just starting out bf

Fancy Free

May 9, 2011

I've been running in vff successfully for 3 months. I switched to them after recovering from an injury and 4 mo of no running, so it was easy to transistion slowly...slowly was all I could do. I'm still not back to my top shape (which isn't that good anyways) but moving forward. So I think my form would improve if I ran barefoot. Started walking around yesterday bf. But it's cold here, there are no sidewalks (santa cruz CA mountains - redwood forest) Also started running in place bf in the house. I'm thinking I will gradually increase bf time while still running in my vff. Whatda-y'all think?

I just joined the bfs yesterday...so good to talk to folks, read your experiences
Can you drive anywhere where

Can you drive anywhere where there are some asphalt or concrete paths or walkways? If so, it's best to first learn to run barefoot by actually running barefoot, then only use the shoes when you need them. Good luck, and let us know how you progress, and welcome!
Hi Fancy Free! Nice to meet

Hi Fancy Free! Nice to meet you! I agree with TJ. I learned my lesson that its best to start barefoot if you can. What about putting on a nice warm pair of wool socks for running around outside? The Santa Cruz Mtns would be such a great place to run!! I'm so jealous! You can always give it a shot. It'll keep your feet warm enough and give you a chance to understand your form better.
Hi there,You might want to

Hi there,

You might want to try doing plenty of calf stregthening exercises too as your calves are going to have to transform themselves to run barefoot, in fact your whole lower legs have to undergo a transformation, you can speed it along by doing eccentric calf dips. I did plenty of balancing exercises too, a medicine ball is good to try, the heavier they are the harder to balance on.


Thank you all, for the feed

Thank you all, for the feed back. When I switched to the vff I started slow, sore calves and ankles, now I can run a couple hours in them and be fine. But I'm thinking it's not quite right....but I'm still not sure about bf. Here's me whining, the ground hurts, and I don't want to run on asphalt....dedicated trail runner. So I'm thinking this summer to slowly add bf running, using school tracks, while I continue the vff on trails. I definitely don't heal strike anymore. After 4 months recovery and 3 months of transistioning to the vibrams - I want to run this summer.

I'n thinking about getting huraches, any thoughts on huraches vs vff?
I ran trails (very rocky and

I ran trails (very rocky and rooty) a couple days ago in my huaraches. They were 4mm in thickness and did rather well. You could try those or get one of the VFF trail versions or some other minimalist variety. I've also run trails barefoot, did 6 or 7 miles with the BRS Georgia Chapter on IBRD and had a blast. Again, the ground was every flavor you can imagine. Loved it tremendously!
very encouraging - my goal is

very encouraging - my goal is to be bfr by end of summer - starting slow and building. It's hard to belief the trail running barefoot is possible, but I know this, if I don't try it won't happen - so I might as well give it a go. thanks
Running trails barefoot is

Running trails barefoot is the best, it puts a grin on my face from ear to ear everytime I go out. The different ground types, the smell of the pine, the sounds of life happening all around you and the serenity of running the trails is unbelievable.

Your form has to be perfect or you could catch a root or slip on some moss, etc. I finished 20 mile yesterday out in the Canadian Whiteshell on the TransCanada Trail and also a good run on some single track trail that was absolutely fantastic (nothing like the feel of moss and mud between your toes). Can't wait to go back to discover some more seldomly used trails.
Hi All,So it's official -

Hi All,

So it's official - today I became a barefoot runner. Went 90 minutes on my fav trail - (usually takes about 50) I expected to peter out at about 15 mins - so I'm stoked. I feel great! Just took it slow, relaxed, stopped to enjoy the view of the river. Most of this trail is easy, packed mud, some sand, some redwood forest debris, a few spots of gravel on hardpacked dirt - that wasn't so fun to my tenderfoot...but not bad either. It was an in and out, on the way in I was aware of every pebble - on the way out, didn't even notice but did notice how good the wet mud felt. And yes, it's different then running in my VFFs. They were tucked into my belt the whole way. It's like everybody says, shorter steps, lighter, lift the feet, keep feet centered under you. It was so much easier to do all that while barefoot

I've been nursing a sore knee, buristis so the chiropactor said, do stretches and excises. So whenever my knee started to hurt or even feel stiff, I stopped and did my stretches and even some exercises, the pain would subside and I'd continue. When I was done running, I went and stood thigh deep in the river, and yes that river is cold. Heres an interesting discovery. So when barefoot I started all clenched up in anticipation of pain, remembered the musician lesson of staying relaxed, relaxed everything, and guess what - it didn't hurt. So the shoes are history for now. I'll go back to them in the future for when they're really neccesary. I also ordered a pair of invisible shoes today.

In gratitude for this site
You're so welcome, Fancy. 

You're so welcome, Fancy. Stories like your keep us thriving to help more people run pain-free. Glad you've found what works for you.
It's amazing isn't it, Zap?! 

It's amazing isn't it, Zap?! All these many, many stories of people no longer running with pain as soon as they shed their boat anchors (or shortly thereafter) are so inspiring, so promising. I'm so glad people are starting to take notice. I hate what I've gone through and still suffer with every single day from wearing the wrong kinds of shoes, so it just thrills me when I learn of yet another person who will no longer have to go through pain like some of us still do. Chills is right!

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