Metabolic Triad Training, 2022: Cycle VI

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of last Cycle. Got pretty consistent with the walks, and even had a week where I got in all three metabolic modalities three or four days. The cycle was interrupted, however by a Dakotas road trip and Covid during the first two weeks, then a house reorganization towards the end. The biggest development was discontinuing my BP med. My head feels clearer and my energy levels are better, so hopefully that will set me up for a good cycle.

Goals for this Cycle. Just get consistent about all three metabolic modalities, try to get them in during the am hours whenever possible. That should lead to lower BP and some weight loss.

Here's the lifting chart.

Screenshot (21).png

I'll start by doing three sets of the first Ramp, then progress from there.

---------------Week 1: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.10.09
0.9 mi Two Hills walk with dog. My knees felt stiff, so I cut it short.

Monday, 22.10.10
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. 47F, Winter Challenge weather, but really, no challenge at all. The cool surfaces felt great.

Tuesday, 22.10.11
1.7 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 170ft. I've noticed that just about any hills route will generate about 100 feet of elevation gain (and loss) per mile.

Wednesday, 22.10.12
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood. 45ft.

I may do this relatively flat route for a while until my knee pain goes away. Seems OK today, and my BP feels OK, so I'll try to get in the lifting and HIIT in a bit.

Concept II Rower: 20 x [30 sec @ L-Int / 30 sec @ M-Int) = 20 mins, 3470 total meters.

I found the best way to stay consistent is to keep the Low Intensity pace to under three minutes per 500m, and the Medium Intensity pace to under two and a half minutes per 500m. Hopefully I'll be able shave off thirty seconds off both paces in the not too distant future. Another way to quantify progress a bit is to shoot for more total meters over the same time. Let's say 4000m over 20 minutes by the end of this cycle. No idea if this is optimistic or pessimistic.

Resistance: Lower Body
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 75
RDL: 3 x 3 @ 135

Taking it easy to see how my knees handle things. Felt good to lift again, even at light loads.

In general, I think the greater range of motion of both the rowing and squat, compared to walking, will help keep the fluids moving in my knee joint. Cycling would be another good one.

Thursday, 22.10.13
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood. 45ft. 41F.

Torque Tank M1 Push Sled: 5 x [2 x 100 feet] = 1000 feet @ Resistance 1

Two of the lines of the asphalt sections in front of my house measure almost exactly 100 feet apart, with one starting right at my driveway. So I went back and forth five times. The Tank M1 has three resistances, so I guess the goal would be to work up to the third one, and then, if needed, add plates.

Resistance: Upper Body Pull
PD: 3 x 3 @ 100
RW: 3 x 3 @ 135

I'm going to try splitting up the six lifts into three days instead of two, to keep everything quick and have time for the HIIT too. I guess it will depend on whether or not my shoulders are fine with upper body lifts two days in a row. If not, I'll go back to a simple Upper/Lower Split. A weekly routine would be something like:

Lower Body/HIIT Rower
Upper Body Pull/HIIT Sled
Upper Body Push/HIIT Rower
Lower Body/HIIT Sled
Upper Body Pull/HIIT Rower
Upper Body Push/HIIT Sled

In theory, it might make more sense to always combine the Rower with Lower Body lifts, and the Sled with Upper Body lifts, so I might go with this if it feels right:

Lower Body/HIIT Rower
Upper Body/HIIT Sled
Lower Body/HIIT Rower
Upper Body/HIIT Sled
Lower Body/HIIT Rower
Upper Body/HIIT Sled

Friday, 22.10.14

Saturday, 22.10.15
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. 46F

---------------Week 2: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.10.16

Monday, 22.10.17
1.6 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 160ft. 31F, 17WC.

First cold day, feet did fine.

Concept II Rower: 20 x [30 sec @ L-Int / 30 sec @ M-Int) = 20 mins, 3575 total meters.

I did the last two and a half minutes somewhere between low and medium intensity.

Resistance: Lower Body
RDL: 3 x 3 @ 135
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 95

Tuesday, 22.10.18
1.6 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 160ft. 29F, 17WC.

Resistance: Upper Body
PD: 3 x 3 @ 100
OP: 3 x 3 @ 65
BP: 3 x 3 @ 95
RW: 3 x 3 @ 135

Wednesday, 22.10.19

Thursday, 22.10.20
1.6 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 160ft. 50F.

Friday, 22.10.21
Spent the whole day coating the roof with silicone. My knees held up pretty well on the ladder hauling up five-gallon pails.

Saturday, 22.10.22
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft.

---------------Week 3: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.10.23
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft.

Monday, 22.10.24
Man, this head cold won't go away.

Tuesday, 22.10.25
1.7 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 170ft. 42F, 37WC.

Wednesday, 22.10.26

Thursday, 22.10.27
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. 43F.

Resistance: Lower Body
RDL: 3 x 3 @ 135
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 95

Felt pretty good.

Concept II Rower: 10 x [30 sec @ L-Int / 30 sec @ M-Int) = 10 mins, 1700 total meters.

Maybe 10 minutes is enough. I can always increase intensity.

Friday, 22.10.28
Resistance: Upper Body
PD: 3 x 3 @ 100
OP: 3 x 3 @ 75
BP: 3 @ 95/105/115
RW: 3 x 3 @ 135

Felt good. Didn't go on my walk to save a bit on my knees in preparation for a second coat of Silicone on the roof tomorrow.

Saturday, 22.10.29

---------------Week 4: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.10.30
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft.

Resistance: Lower Body
DL: 3 x 3 @ 135
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 95

Concept II Rower: 10 x [30 sec @ L-Int / 30 sec @ M-Int) = 10 mins, 1933 total meters.

Was able to push the pace a bit.

Monday, 22.10.31
1.7 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 170ft. 38F.

Torque Tank M1 Push Sled: 5 x [2 x 100 feet] = 1000 feet @ Resistance 1, 10 minutes total.

I used a GymBoss interval watch, set to one-minute intervals. That seems about right for now, could maybe be 45 seconds, but might be better just to increase the resistance.

Tuesday, 22.11.01
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft.

BP: 3 x 3 @ 95
PD: 3 @ 105/125/145
OP: 3 x 3 @ 65

I didn't notice my son and his friends had put the five-pound weight on the cable weight stack. Felt kind of tired.

Wednesday, 22.11.02
Resistance: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 95/115/135/135
DL: 3 x 3 @ 185

Concept II Rower: 10 x [30 sec @ L-Int / 30 sec @ M-Int) = 10 mins, 2059 total meters.

Wow, an improvement of over 100m.

Thursday, 22.11.03
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood. 75ft.

Resistance: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 100/120/140/140/140
RW: 3 x 3 @ 135
OP: 3 @ 45/65/85/85/85
BP: 3 @ 95/115/135/135/135

Some lifts are now comfortably in the Ramp 3 zone of the first training block. I'll work on getting the others there, then push for Ramp 4 at least before this cycle. It would be nice to get to the Target loads though, so I can make the second training block the goal of next cycle.

Friday, 22.11.04

Saturday, 22.11.05
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. 40F, 36FWC, some drizzle.

Resistance: Lower Body
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 135

---------------Week 5: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.11.06
Resistance: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/115/135/145/155
RDL: 2 x 3 @ 185
DL: 2 x 3 @ 185

Need to start pushing the Lower Body lifts a bit.

Concept II Rower: 10 mins @ L/M-Int, 1921 total meters.

After a minute or so, I dumped the HIIT and just did a steady pace somewhere between Low and Medium Intensity.

1.7 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 170ft. 50F, 42WC.

Monday, 22.11.07
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood. 75ft. 28F.

Tuesday, 22.11.08
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. 48F, 41WC.

PD: 3 @ 100/120/140/160/160
OP: 3 @ 45/65

Took a break, when I came back my left shoulder felt a little something on the Overhead Press, so I shut it down.

Wednesday, 22.11.09
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood. 75ft. 50F, wet surfaces--the wet concrete sidewalks of the second half of the walk felt colder than the wet dirt and leaves of the first half.

Concept II Rower: 10 mins @ L/M-Int, 1811 total meters.

Resistance: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/75/115/135/155/175/185

Might have a shot at reaching my Target loads by the end of this cycle.

Thursday, 22.11.10
Resistance: Upper Body
BP: 3 @ 45/95/115/135/145/155

Ran out of time, but managed to get the Bench Press close to its Target load. So that's two lifts.

Friday, 22.11.11
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood. 75ft. 28F, 13WC.

Resistance: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/155/175

My right knee felt stiff, probably from Wednesday's increased loads. So I didn't progress, and dropped the deadlifts.

Concept II Rower: 5 mins @ M-Int, 1040 total meters.

I'm kind of liking just going at decent intensity the whole time. So I guess it's not 'Intermittence' anymore. Maybe "Unremittence"?

Saturday, 22.11.12
1.7 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 170ft. 28F, 20WC.

Some flurries, winter is coming.

Anaerobic: Upper Body
OP: 3 @ 45/55/65/75/85/95
PD: 3 @ 100/120/140/160
RW: 3 x 3 @ 95/115/135/155/160

OK, all the upper body lifts are where they should be. I'll get the Squat up next, and then hopefully the Deadlift by the end of the cycle.

---------------Week 6: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.11.13
2.25 mi Six Hills walk with dog. 220ft. 28F.

Monday, 22.11.14
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood. 75ft. An inch or two of snow, had to put on my rubberized socks. This might be it for barefooting for a while, a day after a young guy in the local hardware store told me to use footwear next time. I had just popped in from a walk for a small item.

Anaerobic: Lower Body
DL: 3 @ 135/185/225/225/225
SQ: 3 @ 135/155/175/185/185/185

Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 5 mins @ M-Int, 1097 total meters.

I'm thinking of a slightly different, more simplified approach to Ramping using the following chart.

Screenshot (31).png

Once again, the loads progress by adding five pounds to the Squat load and then using my ratios to determine the other loads. In the far left, dark-shaded column:
2 = Overhead Press;
3 = Bench Press, Pulldown, and Pendley Row;
4 = Squat;
5 = Deadlift.

I'll continue to do four Ramps and one Target load. Initially I'll just climb up the first five loads. Then, when I get to the sixth column, I'll skip the second column. Then, when I get to the seventh column, which has the target loads for this cycle, I'll skip the second and fourth loads: |1| |X| 3 |X| |5| |6| |7|. I'm already at the Target for all of the "3" lifts.

Thereafter, each time I increase the Squat load by five pounds, I'll do the two columns before each lift's Target, then skip one, do the next column to the left, and then skip another, and start with the next column to the left.

So for example, if I'm at the 10th column for the target load, I'll ramp the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, and 10th columns' loads. I'm not sure how many sets I'll do at the Target load, but I'm thinking maybe just one since the two prior sets will be close in weight. If I just do one set, I could make it a 1+ set where I progress to the next column when I can do the Target set for three reps. If the Target set is always for three reps, then I'll progess to the next column when the target sets feel easy. In either case, I'll increase the Squat load by five pounds and bring up the other lifts and the ramps accordingly, using the chart.

I'll also have the option of pyramiding back down some ramps if I like.

The overall effect will be having the Ramps' loads closer to the Target load.

Tuesday, 22.11.15
1.6 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 160ft.

Wednesday, 22.11.16
1.75 mi walk around Como Lake with dog. 65ft.

Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 100/120/140/150/160
OP: 3 @ 45/65/75/85/95/85
BP: 3 @ 45/95/135/145/155/160
RW: 3 x 3 @ 135/145/155/160

Well the new, simplified Ramp system failed proof of concept. The Ramp loads felt too close together. So I'm back to the chart at the top of this thread. Why mess with success? I did a little pyramiding on the Overhead Press. I still like that idea. It might make sense to just do the Target set once and repeat Ramps 4 and 3 coming down for a little extra volume. They are still pretty close to the Target weight.

Thursday, 22.11.17
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood.

Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 5 mins @ M-Int, 1114 total meters.

Wasn't feeling the lifting, maybe I'll go back to a six-lift session one day, and then conditioning plus mobility plus some of the Dan John ideas on the other.

Friday, 22.11.18
Hmmn, my right calf and hammie are strangely stiff.

Saturday, 22.11.19

---------------Week 7: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.11.20
1.7 mi Four Hills walk with dog. 170ft.

Monday, 22.11.21
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood.

Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 100/120/140/150/155/160
OP: 3 @ 45/65/75/85/95/85
BP: 3 @ 45/95/135/145/155

Still feeling tight in the right calf and hammie, so skipped the lower body, will try tomorrow.

Tuesday, 22.11.22
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood.

Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 5 mins @ M-Int, 1054 total meters.

Wednesday, 22.11.23
Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/185

Hammie feels ok, but right calf is still tight. I'll have to try massaging it out during the day.

Glycolytic: Pull

Concept II Rower: 5 mins @ M-Int, 1088 total meters.

Thursday, 22.11.24

Friday, 22.11.25
2.15 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. 49F, 43WC.

Saturday, 22.11.26

---------------Week 8: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.11.27
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. 39F.

Monday, 22.11.28
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. 32F. 23WC.

Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 45/95/135/185/185
RDL: 3 x 3 @ 185

Right calf is getting better. Massaging the calf with The Stick and my shin muscles with my hands seems to work.

Glycolytic: Pull

Concept II Rower: 10 mins @ L-Int, 1808 total meters.

Took it easy today to see how the calf reacts.

Tuesday, 22.11.29
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft. Snow! Dog was off-leash the whole time, frolicking and sniffing.

Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 115/135/145/155/160
OP: 3 @ 45/65/75/85/95

Wednesday, 22.11.30
1.75 mi walk around Como Lake with dog. 65ft. -5WC, bracing, but I was shod.

Anaerobic: Lower Body
SQ: 3 @ 135/155/175

Right calf felt tight again.

Glycolytic: Pull
Concept II Rower: 10 mins @ M-Int, 2054 total meters.

Thursday, 22.12.01
2 mi Five Hills walk with dog. 200ft.

Anaerobic: Upper Body
PD: 3 @ 115/135/145/155/160/155/145
OP: 3 @ 45/65/75/85/95/85/75

I did some proper pyramiding. Repeating the Fourth and Third ramps seems like a good addition of volume. I almost got a 'pump.' It's also nice mentally to only do one Target/top set.

I also timed the sets at two-minute intervals. Feels about right, keeps me from getting distracted with my phone's newsfeed. For the Lower Body lifts, once I get up in loads a bit, perhaps three-minute intervals will work better. I timed the warmup sets too, but I think in the future I'll just program seven two-minute repeats for the the seven total Ramps, and work up a bit more quickly on the preceding warmup sets. I might try to get the intervals a little shorter as I get into better shape. I could also possibly program the intervals to become longer as I approach the Target set. I just ordered a fancier GymBoss timer that can do that sort of thing.

Anyway, I think these will be useful new protocols in the upcoming half-cycle.

Friday, 22.12.02
1.2 walk with dog through woods and mid-century neighborhood.

Saturday, 22.12.03
Spent the day helping install a dishwasher.

And that's a wrap.
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Assessment of last Cycle. Continued progress in the gym, but definitely dropping the cardio fitness. A 3 mile run is relatively hard these days.

Goals for this Cycle.
Keep the progress moving forward. Try to figure out how to slowly start stripping away the weight.

Worked up a goal, I think by the end of the cycle I will try to hit the Intermediate levels of the 6 lifts which should be very easy considering I am there on all of them other than the power cleans. I haven't done these in a while but wanted to start working them in.


It's interesting how much my back squat is lagging but is probably the weakest of the 6 lifts.

Two more goals -
240 min of zone 2 cardio (walks, hikes, bikes or slow runs)
1 VO2 max training per week - Rower or biking - start out with 5 or 6 1-2 min efforts.

---------------Week 1: Cycle VI---------------
Sunday, 22.10.09

5.4 mile walk
2 mile hike

Monday, 22.10.10
AM Lift
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Squats - 5@135, 3@205, 225, 245, 265, 2@275
Pull downs - 10@145, 8@160, 175, 5@190
Press - 8@95, 5@135, 145, 3@155, 2@165
Push press - 3@ 175, 185, 190
GHD - 5x10

Tuesday, 22.10.11
Rest day

Wednesday, 22.10.12
AM Lift
WU - Fsquats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Fsquats - 5@135, 3@185, 205, 225, 1@245, 255
Bent Rows - 3x8@135
DL - 5@135, 3@225, 275, 1@295, 315, 335, 345, 355
Bench - 10@135, 5@205, 225, 225, 3@245

Bike - 76 min

Thursday, 22.10.13
Hike - 48 min

Friday, 22.10.14
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Squats - 10@135, 5@185, 3x5@225
Pull downs - 10@ 145, 145, 145, 145, 160
GHD SU - 3x10
Press - 5@135, 135, 4@155
Push press - 3@175, 185, 185

Saturday, 22.10.15
Walk - 119 min

---------------Week 2: Cycle VI---------------
Sunday, 22.10.16

Hike - 193 min

Monday, 22.10.17
Rest day - even though I didn't need it

Tuesday, 22.10.18
WU - Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Squats - 5@135, 185, 3@225, 245, 265, 2@275, 1@280
Pull downs - 10@145, 160, 8@175, 5@190, 10@160
Bench - 10@135, 5@205, 225, 3@245, 5@225, 225
Calf raises - 3x10@285

Wednesday, 22.10.19

Thursday, 22.10.20
WU - Fsquats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Fsquats - 5@135, 185, 2@225
Bent Rows - 3x10@135
Power Cleans - 3@135, 155, 2@175, 1@185, 195
Press - 5@ 135, 135, 135 1@155, 165, 170, 175

Friday, 22.10.21

Saturday, 22.10.22
WU Fsquats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Fsquats - 5@135, 185, 3@205, 225, 2@245, 1@255
Pull downs - 5x8@160
DL - 5@135, 225, 3@275, 1@295, 315, 335, 345, 365
Bench - 5@135, 205, 225, 225, 225

---------------Week 3: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.10.23

Monday, 22.10.24
AM Lift
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Squats - 5@135, 185, 3@225, 245, 1@155
Low pulls - 10@160, 8@175, 190, 5@205
Power Clean - 3@135, 3x1@155, 3x1@175
Press - 3x5@135
Push Press - 3@175

Tweaked my back so I bailed on the push presses. Think I will drop the power cleans out, this is the first time I have tweaked the back injury in a while. I will find another explosive lift that is a little safer I think.

Tuesday, 22.10.25
PM Lift
WU Fsquats/PU
Planks - 5@40sec
Fsquats - 5@135, 185, 3x3@225
Bench - 10@185, 5@225, 3@245, 1@265, 1@275
GHD SU - 2x10

Wednesday, 22.10.26
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40-sec
Press - 10@95, 5@135, 135, 3@155
DL - 5@135, 3@225, 275, 1@295, 315, 335
Pull downs - 8@160, 175, 6@190
Low pulls 8@175, 190, 205

Thursday, 22.10.27
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40-sec
PC - 3x3@135
Farmers - 60m @135, 2x60@225

Friday, 22.10.28

Saturday, 22.10.29

---------------Week 4: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.10.30
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40-sec
FSquats - 5@135, 3@185, 205, 225, 1@245
Pull downs - 10@160, 8@175, 190
GHDSU - 3x10
Press - 5@135,135,135
Push Press - 3@185, 2@185, 3@185
Hang - 30sec

Monday, 22.10.31

Tuesday, 22.11.01

Wednesday, 22.11.02

Thursday, 22.11.03
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40-sec
Squats - 5@135, 185, 3@225, 245, 265, 275
Bent rows - 8@135, 155, 155
DL - 5@155, 3@245, 2@295, 315, 1@335, 355
Press - 5@135, 145, 3@155, 155

Friday, 22.11.04
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40-sec
Row - 20 min - 4300m
Bench - 10@135, 8@185, 5@205, 225, 225, 225
Calf raises - 3x10@270
FSquats - 5@135, Pause 3x5@185
Pull downs - 3x10@160
GHD SU - 2x15
Farmers - 120m@70pa, 2x60m@70pa

Saturday, 22.11.05

---------------Week 5: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.11.06

Monday, 22.11.07
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40-sec
Fsquats - 5@135, 3@185, 205, 2@225, F@235
Pull downs 10@ 145, 160, 8@175, 5@190, 4@205
Press - 5@135, 135, 4@145
Low pulls - 3x10@160

First day of snowboarding on the 5th, my legs are sore is very odd spots which definitely is impacting today.

Good news, I dropped about 4 pounds since two weeks ago, I weighed myself and I was 218 so I decided to adopt some intermittent fasting and better eating. So far so good. I am down to a steady 214 recently and dropping.

Tuesday, 22.11.08

Wednesday, 22.11.09

Thursday, 22.11.10
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Squats - 5@135, 185, 3@225, 245, 2@265, 1@275
Bent Rows - 8@135, 155, 5@175
DL - 5@ 225, 2@275, 1@315, 335
GHD SU - 3x10

Friday, 22.11.11
Row - 20min 4250m
Bench - 10@135, 5@205, 225, 225, 225, 9@185
Pull ups - 6,5

Saturday, 22.11.12
WU - Fsquats/PU
Planks - 3@ 40sec
Pull downs - 10@ 160, 8@175, CloseGrip 6@205 8@190
Fsquats - 5@135, 185, 3@205, 225, 1@245
Press - 5@135, 140, 145, 3@155
GHD SU - 3x10
Push press - 3@175, 180, 185

---------------Week 6: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.11.13

Monday, 22.11.14
Row - 15min
Squats - 5 @ 135, 185
PU - 10,10,20
Planks - 3@40 sec

Tuesday, 22.11.15
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Squats - 5@135, 185, 3@225, 245, 255
Pull downs - 10@160, 8@175, 175, 175
Bench - 10@135, 5@185, 225, 225, 225
Farmers - 3x60m@70pa
GHD SU 3x10

Squats - 3x5@135
Press - 3x5@135
Fsquats - 3x5@135
Push press - 3@ 175, 2@185, 3@185
Face pulls - 3x15@90
DLDL - 10@135, 3x5@225

Wednesday, 22.11.16

Thursday, 22.11.17

Friday, 22.11.18
WU Fsquats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Squats - 5@135, 3@185, 205, 225, 10@135
Low pulls - 8@160, 175, 190, 20@130, 130
Calf raises - 10@275, 275, 275

Saturday, 22.11.19
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 30@40sec
Squats - 5@135, 185, 225, 225, 225
Bent rows - 8@135, 155, 175, 6@175, 185
Press - 5@135, 135, 135, 135, 3@145
DL - 3@225, 275, 1@295, 315, 325, 345, 365, 375

---------------Week 7: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 22.11.20

Monday, 22.11.21
WU - Fsquats/Pu
Planks - 3@40sec
LM Twist - 3x10@25
Fsquats - 5@135, 3@185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 2@235
Pull downs - 10@145, 160, 7@190, 5@205
Bench - 10@135, 5@205, 225, 225, 225

Tuesday, 22.11.22
WU Squats/PU new squats pattern for warmups 10@45, 135, 135
GHD SU - 3x10
Squats - 3@185, 205, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265
Bent rows - 5x8@135
Shrugs - 5x8@135
Press - 5@135, 135, 135

Wednesday, 22.11.23
Long walk

Thursday, 22.11.24
Short hike

Friday, 22.11.25
WU - Fsquats/Pu
Planks - 3@40sec
Fsquats - 5@135, 3@155, 175, 195, 215, 225
Bent rows - 8@135, 3x5@185
Bench - 10@135, 5@205, 225, 225, 225
Calf raises - 3x10@270

Saturday, 22.11.26
Long walk

---------------Week 8: Cycle VI---------------
Sunday, 22.11.27

WU Squats/PU - 30
Planks - 3x40sec
Squats - 3@185, 205, 225, 245, 255
Pull downs - 10@145, 160, 8@175, 6@190, 5@205
Press - 5@135, 145, 4@155
GHD SU - 3x10
Push Press - 3x3@175

Monday, 22.11.28
Bike - 0:20

Tuesday, 22.11.29
Row - 0:20 4280m
Bike - 0:20

The intermittent fasting is working well in supporting the weight loss. I am down about 14 pounds since Oct 24 roughly one month. This is also definitely reducing my strength levels especially in the squats. Oddly enough DL's are up. I have started supplementing more protein to support the strength levels. So a protein shake first thing after I break my fast and then another in the evening before the window closes.

Wednesday, 22.11.30

Thursday, 22.12.01
WU - FSquats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
FSquats - 3@155, 175, 195, 215, 2@225, 1@235
Pull downs - 15@145, 12@145, 14@145
GHDSU 3x10
Press - 3x5@135, 10@95

Friday, 22.12.02
Bike - 20min
Row - 20min
Farmers - 3x60@70pa
Situps - 25,20,20
Low pulls - 3x15@130
Face pulls - 3x10@100

Saturday, 22.12.03
WU Squats/PU
Planks - 3@40sec
Squats - 3@185, 205, 225, 235
Pull downs - 10@145, 160, 8@175, 6@190
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I have been thinking more about the rower/sled in place of power cleans, and I see you have been using yours. I figure its a similar movement but will be much safer for my back and the two would be very complimentary on similar but opposite sides.
I have been thinking more about the rower/sled in place of power cleans, and I see you have been using yours. I figure its a similar movement but will be much safer for my back and the two would be very complimentary on similar but opposite sides.
Yah, I've laid off the lifting and conditioning for the last 10 days because of this lingering head cold and attendant mild fatigue, but I think it's a great combo. The Sled is the Push, the Rower the Pull. Since I'm no longer doing a Push/Pull split, in order to give my shoulders more rest, I decided that the Rower probably complements the Lowerbody Squat/Deadlift day a bit better, so I do the Sled on the Upperbody days.

Thanks again for the Torque Tank recommendation! It works quite well out on the street and is very quiet. And it's pretty easy to store vertically in the garage. I just stand it up on its back wheels and clip the front to one of the shelves. I should get an easy-to-use timer that I can mount on it or on my wrist to try to get the rest intervals to last about the same amount of time as the sledding, or at least a somewhat consistent ratio. Or screw the quanti stuff, and just go by feel. I dunno.

I've also finally gotten better about motivating for HIIT on the rower for up to twenty minutes. It seems to have an almost immediate effect on lowering my BP. So yeah, I'm sold on the Metabolic Triad idea. One thing I could add, beside the stretching or first-thing-in-the-morning routine of

1. Stretching/Sun Salutations.
2. Summersault
3. Turkish getup
4. Stand on one foot for ten seconds.
5. Hang from a bar for 30 seconds.
6. Squat down, hold for 30 seconds, and stand up.

Is one longer bike ride on Sunday. I think my kids might be up for coming with sometimes too. I think they'd have the stamina now, and we could always stop along the way to admire the river from one of the bridges or scenic overlooks. (There's discussion about re-wilding the river by the way, by removing the locks and dams. There used to be a stretch of rapids between the Twin Cities, starting around dowtown Minneapolis, going down to Fort Snelling.) I think the low-impact pumping action of cycling is good for my knees, which, by the way, have almost complete recovered now. Still no idea why they started hurting again after the Dakotas trip and mild Covid.

The Torque by the way is a Twin Cities company.

I still like the idea of Power Cleans, but I'm not sure if my shoulders would tolerate them well anymore, and I'm pretty happy with the routine I have now. Seems to cover everything well enough, and it's something I can motivate for. Just have to get that consistency going again. I think do I might try some lifting and conditioning again today. I'm still a bit under the weather, but getting better.
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Ha I like the idea of power cleans too, but I also think I pulled my trap and it hurts to look left. I feel like I am zoolander. Maybe I will keep them light and do a few sets a week though, it is a really good lift.

Your welcome, its a really nice piece of equipment. I didn't know that about being located in the twin cities, pretty cool its a local company.

I have been doing your list of things throughout the day. 30 seconds on the bar is surprisingly hard and I feel like I have good grip strength. And the somersault I have yet to perfect. It more like a some side sault, especially with the trap issue.

Glad you are getting better, one of the kids was terribly sick earlier this week and I wonder if I had a mild case. Often when my back is sore after a workout I tend to link it back to an illness that must be inflammation related.

Have fun on the bike ride when you can, you should pull out some cross country skis once the snow starts flying. We had our first big storm of the year up in the hills. There goes the high country hiking till next June....
Yah, for our purposes, I would think going light on a lift like that is fine. Going heavy makes more sense if it's used as assistance for the Olympic lifts. You don't really need it for pure strength training, although Rippetoe would obviously disagree. I would view them more as a good way to target a kinetic chain, in this case, the posterior chain, similar to other exercises that target other areas, like box jumps, or medicine balls. Maybe they could be termed 'explosive conditioning' exercises. Someone has probably invented a better term.

Funny you're getting to that list before me. I take it you're liking it? Maybe I'll try them in a bit, but definitely not ready for the somersault.

Here's one explanation for a lot of people getting the sniffles these days:

Ha, it's 60F and sunny today.
Glad to see other lifters here! Strong work too! You mentioned protein powder in one of your threads, what brand do you use? I'm interested cause I know people here would stick to the natural kinds without additives. Looking for advice!

(posted this in wrong thread first sorry :) )
Glad to see other lifters here! Strong work too! You mentioned protein powder in one of your threads, what brand do you use? I'm interested cause I know people here would stick to the natural kinds without additives. Looking for advice!

(posted this in wrong thread first sorry :) )
Hey Primal,

Yeah, Abide is doing really well with the weights, I'm just starting to get back in rhythm.
I don't use it anymore, but in the past I've used: NutraBio 100% Whey Protein Isolate.
Hope that helps.

Also, feel free to participate in this thread if you like. You can log daily, weekly, or cyclically, it's up to you.

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I see you're doing single reps at the Target load of your sets sometimes. Any thoughts on that? I've been considering the same thing with Ramping approach. Or possibly going back to a 1+ or 3+ protocol, where I try to increase up to three or five reps before increasing weight.

Yeah I was thinking about a two pronged approach to keep pushing the max reps weight, but those increases are slowing down so then to work on the back end and bring reps up with heavier weight. I do think at some point a 1+ or 3+ is probably a good way to go. I have been lifting by feel when I have a good day I just push it and then back off on a weak day, seems to work a little better than having a set weight I need to hit, especially in the max ranges.

On another note, the last 2-3 weeks I have been dropping body weight pretty quickly, at one point I was up to 218. So I started a 16/8 intermittent fasting routine and am down to about 211 today. On the flipside is the lifts are getting harder...

I like the ramping idea with prior lift weights that's a really good idea.
Sounds good. My loads aren't heavier enough to worry about whether I feel up for it--everything is still makeable and my strength seems to be returning finally. Man, those BP meds really screwed me up.

It's cool that you can be that flexible and still make progress. I need my charts to tell me what to do! Hopefully I'll put the new one in action later today. Still not sure how to handle the Target set/sets, but I guess I'll get a sense of it after a while. I really don't enjoy lifting that much anymore, just the benefits, so I'm trying to make everything as simple and easy as possible. I am a little bit intrigued with trying pyramiding again. A little extra volume.

Funny, a month or so ago, I found myself doing the intermittent fasting too, roughly 16/8 or 15/9. Since September, I've lost 15-20 pounds, depending on how the scale is feeling.
Looks like you're rowing at about the same intensity as I am, but four times longer! What's your impression of the rower? Have you used it before? Do you think just 5-10 minutes (at what feels to me like medium intensity, 1 min = 200-220m) is enough to get a benefit?

I have used the rower before but it has been many years. I have always liked it and has come somewhat naturally to me. I could probably push harder now to hit 5000m in 20 min but I like using it more as a warm up than a full blown workout. I will occasionally jump on it for 5-10 min to warmup which is plenty to get the blood going at those paces you are suggesting.

I actually bought a spin bike to have in my office and I try to jump on it for 10 min a few times a day. I don't know if that is better or worse than longer sustained efforts but recently my resting heart rate has dropped pretty significantly (8bpm) so maybe it is helping? I do like the shorter times for the joints too, seems to keep my ankle and back aches from flaring up. It's kinds of like keeping the body warmed up throughout the day.

The RHR benefit could be from the intermittent fasting though, it's funny you are doing it as well. It's been very easy for me to implement and has really positive effects beyond the weight loss. I have been sleeping much better and I never wake up with an upset stomach like I used to. I am going to stick with it for a while. Usually I start eating at 9 and have a protein shake with flax and stuff and then a big salad with beans and tofu. I usually will snack on some fruit or pretzels and then have a smaller meal later in the day. I am pretty much stuffed for the evening then. Another benefit is I only have a drink or two in the evening due to the time restriction.

I have been reading a bit more about protein though and wondering if that is why I am seeing some degradation of strength. Per the general 1.6g per kg bodyweight recommendation for lifting that would be 160g+ a day for me. Even with a protein shake I imagine I am only getting around 100g/day. I guess I can add in a second protein shake in the afternoon. I do attribute some of the success with fullness to the higher focus on protein, I just think 160g in 2 meals is a lot to consume.

Oh one good thing is a rower is super easy to get a high intensity workout in. You can just alternate 1min on hard for a target like 250m etc... and then 1min rest and repeat for 10 minutes. It's also practically an injury proof exercise except for the occasional back muscle pull.
Yah, the rower is the only indoor cardio machine I can tolerate for more than a few seconds. With all the others I'm just counting the time when I can stop. And like you say, it's super easy and pretty much injury-proof, unless you don't give yourself some time to work up in intensity I suppose.

And yah, lately I've tried using the rower for warming up for the lower body lifts, instead of as a finisher.

Eventually I might try intervals like that again, up to 250m per minute, but right now a constant medium intensity seems fine and I feel like I'm getting some benefit. I guess I could trying higher intensity for the last minute.

It was only a few months ago that I got off my BP medication, so I'm still being cautious about upping the intensity. At least the lifting is starting to get easier again. Just need to get the lower body lifts proportionate in load to the upper body lifts, but I've also been cautious there, and there's no real hurry, since the only goal is consistency, knowing that the results and advances will follow.

Yah, I was thinking of doing some stairs repeats every hour or so. I think it's good to get the heart rate up from resting throughout the day. I also need to use my sit-stand desk more.

My original intent with the Metabolic Triad was to do each component at different times of the day, like early morning, noon, and late afternoon. But there's too much that can come up late afternoon, so this cycle I've more or less settled on the pattern of doing the walk after dropping off the kids at school, and then doing the lifting and conditioning before lunch. Seems to work.

I haven't really thought about protein too much. I have mixed nuts for breakfast, and some form of animal flesh for dinner, so I'm pretty sure I'm getting more than enough. I used to have a protein shake or bar right before lifting, and maybe I will again if the loads get back up there, but right now, I don't really see any need to think too much about what I eat before I lift. With the weights your lifting though, I can see the need. The main thing is to have one or two meals in me, so I often have a mid-morning snack of a granola bar and a banana.
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Wow, getting close to your PR, right?
Yeah I hit 400 once, a while back so a bit off. I missed the 375 on my recent try though so I am not sure if I will break that one ever especially if I get to the 185lb. bodyweight range. That's ok though if I can start running pain free again.

I'm feeling a ready for a down cycle, the weights are getting heavy and my lifting days are taking longer and longer. I might take the next 4 week short cycle as a easy body-building, higher reps cycle and then get back after the weight after the new years. Wonder if I should build in some periodization every three weeks or so.
Yeah I hit 400 once, a while back so a bit off. I missed the 375 on my recent try though so I am not sure if I will break that one ever especially if I get to the 185lb. bodyweight range. That's ok though if I can start running pain free again.

I'm feeling a ready for a down cycle, the weights are getting heavy and my lifting days are taking longer and longer. I might take the next 4 week short cycle as a easy body-building, higher reps cycle and then get back after the weight after the new years. Wonder if I should build in some periodization every three weeks or so.
Yah, hard to push the weights while trying to lose weight. I'm just happy that I'm starting to be able to handle baby loads again. Feeling much better these days. Those BP meds were screwing me up in many ways.

It does seem when you get closer to your age-adjusted genetic limit, you have to try more tricks to keep progressing. I've never really been there, so I can say much. Right now, I can handle a fairly straightforward approach of just pumping out the lifts three times a week.

Anyway, last day of this cycle. I will try to end it with a bang later . . .

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