Kim from Tennessee


Sep 17, 2010
Hi everyone...

I'm very new to all of this...and to kinda get an idea of how I got "here"...I just posted a video on my FB page. Ask to be my friend and scroll down till you see it. It's way easier for me to talk than to type it all here...(my name is Kim Reed Fiske on FB...and I would love more BFR friends. You can help comment on my posts about what I'm doing when the naysayers make their little ignorant comments!)

I'm glad to finally find real people who do this. I've read soooo much on websites and books in the past month, but it works best for me to ask my quesitons..

My big question is...I've been using VFF's for a couple of weeks...and really enjoyed them. But this week I've gone totally barefoot. I built up from 1 mile and was even able to do 3 miles the past couple of days BF. This surprised me...and although I've been a little tight (and a little sore in the achilles area) I've been ok.

Am I ok hanging around 3 miles everyday? should I have rest days? how many days a week do you recommend running? Do you do the eliptical or cycling on the other days for cardio?

I read your suggested build up recommendations...and I totally screwed that up...but I am at 3 miles now and seem to be ok...would you still suggest I cut way back just in case? (please don't say to do that...please please please)

There ya go...thanks for all your wealth of info here. I appreciate it


remember to ask to be my FB friend if you want...
Welcome! If you're can do

Welcome! If you're can do three miles now and you're completely recovered in a day or two after a run you should be fine. The way we did our guidelines for transitioning was more of a safe minimum, kind of "do this and you won't get hurt". If you do more you need to pay more attention to what your body is telling you. If something hurts, stop and try again the next day. It's really that simple. Having the discipline to stop and cut back is the most important skill you can have as a beginner.
If you can do it without

If you can do it without pain, sure, stick too it. If you try any longer or faster runs than your used to I would probably take a day off afterwards just in case. But mileage isn't really important when you're beginning, just focus on your form, and if your form starts getting sloppy, or if your feet start to hurt, then its about time to head in. Don't assume that any pain is "Normal", because even if your body is just getting used to the new way of running you can still get injured if you push it. Also, remember that when you do feel pain it isn't just telling you to take a day off, but also that you need to change something so that it doesn't hurt anymore. If you aren't feeling any pain right now then I guess just make sure that your feet don't slap when you run, they really should be nearly totally silent, which takes work, but it can give you some good progress with your form.
Welcome!  It's a case of

Welcome! It's a case of listening to your body. Pay attention to all the cues and clues you are getting while you are actually running as well as after you have completed a run. Some injuries don't show up right away and can take 1 or 2 days to appear. If you are getting signs at any time that you should cut back, then do so, immediately. If you listen and take heed, you will be alright. Now that you are at 3 miles (that quickly), don't try to increase that for a while, like 2 - 4 weeks. Then increase slowly; following the 10% rule would be a good place to start.
YAY!!! This is exactlly what

YAY!!! This is exactlly what I need to know...from real people doing it.

Today I rode my bike to the gym...and did 2 miles on the eliptical. What is your opinion about doing the eliptical? It feels similar in form to the "bicycle" motion we are supposed to use when BFR...right? I found myself focusing on lifting my legs...and then of course, we aren't moving our there was no calf/achilles TOF tension at all.

I will stay at 3 miles....every other day or so...for a while.

Also...this last run...I had just started to feel the tips of the fourth toe (by the little toe) a small hot spot.

What would this mean? Normal? Running incorrectly?

Thanks again!

You may be scraping your toes

You may be scraping your toes as you go to lift off or set down. I do this all the time because I have such extremely long toes! It's not a problem for me, since I have developed thickened skin there that protects me from blistering. It may be the case for you as well.

As far as the elliptical goes (or the dreadmill for that matter), I can't speak objectively about them since I hate them. I prefer to run outdoors at all times, even through the winter. If I had to run on an indoor track, that would be better than a machine but still drive me nuts.
Welcome to the group, Kim. 

Welcome to the group, Kim. My wife is from Goodlettsville, and we went to school at Belmont. You live in a great place for running there in Franklin. You might also see if you can connect with Chad who has listed his location as "NW Tennessee." He is planning to run the Country Music Marathon, so he might be fairly close to Nashville also, although possibly closer to Fort Campbell, as he's a soldier.
Thanks Phil...I didn't see

Thanks Phil...

I didn't see your post till now. Do I need to keep checking back here? or is there a way I can get notifications in my email someone has responded to my post?

I just posted something separate about TOFP on the main forum. Do you have any info about that?

Thanks again for the comments!

Kim:Barefoot TJ is a great


Barefoot TJ is a great resource for directing you toward finding whatever you are looking for. I believe you can get notifications via email, but I don't know how to set that up. TJ can probably point you in the right direction. Ditto with the TOFP question. There are a bunch of TOFP posts in the "Health, Nutrition, Injuries and Medical Conditions" forum already, and you'll probably get more from your own posting on the issue. This forum is filled with lots of thoroughly experienced folks who are very willing to share from their experience. As I filter through all the different perspectives that get presented here, I've found that I tend to get a gradually coalescing coherent picture of an answer to my question pieced together from all the different viewpoints. Of course, there are sometimes some wacky outliers, but who among us isn't a little wacky now and then, especially around something we're passionate about. I hope you have as helpful an experience as mine has been.

Notifications are tricky when

Notifications are tricky when it comes to following threads. You will need to go to the Edit tab under your profile page and select Messaging and Notifications Settings, then check the Autosubscribe box, which will allow you to automatically subscribe to any thread you create or post a comment to. The thing is, once you've done that and you don't want to receive notifications on a thread or post that you contribute to, you will have to check the Do not send notifications for this update box under the Notifications option at the bottom of each of those threads or posts you don't want to be notified of changes to.

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