Josh's new member introduction thread

No but that's a great idea.

No but that's a great idea. Should I make a new forum for that?
I think so, it helps

I think so, it helps encourage new members to be a part of the discussion. Plus it gives a little history for us to reference.

Sorry about my canadian/old english usage of s for c...

I copied and pasted this from

I copied and pasted this from Oregon Roll Call. I have had a few comments deleted I think but was wondering if it was just a glitch on this apparently (?) new forum. Anyway, thanks TJ for the new members intro thread.

Hi everyone!

Wow, this is great. So stoked to meet all of you, even if only remotely (for now). I just moved to Portland after living in Tahiti for almost 20 years. Everyone do your best to hold back the 1. Why d'ya do that? and 2. You better get ready for winter.

I went to school in Nor Cal but grew up on a coral atoll going barefoot all the time. Ran X-C in highschool and know the Mt Tamalpais Watershed in Marin County as well as anyone but only ran barefoot a few times then. This was late 80's and it was all about the waffle design that came from this part of the woods.

So I've been here for a month, breaking my feet in and getting to know gorgeous Forest Park. Zeke's profile pic gives me foot envy and I look forward to getting deeper into this new adventure that has just begun for me.

I have been farming Tahitian pearls for years and am also a professional photog. Here are my sites if y'all are interested. and

Let's go running!

Thanks Sloutre (is that

Thanks Sloutre (is that French?) and Abide!
Yes, it's kind of French. I'm

Yes, it's kind of French. I'm French. It's derived from 'loutre' (prononced 'lootr' means 'otter') because in my family we like to spend time in/on/under water.
C'est rigolo ca.  Moi aussi

C'est rigolo ca. Moi aussi je suis Francais (la moitie au moins). J'aime beaucoup aussi passer du temps dans l'eau. D'ailleurs ca me manque pas mal depuis que je suis arriver! Enchanter.
ooo a French speaking

ooo a French speaking Tahitian, impressive! Welcome to the bunch Josh!
Thanks BFZ!  It's nice to "be

Thanks BFZ! It's nice to "be here."
Hey.... you'll probably be

Hey.... you'll probably be getting a flood of these from going public (not that thats a bad thing.) Anyways, I'm Danjo, but you can call me Dan, or Daniel (my real name) or whatever you feel like calling me, so long as we all know who the comment is directed at. I'm a new-ish barefoot runner, in my fourth month without shoes now, and enjoying every moment of it. I spend a lot of time on Barefoot Ken Bobs website, so any advice I have will likely come straight from there. I'm a junior in highschool, cross-country runner (though I'm taking this season off to focus on my barefooting, and so I have time for my school work), and I'm involved in pretty much everything that I can be. I look forward to getting to know some of you guys.
Welcome, Danjo!  Thanks for

Welcome, Danjo! Thanks for joining!

Most of the advice anyone gets about BFR comes from Ken Bob. He's the Senior Board Advisor and Resident Guru here as well.
Welcome Danjo!

Welcome Danjo!
Right on Dan!  I was once a

Right on Dan! I was once a Junior cross-country runner too and have such great memories of it. Hope to see you around.
Hey Joshh,Is that a Permit

Hey Joshh,

Is that a Permit or African Pompano?
Neither, it's a Giant

Neither, it's a Giant Trevally, Caranx ignobilis I believe. I shot it without a buoy on my speargun. Not exactly catch and release but lot's of fun (and good eats) either way!
I guess that just proves that

I guess that just proves that all my salt water angling's been done in the Atlantic!

Same Jack family though.

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