Marathon: alternatives to goo and sports drinks

Back when I cycled I really liked Infinit Nutrition. I don't run far enough anymore to need anything but I would imagine that because you can customize the mix to what you need and want that it would be good for running too. Hammer products never did it for me like the Infinit Nutrition did. I was able to make it so it was very mild flavor wise and didn't act like a syrup in my mouth like other products did.
I can not run on most of those gel packs. Most of that goo is just too thick and too sweet. It ends up making my stomach upset. But what I did find (because I wanted something "natural" and I love honey) is Honey Stinger Energy packs. They tend to be less viscous and not overly sweet or bitter. So they don't upset my stomach while I'm running and I don't have to worry about choking on them while I'm trying to run. As for hydration, I find that 50/50 water/gatorade works best for me. The first marathon I ran I think that I cramped up partially because of the heat, but I also had a few gel packs and they upset my stomach so I only had a little water at the aid stations. I should've been taking in water and gatorade at EVERY station. I do that now.
I like Nuun for electrolytes because I can adjust the amount by breaking the tablet in half. Also, its easy to carry tablets in my handheld pouch on my longer runs if I run out. Also the Nuun doesn't gum up my hydration pack bladder and make it all sticky and gross inside between runs. I also like to bring a bagel with cream cheese (if its cool enough or I'm running at night) but fig bars and pb&js are my favorite race food. I used to not bring water with me on anything shorter than 8 miles but when its hot I bring a handheld.
Oh and those little packets of of Justin's Maple Almond Butter are BOMB ultra food!!! Spread it on a bagel and BAM! You're good for another 20! Ha!!
I in no way endorse the content of this link, which I found while searching for information about how marathon runners didn't use to drink during races as it was deemed "unhealthy".

The race report on the half marathon while drinking 12 beers is especially not to be done at home...
On long runs (14+) I usually carry home made goo + water as needed. The goo is a bit of salt 1.5 oz of local raw honey and 1.5 oz of black strap molasses. That is way more than I've needed on any run but it is nice to have extra. I'm becoming more convinced having something sweet is just as much a mental reward as a physical need. I tell myself make it to mile 10 and you get a delicious treat. That as much as the energy boost after the goo kicks in.

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