises.

45.5 miles on the week.

I am confident the physical therapist, who specializes in this, will show me how to rebuild everything and I will get relief, but it's not going to happen overnight.
Good luck with this Jen!

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