Jennifer Smythe


May 17, 2010
Kulmbach, Germany
Hey there,

just wondering if anyone else has her friended at FB. If you do, you'll understand. If not... well, you won't, but you can look for posts from her on my wall and then you'll see.

Is she active in any running forums? Is she one of you? TJ? I don't 'like' or reply to her posts at FB because I don't feel like having to 'splain to my wife.... :oops:

PS: just kidding TJ :D
If she's the one that comes up on Google, she looks a bit..manly?
I don't know if she's one of my "friends" on Facebook, as I have SOOOO many "friends," ahem, ahem. But I can assure you, if she's hot, she ain't me. Now, back in the day...
Is she the one with the facebook profile pic of mostly her bazoongas?
Is she the one with the facebook profile pic of mostly her bazoongas?

lol, no, her av is an artistic B&W nude on a rock, kinda classy, in fact. See if it'll link here...


That's what the bulk of her posts are like. Aesthetic pics of herself and other women, holding back just enough detail to get past the FB censors. She's actually a very interesting person, lot's of fun and a great attitude. I can't remember when I friended her but I'm sue it was through some "friends of friends" thing....
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I just had to unfriend her the other day. Nothing personal. I'm sure she's nice. It's just not my thing to see naked women popping up on my FB page.
I just had to unfriend her the other day. Nothing personal. I'm sure she's nice. It's just not my thing to see naked women popping up on my FB page.

<sigh> SO close-minded! :D

Though to be fair, that could lead to some embarassing situations if you've also friended your Pastor or various other family members...
I just had to unfriend her the other day. Nothing personal. I'm sure she's nice. It's just not my thing to see naked women popping up on my FB page.

Unless the ONLY thing she sets as public are the naked pictures, I don't think she has much else to say other than "Hey look! I'm naked again!" C'mon, how about a LOLcat?
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Now, if she had a LOL cat, I would let her stay my friend. :)

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